Friday, 31 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (14)

 Today's post is about my discovery to Higgs boson, and I think that this discovery should be known by everyone in the world; simply because Higgs boson is affecting humans beings' lives at this moment. My discovery to Higgs boson is very unusual because it was made by a person who has a very basic knowledge of particle physics and also a little knowledge of science.

My notice to Rugosa corals behaviour inside a glass of water when they were collected for the first time in a seashore was based on a true vision, and from this time, my interest was increased until when I succeeded in linking their reaction to clouds movement, and also their transformation to the mixed liquid into solid state of matter.

My discovery to Higgs boson was based on real facts such as wind speed, snow in the big Sahara, Californian wildfires, landslides in China, and unprecedented strong storms in the UK. All these facts have direct links to Higgs boson magnetism existence on planet Earth and in our universe. 

The oscillation of particles inside so many different containers was observed and followed thounsands of times to conclude that Higgs boson existence inside these containers was true, and also it's participation in the increased level of inflation of particles in the atmosphere. When I looked at thounsands of natural phenomena and their change in behaviour during the last fiveteen years; I knew that the happening oscillation made by Rugosa corals is the work of an extraordinary particle called Higgs boson.

My arguments, challenges, and alibis were huge in order to bring just one person on board to join me and say just one word about my effort in proving Rugosa corals holding to Higgs boson, but unfortunately up-to-date the silence on my discovery to Higgs boson is still winning. This silence is the cause of so many degradations in human beings' life.

The main point to talk about is time collaps that had occurred four years ago, and coronavirus is still proving the collapse of time; and this means that planet Earth has entered a space where time particles are made from the past, and my proof of this travel of planet Earth into the past is the existence of cracks almost everywhere. Maybe you are seeing these cracks right now in your house, in your building, in your street, in land and even on the moon.

My discovery to Higgs boson is true, and being silent on this discovery is not a good option because it’s consequences are already dominating human beings life, and this domination sadly has no solution.

To end this post, I have to tell you that you will recognize me as Higgs boson discoverer sooner or later, and Rugosa corals will have triumph.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (13)

 My discovery to Higgs boson was an accidental discovery proven right. Years ago; I was putting numbers of Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders) inside bottles, jars, and aquariums, and then adding sweet water.  In my mind, I was thinking about their reaction, which was very exciting to observe. I was interested in the occurring change in the colour of water and the accumulated bubbles on the top of the surface of the containers. I was so fascinated by the reactions that I was observing.

In this post, I would like to talk about three of my experiments on Higgs boson, which I found very interesting to talk about in order to attract interested scientists to repeat the following experiments, and to conclude importants results.

One of my best results of experiments on Higgs boson is to accumulate the carbon atom in it's diamond shape; diamond  molecule is possible to produce within (24) months, and the produced amount could be so huge, I think that there is no need to describe the participated chemicals and atoms in this experiment, but you can see it's result in the picture below. I think that  the showed shape of diamond could never be achieved without the achievement of an experiment in absolute zero conditions.

Another fascinating experiment that is of interest to talk about is called Higgs boson aquarium. I had the idea of adding a few Rugosa corals inside an aquarium  with a golden fish, I realised that the water inside it became cleaner, cleaner, and cleaner, and I realised that this water is scientifically called superfluid, and it could be used as a perfect fertiliser to boost plants growth in an inemagineble manner. I also think that Higgs Boson Aquarium could be used as a source of huge information to researchers in biology, chemistry, microbiology, particle physics, and also many other sciences.

Another experiment on Higgs boson and which I would like to share with you, is the condensation of different particles on the top of the surface of the used water in the experiment, and such condensation is; majorana fermions, electrons, so many different hadrons and also  any wanted chemical such as sulfure, plutonium, gold, barium, rare kind of hydrogen and heliums. I think that the system of condensation, which I am talking about, is a revolutionary system because it is called True Bose Einstein Condensate system (Becs).

I would like to end this post with an open invitation to the interested people to repeat my experiments in order to boost their scientific researches and take the system that I talked about to the next level.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (12)

 After all; I have to say something about the new weather conditions which are making so many people asking questions, and some of these conditions are; higher amounts of rain, higher wind speed and higher snow accumulation. By this post I am willing to explain the real causes of the cited new conditions in the weather around the world.

The amounts of the accumulated water due to heavy rain around the world is a new phenomenon, and it's explanation has to be linked to Higgs boson magnetism intensification because this last is making the water molecule in the atmosphere diverted from an area to another in higher speed and in higher amount, and also building it vertically because of it's pull to particles; and this is what  makes records of rain in short time to cause unprecedented flooding.

I also have to say that the source of the higher speed of winds is the higher amount of subatomic particles rotations in higher speed in the atmosphere. And these subatomic particles come from Higgs Boson's experiment to increase inflation, and this is what makes high depressions higher and more efficient to rotate in higher speed to make winds with new breaking records in low pressures. 

One of Higgs boson magnetism system of preference is to mix cold air masses with hot air masses, and the aim of this mixing of masses is obvious and which is the decay of bigger masses, and this mixture of air masses is leading to higher amounts of snow.

I am sure that you are seeing air masses from the north pole travelling further south the northern Hemisphere and hot air masses from the tropics travelling further north towards the north pole. 

I think that my talk today is reflecting truth and reality, and it has good answers to the change of conditions in the weather around the world.

Friday, 24 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (11)

 Let's add something beneficial to humanity about Higgs boson management to clouds movement around the world. I think that the idea of clouds sharing between areas around the world is a good idea. Today's idea which I am interested to talk about comes as a solution to the catastrophes of floods and also the catastrophes of droughts which are leading to wildfires. The proposed idea has to be developed and applicated in reality sooner is better, and especially in areas where the excessive water molecule is causing so many damages to infrastructure, and also on areas where wildfires are becoming a real challenge to humanity and provoking unprecedented losses in materials and in humans lives.

I am finding issues with people with influential decisions to take the idea of clouds sharing around the world to the next level and putting it into practice to help humanity avoid the worse to come concerning floods and wildfires. By this post, I would like to share further explanation to this idea of cloud management around the world.

The idea of sharing clouds between countries is a fantastic idea, and which could be put into practice to the benefit of humanity, especially to those whom are already suffering from floods and wildfires, because the prevention of these catastrophes to occur could be achieved. The idea of prevention to catastrophes had been built during the last (15) years of research, and its  build on Higgs boson discovery and the discovery of a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs).

Simple as that; to manage clouds direction and clouds accumulation around the world, a few thousands of Rugosa Corals are used inside fortified water built-in areas expecting excessive rain or in areas in need to rain, then the adjustment of the needed amount of rain is possible through the number of Rugosa Corals and the number of sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs). It is also important to have someone to switch off or to switch on these sets to achieve the wanted target of the amount of cloud passing on the concerned area. 

By this talk, I am warning humanity about the worse to come; and I mean by this, that floods and wildfires of the 21st century are unpredictable and they are causal to inemagineble damages, and technologies of this century are uncappable of stopping these damages. On the other hand, the little man is offering a perfect solution to avoid future losses with the cost of pennies. 

So please, can you tell me what is stopping you for going ahead with the proposed solution to your problems.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (10)

 Rare events on planet Earth are accumulating, and human beings are missing the point of the causes of these events, and this point is Higgs boson discovery. Let me say that the actual experiment on Higgs boson is making it's last world to the occurring change in natural phenomena a reality. Never mind. I would like to show three changes in natural phenomena, which are under a direct influence by Higgs boson Experiment.

I think that one of the natural phenomena which is showing a new behaviour is the jet stream direction. The shape of the jetstream is a good revealer to whats going on in the atmosphere, and during the last few months, the jetstream is taking a direction further south then further north, and this means that colder masses are visiting further southern areas in the northern Hemisphere, and warm air masses are travelling further northern the Hemisphere. And please, please, and please don't tell me that this shape of the jetstream is taking place because of CO2 emission.

I think that the creation of high depressions in the Atlantic are making the all change in the jetstream  direction all around the world, and this creation is simply a result from Higgs boson experiment which is forwarding particles to increase the level of inflation in the atmosphere.

I would like to add another phenomenon which is showing it's change on planet Earth and which is wind speed. The speed of wind is registering new records in most countries around the world. I think that wind is intensifying because of the energetized atmosphere;  and this is due to the rotation of particles such as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. I think that humanity will face serious challenges of the higher speed of wind in the near future.

A third phenomenon which showing it's change on planet Earth at a moment is higher humidity. I think that most countries around the world are assisting unprecedented high humidity records, and this is because of the warmer weather due to particles movement in the atmosphere, such as alpha acrobats, which are good reflectors to the sun's rays to make the abundant water molecule  evaporating quickly and in huge amounts. I have to say that Higgs boson magnetism is encouraging particles to interact and produce extra heat to evaporate the water molecule. 

To finish this post; I think that the world scientific communities have to think twice about the theory of CO2 emmision as the main cause to the occurred change in natural phenomena on planet Earth because CO2 emission  hasn't got enough power to make this change in natural phenomena possible.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (09)

 My writings about Higgs boson is at continuation just because these writings are about the theory of everything, and this theory has no sense without Higgs boson as the most important particle of all particles. I am willing to talk about a tinny piece of the theory of everything where Higgs boson plays the role of insurrection. Otherwise, my fight of recognition to my discovery to Higgs boson will be lost.

My explanation to the Division of Neurotical Submission (DNS) is the key to understanding how particles are decayed inside Higgs boson to come up with emitted particles inorder to increase inflation outside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs; and this inflation is well managed to make natural phenomena behaviour as wished.

The rule of particle antiparticle in particle physics is a golden rule to understand how Higgs boson is able to decay any particle without loosing it's energy. I think that during the decay of any particle inside Higgs boson; the antiparticle interaction with a phonon is true to result to a particle; and this last in the building of Higgs boson magnetism, otherwise this last has no  other option to fortify and acquire further energy to become stronger puller.

I tell you something magical that explains the number of silicon cables to manipulate any particle; and this number is (28), just because the rule of particle, antiparticle, magnetism, and correlation; these blocks have (7) cables of silicon, and that's why the proposed Division Neurotical Submission (DNS) is closer to rightness than fakeness.

All this explains how it could be possible to fortify Higgs boson magnetism because of the (-1) in the Soustraction formula, and it has to come up with the (+1) in the other side, and this (+1) is a participant in the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism, and by this Higgs boson magnetism intensification influence on natural phenomena is true.

To end this post, I would like to remind you about my observation to the change in the actual behaviour of natural phenomena is based on the number of Rugosa Coral ( Higgs boson holders) inside the number of sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs).

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (08)

 My intention to add this post is to raise awareness about Higgs boson magnetism influence on planet Earth, and this influence could be seen in the following phenomena. 

The increase of the amount of water on planet Earth is making floods around the world daily news; and this increase of the water molecule will be higher, higher and higher, and humanity should prepare for the worse to come. The preparation for the increase of the water molecule should be made through a new management of the planification of he building of new towns in higher grounds and also the avoiding of the building of these towns on lower grounds. I think that the use of new materials in this building should be looked at and considered. 

Coasts erosion is at an unprecedented increase, and this is due to higher seas and higher oceans. I think that seas and oceas are becoming higher because of Higgs boson magnetism pull to their water particles to attach with the atmosphere's particles. And also the seas and the oceans are becoming higher because of the constant increase of their water due to ice melting and also due to Higgs boson system of preference to increase the water molecule in order to decay bigger masses. I think that future buildings should avoid close areas to seas and oceans.

One of the most challenging phenomena to humanity is the increase of the sun's heat. The sun"s heat is becoming sharper and sharper, and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism system of preference to raise particles inflation in planet Earth atmosphere; and this is what makes the sun's rays penetrating to earth easier to make it's heat higher, higher and higher in the future. I think that humanity should be aware of the used materials in new buildings because of the accidental fires, and roads and streets melting.

Another challenging phenomenon, which is earthquakes and humanity should be aware of their dramatic increase because of Higgs boson magnetism pull to planet Earth particles inorder to intensify, and this challenge could be faced by the use of new materials of building and the use of antiseismic architecture, also the use of new sophiscated alarms of earthquakes.

A last challenging phenomenon to human beings due to Higgs boson magnetism intensification is the constant increase of volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes eruptions are increasing because of the increase of particles and chemicals interaction inside earth to allow magma increase dramatically. I think that volcanoes' eruptions will dominate the news because these eruptions will be higher, higher and higher, and that's why humanity should avoid building towns closer to volcanoes. 

I think that humanity should be aware of the intensifying Higgs boson magnetism and prepare for the future because I am seeing that so many lands will disappear and the management of land sharing around the world  has to be a subject of higher priority. 

Monday, 20 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (07)

 My understanding to Higgs boson magnetism allowed me to add these lines to explain the blooming of flowers, roses and blossoms' trees and plants. The 21st century is a different century because trees and plants are showing an unpresentend growth of flowers and blossoms; and the picture of flowers and blossoms is so beautiful; and this is because of Higgs boson generosity to make fruits and vegetables abundant  around the world for the time being. I think that by showing five ideas of growth of flowers and blossoms, the aim of this post will be achieved. 

First of all, flowers and blossoms are growing to their extreme because of Higgs boson experiment, and this experiment is making planet earth inside an increasing inflation day after day, and this inflation is due to the increasing oscillation of particles inside Higgs boson experiment; and by this Higgs boson magnetism allows so many particles, atoms and chemicals to decay further and further. I think that within these conditions of inflation on planet Earth, flowers and blossoms are able to grow numerously because of the wider space which is surrounding them.

The second fact whoch is making flowers and blossoms growth at huge increase is the abundance of the water molecule in the atmosphere; the water molecule has it's last word to be dominant on planet Earth because its the preferred molecule inside Higgs boson magnetic field to decay masses and allow flowers and blossoms to grow hugely.

I also have to say that flowers and blossoms are extremely growing in number and shape because of the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere in the time being. Flowers and blossoms are in higher interaction with the carbon atom; and this is what will make this last extinct, similarly to what had happened during the Carboniferous era. I think that the end of the carbon atom on planet Earth has to pass through it's highest point first before it starts it's diminution and to become extinct. 

Another idea explaining the extreme growth of flowers and blossoms is soil decomposition; the decay of soil is allowing plants and trees to grow bigger, larger, and with plenty of flowers and blossoms because they have the ability to absorb further minerals because of this decay to soil. I think that the decay of soil is one of the most important causes to make flowers and blossoms growth to the extreme.

A last idea, which shows the dramatic growth of flowers and blossoms, is higher temperature on planet Earth. I think that the combination of abundant water molecule and higher temperature makes humidity one of the most dominant phenomenon on planet Earth to make plants and trees growing important quantities of flowers and blossoms.

Just a small notice to end this post; the higher number of flowers and blossoms is a good reflection to the higher intensification of Higgs boson magnetic field on planet Earth.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (06)

 I hope that my words are heard, and also hope that these words are understood. Today's post is about few examples of the soustraction formula of (-1,+1) which is making the change on planet Earth faster, faster and faster.

A good example of soustraction formula and which reflecting the trueness of this formula appearing in the growth of trees' leaves. Trees' leaves are growing bigger in size, they look also so healthy and numerous. I think that the picture of trees" leaves is showing how far is the system of  Higgs boson preference of eradicating the carbon atom from planet Earth. The (-1) of carbon atom from planet Earth atmosphere is added to trees' leaves and this is what represent (+1) carbon atom in the other side of soustraction formula. I think that the growth of trees' leaves is a good reflector to Higgs boson magnetism intensification which has a target to break the carbon atom once it becomes in it's solid state in dead leaves. The process of interaction of the carbon atom is chosen by Higgs boson system of preference because of the shape of this atom; this shape is represented in the number of electrons and Chichester is easy to break to make other preferred atoms to build; and these atoms are oxygen and hydrogen; and these two atoms are preferred to dominate the atmosphere.

Another example of soustraction formula in reality is represented in the abundance of the water molecule on planet Earth. The water molecule has an important role to accelerate the process of Higgs boson magnetism to decay big masses, and thats why subatomic particles are supported to be freed from so many atoms to participate in the building of oxygen and hydrogen to make the water molecule supported to form in higher quantities. And also the freeing of oxygen and hydrogen from so many molecules such as CH4, CO2, H4O2, H3O2 and H10O4, and the list is so long of decayed molecules by Higgs boson magnetism intensification. So the (-1) molecule (+1) water molecule is a reality which is proving the abundance of water on planet Earth.

Another example of soustration formula on planet Earth is represented in the deduction of quarks from planet Earth to be added to Higgs boson magnetism to increase inflation in our universe. I think that quarks are important in the process of the inflation of our universe to make it wider until achieving the size of universe (5), inorder to empty itself during it's travel back to the past. I think that (-1) quark from planet Earth soil is added as (+1) quark to Higgs boson magnetism; this process of quarks soustraction could be seen in the higher number of sinkholes.

Thank you for your reading to this blog.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (05)

 Bear with me; I am willing to write about Higgs boson oscillation to particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) because the whole idea of discovery to Higgs boson is about this oscillation. Years ago; I managed to detect, to notice and to discover that once Higgs boson is put under conditions of exitment; this situation of experiment on Higgs boson leads to the exitment of all phenomena which are surrounding it; and this is by the change in their behaviour. Some of these phenomena are the change of clouds direction in the atmosphere, the change in winds speed and direction, and also the building of high depressions and also low pressures.

I think that the observation of the cited natural phenomena above is easy and doesn't need sofiscated means of technology, and what I want to say is that by linking the exitment of Higgs boson, it's oscillation, and the change in the behaviour of the observed phenomena is an achieved image of discovery. I think that the people whom are hunting Higgs boson should accept this image of discovery, and also look at it deeply in reality, and also should assist it and repeat the same experiment; and this experiment was put into practice 2011 at it's first time. I also remind you about my practice to this experiment which was deeply observed thounsands of times from this date up to now.

Higgs boson swallow to molecules, chemicals, atoms and particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is the main point to understand, because during this swallow; the decay of particles occurs to emmit energies in the form of alpha particles, protons, electrons, gamma rays, muons, beta particles, and quarks...etc, and this is what makes it's surroundings behaviour change accordingly to the wanted magnitude of oscillation and also depending on the level of exitment.

I think that the management of the magnitude of oscillation to particles by Higgs boson inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is a pur acquired knowledge which took me very long time to conclude, and a good example to understand the relation of the magnitude of exitment to Higgs boson and it's level of oscillation, and the level of change of the behaviour of it's surroundings could be understood in the needed amount of rain in any area in the world. And this means for example that California is in need for (400) mm of rain during the next (5) weeks; all we need is (80) sets of Bose Einstein Condensate systems (BECs) built on energy (4) inside (100) ml of water and (8) gm of sugar. Once these sets are built in California our target of the needed amout of rain will be achieved; and this is through the building of low pressures capable of accumulating enough clouds to produce this amount of rain.

I have to say that the creation of low pressures is a new knowledge which I learnt during 15 years of researches, and which should be applied right now to solve the problem of short rain in California.

To end this post; I must say that someone on planet Earth should agree or disagree with me and not just to keep silent.

Friday, 17 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (04)

 My talk about Higgs boson has to be extended, and this is just because I am seeing a few ideas concerning Higgs boson congratulation are imminent to be shared. The congratulation of Higgs boson discoverer is a must, and there is no way to escape from it, because Higgs boson discovery will lead all scientific researches on planet Earth sooner or later.

My imagination took me so deep inside oceans to observe how strange creatures are building to appear and to prove the reality of DNA reversing; and this reversal of DNA is at occurrence to show that Higgs boson magnetism is managing all living organisms and to take them back in time in order to make their ancestors a phenomenon of the present.

Within my talk about Higgs boson magnetism, I should add the role of photons and phonons of making planet Earth sky having new appearance in colours, and also showing new phenomena such as the appearance of two suns, huge auroras appearance  further southern the north Hemisphere, and also the appearance of strange moving lights in different shapes.

Another idea about Higgs boson influence on life on planet Earth is the scene of snow in very unusual areas around the world. I think that the appearance of snow in Texas, in south Algeria, and in Saoudi Arabia is not a coincidence, but it is a result of a phenomenon made by the intensification of power of pulling of Higgs boson magnetism to  particles from the equatorial and replacing them by particles from Planet Earth outer atmosphere, and clouds and cold air masses are simply followers to the movement of this action reaction of these particles to travel further south the northern Hemisphere to produce snow in the cited areas.

A last phenomenon that should be added to the list of products made by Higgs boson intensification and influence on planet Earth is the booming of viruses and their variants. I think that the increasing of the number of viruses and their variants is a good proof of Higgs boson magnetism domination to the genesis of viruses, and this is due to the reversal of DNA and the increase of the building of new particles.

To end this post. I have to conclude that the toleration of Higgs boson  as a leader to the actual all change on planet Earth is the only solution to the understanding of our actual era of life, and the recognition to it's discoverer is a good image of human beings toleration in the 21st century.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (03)

I am sorry, I have to say that researchers of the world have failed to stop the spreading of fires in California.

By these lines, I am here to show assistance to the concerned authorities in the United States to stop the spreading of fires within 24 hours in California.

All I need is the permission of these authorities to use my discovery of Higgs boson mechanism to create an efficient low pressure on California to produce rain and turning off these fires.

I am sure that my technique of using Higgs boson inside a few sets of Bose Einstein Condensate systems (BECs) will create the right conditions in the atmosphere to accumulate clouds and produce rain, and by this the Californian catastrophe of fires will end as soon as possible.

I also have to say that Higgs boson is the only particle to use as a unique fire fighter and to replace all actual used means.

Please accept my offer, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Tarek Merouani
Mobile phone: 00213673127496

Higgs Boson Toleration (02)

 The world has lost it's tolerance, acceptance to the other, and it's decency, and this is what makes me disappointed to the bones. Today's post has to come to make a few ideas about Higgs boson discovery clear. I would like to share five ideas concerning Higgs boson discovery subject with the hope to shake some intelligent people to take action of repeating ideas of experiments on Higgs boson experiments.

The first idea which I would like to share with you is about Higgs boson availability as a full particle ready to make experiments on it. I am also ready to offer you Higgs boson for free in order to help your curiosity of understanding particle physics based on Higgs boson as the master of all particles. Please let me know if you are interested in my offer.

The second idea which I am interested to share with you is about Higgs boson as a problem solver. One of the problem solving by Higgs boson is the manipulation of clouds direction to produce rain. I am sure that the situation of droughts and forest fire fighting could be resolved through the creation of tinny systems based on Higgs boson. These systems are called Bose Einstein condensate systems, which are capable of managing the water molecule in the atmosphere to condensate it to clouds and producing rain in any wanted area around the world.

The third idea to share with you about Higgs boson discovery is Higgs Higgs boson capabilities of production to so many important products to innovate so many technologies. I think that Higgs boson capability of production to sheets of condensate electrons to develop microchips technologies hasn't to be underestimated. 

The fourth idea which is interesting to know about Higgs boson is it's capability of producing a unique medicine able to replace so many medicines to boost the human being immune system. I think that the development of superfluid has an important role in innovating the world of medication forever.

The fifth idea to share with you concerning Higgs boson discovery is about the development of agricultural products through the use of superfluid as fertiliser to increase the quality and quantity of agricultural products, and to avoid the use of chemicals.

I am ending this post with the hope that my talk will find interest and response.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Higgs Boson Reminder (07)

 I am willing to say something about the actual experiment on Higgs Boson, which has been switched on since September 2024; this experiment is built on few thousands of Rugosa corals, eight litres of water and two kilos of sugar. The aim of the actual experiment is to produce 40 centimetres of diameter of diamond with up to three or four centimetres thick. I think that within 24 months, the aim of this experiment will be achieved.

The idea behind the running experiment on Higgs boson is to prove that Higgs boson is capable of changing all the existing molecules, chemicals, atoms, and particles to their lower energy, then rebuilding them into carbon atom then to diamond molecule in it's perfect shape, and coming up with a unique block of diamond.

I have to remind you that the actual experiment has few consequences on many natural phenomena; such as the building of a persistent high depression in Western Europe. This depression is very efficient to change the jet Stream direction by moving it further south to become with long sinoisidal wave shape. This long shape of the jet syream makes clouds accumulate in higher amounts in the sub tropical areas; and that's why we are seeing more rain and snow in the Mediterranean countries, the big Sahara, Middle East also in Central America.

The building of the persisting high depressions in western Europe is able to change all the weather patterns around the world, and that's why we are seeing warm air masses travel further north up to the north pole to make polar vortex breaking easily. Also, we are seeing cold air masses travel to the Balkan countries, to southern China, and also to further south the USA.

The actual experiment on Higgs boson is making huge agitations to molecules. Chemicals and particles to build more heat in the bottom of Earth and increase magma activity; and that's why we are seeing more erupted volcanoes. 

I think that the increase of the speed rotations of particles in the atmosphere could be seen in the southern hemisphere of planet Earth through the increase of low pressures power of pulling and becoming lower, lower and lower to make storms bigger and stronger. 

To end this post, I must say that my talk is based on real facts and not on imagination, and that's why I am hoping to bring clever minds on board to participate in this talk.


Sunday, 12 January 2025

Higgs Boson Toleration (01)

 I am really pleased to see so many people around the world are showing interest to Higgs boson discovery; I mean by the  true discovery to Higgs boson, which is explained in this blog, and not the fake one. I am interested in writing few lines after my long absence, and this is due to my health, economic, and responsible situation towards my family.

Never mind, I am here to add five ideas concerning the new development on planet Earth, and these new developments are building due to Higgs boson experiment, which is under activation.

The first idea, which I would like to share with is about the news headlines in the majority of the worlds' media; these news headlines are taking a serious place to show how far planet Earth is taking a new space within the solar system, and this new space has a direct influence to make so many natural phenomena having harsh impacts on human being life. Some of these phenomena that are taking place in the news headlines are: volcanoes eruption, heavy rain, heavy snow, wild fires, wind speed, clouds direction and accumulation, and polar vortex breaking.

The second idea, which I would like to share with you, is about the world's scientific communities' silence on Higgs boson discovery and the proof of this silence is zero comments in this blog from so long.

I think that my talk about Higgs boson discovery had been available to everybody for so many years, and unfortunately, no single initiation of curiosity to see or to assist how Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders) can show the action-reation at least in the smallest size of experiment on Higgs boson, and this size of experiment could have the size of a cup of coffee.

A third idea that should be cited within today's title is non cooperation by CERN scientists to my discovery to Higgs boson. I think that time has come to CERN's scientists to introduce Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders) to their laboratories and their research sites to prove that the statement of "Rugosa corals are the true holders to Higgs boson, or Rugosa corals are able to behave similarly to Higgs boson", and to conclude that this statement is true and right. I think that the sooner the action of approvement of the cited statement above is put under investigation, the better is for human beings' life on planet Earth.

The fourth idea to share with you in this post is about the scientists of the United States, especially those whom are professionals in particle physics to take action of holding my offer of "Rugosa corals Higgs boson holders", just because they were the first to visit this blog in 2011 and to dig inside the title of "Higgs boson discovered", I am sure that they found the truth inside it, and unfortunately, they took the wrong direction by ignoring my writings and sharing it with CERN scientists, and these last were even worse in their decision in 2012 by declaring the big news of Higgs boson discovery and belonging it to them.

The last idea to share with you is my question to humanity: Is there anybody on Earth capable of proposing real solutions to what's going on planet Earth? And I mean by this question: Are you capable of managing so many natural phenomena to avoid catastrophes and calamities such as floods, droughts, forest fires, heatwaves, and ice melting? If yes, please let me know. And if not, please let me show you how to do that. 

To end this post; I have to tell you that "Higgs boson discovery" should be taken to the next level through the gathering of all scientific communities around a table, and start digging inside Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders), and to come up with millions of solutions to the most complicated challenges to humanity.