Within this post, I would like to write about Higgs boson magnetism intensification, and which it's influence has become so apparent in many changes of behaviour of natural phenomena on planet Earth. In reality, the occuring change in natural phenomena behaviour has taken headlines daily news, and by exposing three of these changes, this post will be completed.
I think that the domination of high pressure in the subtropical ridges is becoming weaker, weaker and weaker; and the eastern winds are changing direction to become western winds, and this is because of Higgs boson magnetic waves which are pulling these winds in the opposite direction. I think that the picture bellow is showing the reality of the change of the streams in the atmosphere, and this change could be explained only and only with the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism.
The second change in natural phenomena due to Higgs boson magnetism intensification is the heavy rain, which is making headlines in the news. Heavy rain in the big Sahara, in South east USA, in South East Asia an in the Mediterranean countries, is a pur product of clouds diversion by Higgs boson magnetism. Clouds accumulate in new areas are made because their direction has changed because of the pulled particles by Higgs boson magnetism towards North East in the Northern Hemisphere, and this is what makes heavy rain a new phenomenon with big influence on so many countries around the world.
The last change in natural phenomena behaviour and which explains Higgs boson magnetism intensification is volcanoes eruption. I have to say that there is no expectation of less eruption to volcanoes in the future, simply because Higgs boson magnetism intensification is at constant increase due to the increase in natural interactions; therefore magma increase will be more dominant to increase volcanoes eruption. I think that Higgs boson system of preference to increase sulfure in planet Earth atmosphere is a high priority in order to lock the carbon atom inside dead forests.
To end this post I must remind you that Higgs boson magnetism is acquiring more power of pulling to plane earth particles until when there will be no planet Earth.