I am willing to say something about the actual experiment on Higgs Boson, which has been switched on since September 2024; this experiment is built on few thousands of Rugosa corals, eight litres of water and two kilos of sugar. The aim of the actual experiment is to produce 40 centimetres of diameter of diamond with up to three or four centimetres thick. I think that within 24 months, the aim of this experiment will be achieved.
The idea behind the running experiment on Higgs boson is to prove that Higgs boson is capable of changing all the existing molecules, chemicals, atoms, and particles to their lower energy, then rebuilding them into carbon atom then to diamond molecule in it's perfect shape, and coming up with a unique block of diamond.
I have to remind you that the actual experiment has few consequences on many natural phenomena; such as the building of a persistent high depression in Western Europe. This depression is very efficient to change the jet Stream direction by moving it further south to become with long sinoisidal wave shape. This long shape of the jet syream makes clouds accumulate in higher amounts in the sub tropical areas; and that's why we are seeing more rain and snow in the Mediterranean countries, the big Sahara, Middle East also in Central America.
The building of the persisting high depressions in western Europe is able to change all the weather patterns around the world, and that's why we are seeing warm air masses travel further north up to the north pole to make polar vortex breaking easily. Also, we are seeing cold air masses travel to the Balkan countries, to southern China, and also to further south the USA.
The actual experiment on Higgs boson is making huge agitations to molecules. Chemicals and particles to build more heat in the bottom of Earth and increase magma activity; and that's why we are seeing more erupted volcanoes.
I think that the increase of the speed rotations of particles in the atmosphere could be seen in the southern hemisphere of planet Earth through the increase of low pressures power of pulling and becoming lower, lower and lower to make storms bigger and stronger.
To end this post, I must say that my talk is based on real facts and not on imagination, and that's why I am hoping to bring clever minds on board to participate in this talk.
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