In the hypothesis of the last post “Higgs boson manifesto”, we
understood that Higgs boson appears in addition polymer of the Rugosa corals as
a chromosome which interacts with a phonon and an antiparticle (dark matter) to
create a nanoparticle (matter).
In this post I would like to introduce you to a quality of Higgs boson
which is a “two options” of producing a nanoparticle. For example Higgs boson
during the interaction with the chemical element Iron (26Fe) has a choice to
produce the same chemical element (26Fe), or another chemical element which is
the Vanadium (23V). In this case we see that the chemical element (26Fe) lost
three electrons; these electrons will participate in another reaction to form a
different nanoparticle.
Higgs Boson Chemical elements equations are as follow:
H0 = Higgs boson
H0+ 26Fe – 3e- → 23V + 3Li → 23V3Li
H0+ 44Ru – 12e- → 34Se + 12Mg → 34Se12Mg
H0+ 73Os – 8e- → 68Er + 8O → 68ER8O
H0+ 108Hs – 35e- → 73Ta + 35Br → 73Ta35Br
H0+ 29Cu – 17e- → 12Mg + 17Cl → 12Mg17Cl
H0+ 46Pd – 17e- → 35Br + 17Cl → 35Br17Cl
H0+ 92U – 20e- → 72Hf + 20Ca → 72Hf20ca
H0+ 1H /2 → 2He
H0+ 8O – 4e- → 4Be + 4Be → 2(4be)
H0+ 94Pu – 30e- → 64Gd + 30Zn → 64Gd30Zn
H0+ 88Ra – 10e- → 78Pt + 10Ne → 78Pt10Ne
H0+ 4He + 4e- → 8He + 4Be → 8He4Be
H0+ 6C – 6e- → 0
H0+ 29Cu – 14e- → 15P + 14Si → 15P14Si
H0+ 56Br – 4e- → 52Te + 4Be → 52Te4Be
H0+ 16S – 15e- → 1H + 15P → 1H15P
H0+ 22Ti – 5e- → 17Cl + 5B → 17Cl5B
The aim of this post is to explain how it is possible to resolve many
questions about:
1-The understanding of the chronology of the appearance of the chemical
elements on earth and in the universe.
2- The creation of new and safe nano bio industries.
3- The nanoparticles’ aggregation in other
method of nanoparticles manufacturing.
4- Reducing the cost of researches to
develop new products and new process of production.
5- Quality of nanoparticles.
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