Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Higgs Boson Chemical Elements Equations

In the hypothesis of the last post “Higgs boson manifesto”, we understood that Higgs boson appears in addition polymer of the Rugosa corals as a chromosome which interacts with a phonon and an antiparticle (dark matter) to create a nanoparticle (matter).

In this post I would like to introduce you to a quality of Higgs boson which is a “two options” of producing a nanoparticle. For example Higgs boson during the interaction with the chemical element Iron (26Fe) has a choice to produce the same chemical element (26Fe), or another chemical element which is the Vanadium (23V). In this case we see that the chemical element (26Fe) lost three electrons; these electrons will participate in another reaction to form a different nanoparticle.

Higgs Boson Chemical elements equations are as follow:

H0 = Higgs boson

H0+ 26Fe – 3e-  23V + 3Li → 23V3Li
H0+ 44Ru – 12e-  34Se + 12Mg → 34Se12Mg
H0+ 73Os – 8e-  68Er + 8O   → 68ER8O 
H0+ 108Hs – 35e-  73Ta + 35Br → 73Ta35Br
H0+ 29Cu – 17e-  12Mg + 17Cl   → 12Mg17Cl
H0+ 46Pd – 17e-  35Br + 17Cl → 35Br17Cl
H0+ 92U – 20e-  72Hf + 20Ca → 72Hf20ca
H0+ 1H /2  2He
H0+ 8O – 4e-  4Be + 4Be → 2(4be)
H0+ 94Pu – 30e-  64Gd + 30Zn → 64Gd30Zn
H0+ 88Ra – 10e- → 78Pt + 10Ne → 78Pt10Ne
H0+ 4He + 4e-  8He + 4Be → 8He4Be
H0+ 6C – 6e-  0
H0+ 29Cu – 14e-  15P + 14Si → 15P14Si 
H0+ 56Br – 4e- → 52Te + 4Be → 52Te4Be
H0+ 16S – 15e- → 1H + 15P → 1H15P
H0+ 22Ti – 5e- → 17Cl + 5B   → 17Cl5B 

The aim of this post is to explain how it is possible to resolve many questions about:

1-The understanding of the chronology of the appearance of the chemical elements on earth and in the universe.

2- The creation of new and safe nano bio industries.

3- The nanoparticles’ aggregation in other method of nanoparticles manufacturing.

4- Reducing the cost of researches to develop new products and new process of production.

5- Quality of nanoparticles.

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