Saturday, 18 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (05)

 Bear with me; I am willing to write about Higgs boson oscillation to particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) because the whole idea of discovery to Higgs boson is about this oscillation. Years ago; I managed to detect, to notice and to discover that once Higgs boson is put under conditions of exitment; this situation of experiment on Higgs boson leads to the exitment of all phenomena which are surrounding it; and this is by the change in their behaviour. Some of these phenomena are the change of clouds direction in the atmosphere, the change in winds speed and direction, and also the building of high depressions and also low pressures.

I think that the observation of the cited natural phenomena above is easy and doesn't need sofiscated means of technology, and what I want to say is that by linking the exitment of Higgs boson, it's oscillation, and the change in the behaviour of the observed phenomena is an achieved image of discovery. I think that the people whom are hunting Higgs boson should accept this image of discovery, and also look at it deeply in reality, and also should assist it and repeat the same experiment; and this experiment was put into practice 2011 at it's first time. I also remind you about my practice to this experiment which was deeply observed thounsands of times from this date up to now.

Higgs boson swallow to molecules, chemicals, atoms and particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is the main point to understand, because during this swallow; the decay of particles occurs to emmit energies in the form of alpha particles, protons, electrons, gamma rays, muons, beta particles, and quarks...etc, and this is what makes it's surroundings behaviour change accordingly to the wanted magnitude of oscillation and also depending on the level of exitment.

I think that the management of the magnitude of oscillation to particles by Higgs boson inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is a pur acquired knowledge which took me very long time to conclude, and a good example to understand the relation of the magnitude of exitment to Higgs boson and it's level of oscillation, and the level of change of the behaviour of it's surroundings could be understood in the needed amount of rain in any area in the world. And this means for example that California is in need for (400) mm of rain during the next (5) weeks; all we need is (80) sets of Bose Einstein Condensate systems (BECs) built on energy (4) inside (100) ml of water and (8) gm of sugar. Once these sets are built in California our target of the needed amout of rain will be achieved; and this is through the building of low pressures capable of accumulating enough clouds to produce this amount of rain.

I have to say that the creation of low pressures is a new knowledge which I learnt during 15 years of researches, and which should be applied right now to solve the problem of short rain in California.

To end this post; I must say that someone on planet Earth should agree or disagree with me and not just to keep silent.

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