My intention to add this post is to raise awareness about Higgs boson magnetism influence on planet Earth, and this influence could be seen in the following phenomena.
The increase of the amount of water on planet Earth is making floods around the world daily news; and this increase of the water molecule will be higher, higher and higher, and humanity should prepare for the worse to come. The preparation for the increase of the water molecule should be made through a new management of the planification of he building of new towns in higher grounds and also the avoiding of the building of these towns on lower grounds. I think that the use of new materials in this building should be looked at and considered.
Coasts erosion is at an unprecedented increase, and this is due to higher seas and higher oceans. I think that seas and oceas are becoming higher because of Higgs boson magnetism pull to their water particles to attach with the atmosphere's particles. And also the seas and the oceans are becoming higher because of the constant increase of their water due to ice melting and also due to Higgs boson system of preference to increase the water molecule in order to decay bigger masses. I think that future buildings should avoid close areas to seas and oceans.
One of the most challenging phenomena to humanity is the increase of the sun's heat. The sun"s heat is becoming sharper and sharper, and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism system of preference to raise particles inflation in planet Earth atmosphere; and this is what makes the sun's rays penetrating to earth easier to make it's heat higher, higher and higher in the future. I think that humanity should be aware of the used materials in new buildings because of the accidental fires, and roads and streets melting.
Another challenging phenomenon, which is earthquakes and humanity should be aware of their dramatic increase because of Higgs boson magnetism pull to planet Earth particles inorder to intensify, and this challenge could be faced by the use of new materials of building and the use of antiseismic architecture, also the use of new sophiscated alarms of earthquakes.
A last challenging phenomenon to human beings due to Higgs boson magnetism intensification is the constant increase of volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes eruptions are increasing because of the increase of particles and chemicals interaction inside earth to allow magma increase dramatically. I think that volcanoes' eruptions will dominate the news because these eruptions will be higher, higher and higher, and that's why humanity should avoid building towns closer to volcanoes.
I think that humanity should be aware of the intensifying Higgs boson magnetism and prepare for the future because I am seeing that so many lands will disappear and the management of land sharing around the world has to be a subject of higher priority.
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