The talk about Higgs boson as a manipulator has a long way to end, and in this post my will is to write about Higgs boson manipulation to the water molecule on planet earth. The water molecule is one of the first prefered tools used by Higgs boson to applicate it's system of preference of decay to planet earth mass, and by the inflation of the water molecule the target of bringing energies to their lower energy form make it achievable, and that's why we are seeing the water molecule effects to so many countries at headlines news almost every day.
The increase if the water molecule on planet earth didn't come from nothing, but this increase is well managed and its following planned steps which are built on the soustraction formula of (-1,+1). The most of the decayed chemicals are set to form hydrogen and oxygen to support the increase of the water molecule. There is also the widening in planet earth atmosphere through particles inflation to create more space were the water molecule widen it's movement and increase it's accumulation inorder to be conserved longer, longer and longer as clouds stock.
Clouds supercells are a preferred tool used and built by Higgs magnetism inorder to decay masses on land, and these clouds supercells are becoming numerous because of the water molecule attachment to Higgs boson magnetism inorder to gather a huge amount of water and create a serious force of destruction. Clouds supercells are created due to particles rotations and speed in the atmosphere; and this movement of particles is well designed to form a perfect shape to allow the water molecule to form in a huge supercells of clouds to produce a water falls in the sky similarly to the one occuring right now in the Middle East "Turkey, Syria and Lebanon".
I must say that permafrost is also one of the manipulated tools used by Higgs boson magnetism to increase the water molecule in it's liquid state by two sides; the first side is by melting the existing ice especially in Northern countries, and the second side is through the release of methane to make the hydrogen atom more available to form the water molecule.
I will come back with more scenes of Higgs boson manipulation to the water molecule because these scenes are so numerous.
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