Friday 30 December 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (26)

 What it has been said in earlier posts became true; the polar vortex has deviated further south in North America, Russia and in central west the Pacific; and this deviation of the polar vortex was well managed through the management of the intensity of the high depressions in the northern hemisphere. The management of high pressures is an easy and fast task made through the management of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) density. I have to tell you that a well management of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is under way to make high pressures ruling the jet stream to visit West Europe with frigid air from the North Pole to put Higgs boson experiment under a real test of management to air masses circulation on earth, and I think that the results of this test will be known within two weeks from today. 

 I think that the building of high pressures in North East Europe is getting well shaped to make high pressures efficient slowly and surely inorder to expose a huge change in the actual image of the weather system on Europe, because these pressures are driving big sand storms from the Sahara to land in Siberia, and in the other side of the North Pole; the polar vortex is finding it's route to South West Europe; and in ten days time a similar bomb cyclone to the one which landed in America will explode in this area. I also think that the change in the weather system image is having this near future shape of bomb cyclone because Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is big enough to manipulate high pressures with it's forwarding to subatomic particles in the atmosphere. So I imagine that the test to the work of Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders) inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) will be successful only and only with it's results; and these results are: breaking records in low temperature and breaking records in the fall of snow at least in these three countries; France, the UK and Germany.

90 percent of the catastrophes around the world are at increase, and human beings are the first responsible of this increase in catastrophes; and this is  because of their ignorance, arrogance and deny to the other, and rest to me to remind you that Higgs boson discovery has to has to be recognized with a manner or another, and my talk today is about another challenge to European scientists; and its about the coming surprises where the bill on human life and materials will be very costly. I have to tell you to prepare for the challenge of the water molecule manipulation; because this molecule is one of the most exposers to Higgs boson magnetism intensification with it's easy way of manipulation and reaction to particles movement and condensation.

Thursday 22 December 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (25)

 Again here I am to tell you about Higgs boson magnetism intensification in which I am sure that I am the only person on earth whose seeing it; this is strange!!! I hope that I will have the knowledge and the capabilities of how to bring few people to share my views of the existence of Higgs boson magnetism and what is making the change in natural phenomena on earth. Higgs boson magnetism intensification is something real and its making changes on earth in all fields such as agriculture, technology, biology, chemistry, genetics, and most of the daily life of human beings behaviour, but does human being realize what's going on earth? This is the question.

 A long time ago Higgs boson was discovered and it's oscillation to particles was in process in many experiments, and now inflation of particles in planet earth atmosphere is saying it's words, and its dominating many natural phenomena behaviour such as winds direction, air masses circulation, clouds movement, animals mass extinction, polar vortex breaking and also human being wearing habits; all these changes are made by simple experiments on few Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders). I think that human beings should pain attention to my words and engage in a new thinking of explanation and understanding to what is surounding them.

 The activation of Higgs boson inside the True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) was made with the target to produce unique and with different manner products needed to renovate technologies, and such products are: helium3, soft diamonds, electricity, renewable energies and new old molecules of animals, but during this process of production inflators particles in planet earth  atmosphere were discovered through their reflection to the change in natural phenomena behaviour on earth such as depressions, winds directions, jet stream direction and clouds accumulation; and these phenomena change in behaviour was deeply and attentively observed to conclude that Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) was true, and it's influence is real, and that's why I always say that scientists should hurry and come forward to look at my discovery to Higgs boson, but unfortunately up to date no one voice is heard to say "Tarek is right in his discovery to Higgs boson". Now I have only one exit from what's I am in in this discovery and which is; to bring real proofs more convincing and more efficients; such as the manipulation of high depressions to make them real challengers to the polar vortex inorder to bring records in snow and in temperature in the Northern countries, and with the hope to meet good minds to respond to my calls by having the temptation of repeating my experiments on Higgs boson and affirming the rightness of my achievements. 

Soft diamonds produced through the use of Higgs boson 

 The world has taken a dangerous deviation in it's way of life, and this is just because of particles inflation in the atmosphere, and this inflation has nothing to do with CO2 emission, because this last is not capable of manipulating depressions and pressures  behaviour nor viruses mutation, and the consequences which we are seeing on human beings are very challenging; and such consequences are: higher temperature on earth, excessive snow and rain, landslides, earthquakes and higher winds speed. I repeat all the changes in natural phenomena on earth are occuring because of subatomic particles occupation to further space in the atmosphere to make Higgs boson magnetism strengthening day after day.

Monday 19 December 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (24)

 Never mind, Higgs boson magnetism intensification is a real fact which has to be taken in consideration, and scientists of the world should look at what's going on earth of change in natural phenomena and find ways of explanation to this change. One of the phenomena which is showing Higgs boson magnetism intensification is the numerous high depressions in the north of the hemisphere, and one of the causes to these high pressures to occur is the dominance of quarks assumption from Higgs boson experiment into planet earth atmosphere to increase the level of particles inflation. High pressures are becoming more efficient to make the polar vortex breaking and spreding further south the hemisphere. The high pressures are acquiring more energy day after day because Higgs boson experiment has taken deeper routes in decaying molecules, chemichals, atoms and now it's decay to subatomic particles is at processing inorder to make quarks dominant particles to be assumpted in the atmosphere, and make high pressures the rulers of air masses direction. I think that my explanation to the phenomenon of high pressures dominance in the north of the hemispher through the dominance of quarks is a real fact, and I am inviting interested people to join me to prove the link between the action reaction of quarks assumption from Higgs boson experiment and the formation of high and low depressions.

 The actual experiment on Higgs boson has a great role in quarks assumption because of the consuming time which is more than six weeks; and during all this time the decay of subatomic particles such as electrons, protons, neutrons, hadrons and muons is switched on, because the used molecules which are water, sugar and acidics from rain are not molecules anymore, so quarks find their freedom to travel to planet earth atmosphere to join Higgs boson magnetism. Higgs boson magnetism is getting much puller to particles and this is what is making high depressions in the north hemisphere more and more challenging to the polar vortex to peel it slowly and surely. I think that quarks assumption have a great role in changing the weather patterns in the northern countries by changing the direction of cold air further south, and to create snow storms in North America, Europe and central Asia; and this is what we are seeing at the moment in the beginning of winter.

 Bear with me; the quarks assumption is a complex phenomenon which needs patient and time to be observed, because we are about an unseen subatomic particles behaviour; and this behaviour could be observed only and only in winds direction and also in coulds movement; both phenomena have and engine which manages their movement in the atmosphere, and this engine is depressions high and low; so the observation of high and low depressions behaviour is a long process to observe, and it took me years to understand and to come up with results, because the conclusion of the connection between quarks assumption and the formation of efficient high pressures or low ones is made through the quarks inflation in the atmosphere and it is managed through the management of  Higgs boson experiment. I think that quarks are the most efficient particles in boosting particles condensation in the atmosphere, and that's why they are able to make high depressions higher to challenge the polar vortex to break.

 In any way Higgs boson experiment is at processing to create even more challenging depressions to make air masses changing their routes to come up with big surprises of temperature extremes on planet earth.

Friday 16 December 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (23)

 One of Higgs boson important subject which has to be introduced within these words is the role of the sun in the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism, and vise-versa; the role of Higgs boson magnetism in the intensification of the sun's rays in our universe. The sun has two roles in intensifying Higgs boson magnetism; the first is by the manipulation of temperature to be risen, and this is through the increase of particles interaction and the source of these particles is Higgs boson experiment where particles are forwarded into our universe to meet the sun, and increase their  interaction with the sun's particles to rise temperature through the creation of huge storms within the sun, and this is what makes temperature risen on planet earth. The rise in temperature in our universe is one of Higgs boson system of preference to facilitate masses decay; and this is what makes inflation of particles at constant increase.  

 The second role of the sun to intensify Higgs boson magnetism is by the increase of phonons and photons to make particles interaction with light at increase in order to build new kind of masses inorder to make the transfer of our universe from present to past possible; and one of the known interactions made by Higgs boson magnetism is the interaction of antiparticles with phonons to make new kind of particles generated and form new old masses inorder to come up with new old creatures. I have noticed that day light on planet earth is occupying further time and this is through the mechanism of clouds assumption to be disappeared in the sky in higher altitudes to make the sun's light able to be present longer time especially in winter; all this is happening with the help of the dominance of high depressions. The dispersion of the sun's light in our universe is at increase and this is through the increase of reflector particles especially alpha particles to increase chemicals interaction on planets inorder to increase their decay; and this is what makes many planets ejecting pieces of rocks to become meteors able to land on earth in higher rate.

 The sun is boosting it's energy and this is what is reflected in it's flares, and these last are becoming stronger to travel further distances into space, and these flares are also becoming numerous to occur within hours of spaces. I think that the sun's watchers are able to confirm my statement, and they are also able to confirm that meteors plunge into the sun is at increase; and this is what explains Higgs boson magnetism pull to debris to increase explosions in the sun's atmosphere. I think that the sun's agitation is a serious matter which has a direct influence on planet earth atmosphere by the visiting of the sun's storms frequently.

 This post is added to the serie of "Higgs Boson Depressions" because of the link between high depressions which are carrying serious warm air from the tropical further north the hemisphere, and the building heat made by the sun's flares on earth. I am seeing that there is a direct connection which is showing a complementary relation between the sharpening of the sun's rays and high depressions because these last are making the sun's rays penetrating planet earth easier to increase temperature, and this is by building reflectors particles withing their inflation.

Sunday 11 December 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (22)

 Higgs boson magnetism is intensifying, and clever people of the world are just watching and giving interpretations with no sense to the change in so many phenomena such as the increase in earthquakes, the increase in volcanoes eruptions, the increase in vortices breaking, the increase in floods around the world and the increase in sudden strong storms; all these phenomena are intensifying because Higgs boson magnetism is getting more particles ready to join it's movement of pulling, because more particles are having a reversed energy due to Higgs boson oscillation inside the actual experiment on Higgs boson.

 One of the major phenomena which is becoming so obvious on planet earth is the persistent high depressions; and these depressions are well reflecting the increase of particles in the atmosphere because without these last; high depressions could never have enough higher power to manipulate the movement of the jet stream; and this last is having a strange shape, and sending clouds to the extreme south the hemisphere to make snow in the desertic plains, also travelling with them to the extrem north the hemisphere and to make it warmer than it never did. The phenomenon of the change in the jet stream should be understood by linking it's change to Higgs boson magnetism intensification and not to CO2 emission, simple as that.

 I must show you another phenomenon which is proving Higgs boson magnetism intensification,  and which is the occuring change in climate in the Middle East. What we are seeing at the moment in the Middle East is the occurrence of so many strong phenomena such as heavy rain, tornadoes, sand storms, big hail and even snow. I think that the Middle East is known with it's abundance of oil and gas in it's land; and I mean by this hydrocarbures; these last are favourised by particles to interact with  their carbon atom, and also their easy way of decay into smaller masses. I also think that the change in natural phenomena in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Koweit and Qatar will be faster than any other areas around the world, and this is because of the higher temperature in these countries, and also because of their geographical position which is 45 degrees Noth East from Higgs boson magnetism centre; and which is at North East Russia where particles are leaving planet earth atmosphere.

 A third phenomenon which is showing Higgs boson magnetism intensification on planet earth is winds direction and presence; winds took different directions because of particles rotations in the atmosphere, and these particles are creating depressions in different areas around the world than they used to be, such as the high depressions settling in Northern Europe in order to change winds direction further south or further north, and this is what is making warmer air and cold air travel further south or north facilitated. Winds are one of the phenomena the most exposers to the existence of Higgs boson magnetism and it's intensification because they are present in most days of the year summer or winter. I think that professionals in meteorology can confirm my statement of the change in winds direction and time of presence around the world.

 A last few words to end this post; Higgs boson magnetism intensification is making many phenomena changing their behaviour; and this is because of the huge added amount of energy on planet earth due to Higgs boson oscillation to molecules, chemicals, atoms and particles inside Higgs boson experiment. I have to say that humanity has to prepare for the worse because of the huge challenges  made by the change in natural phenomena behaviour on earth.

Friday 9 December 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (21)

 I am interested to talk about the U turn point of Higgs boson magnetism, because this point is a complicated node which has to be opened, explained and understood by scientists of the world. The question is: how is it possible to kidnap all our universe particles and changing their behaviour of rotation, speed and direction? I think that the situation of the change in our universe particles behaviour is a new image than the one which is used to be before 2012; and this new image is explaining how most phenomena in our universe had changed. I think that Higgs boson has the answers to any occured change not only on earth but also in our universe, because the story of this change started at the first experiment on Higgs boson by sending back subatomic particles to their original source which  is the bottom of the first universe. No body can ignore that particles are able to travel a very long distance in a matter of seconds; so their reversal is possible, and this reversal has no way to happen without Higgs boson oscillation; and this oscillation made particles reversing their direction from forward to backward, and this means that the starting point of the U turn particles had been made many years ago and the rest of the reversing particles is following depending on Higgs boson oscillation acceleration. The Higgs boson acceleration of oscillation to particles is at increase because hundreds of experiments on Higgs boson had been carried during so many years, where scientists in particles physics were asleep. Now our universe is taking backward steps through the decay of masses to become with the tinniest existing masses to become part of Higgs boson magnetism inorder to integrate into universe five. The matter here is about planet earth decaying into small masses because this is where human being is living, and the only way to survive longer with the new situation of planet earth decaying is to find new ways to face the challenges of thi new situation. I think that human being is able to find solutions to face the challenges of the reversing of planet earth particles only and only with it's understanding to Higgs boson reality of oscillation to these particles.

 I must share a good example of the U turn point which is made by Higgs boson oscillation to particles in order to create Higgs boson magnetism the puller. Let's say that any particle has a size of a tennis ball which was smatched billions of years ago, and this ball took a constant speed, a one direction and and a shape of a sinusoidal wave in it's movement; and by this this ball of tennis became part of Higgs boson magnetism the pusher, because it was pushed by Higgs boson the ancestor which exists in the bottom of the first universe. Suddenly the tennis ball fallen inside the mouth of another Higgs boson which exists inside an experiment on planet earth, then this ball was smatched back to go back on it's way with the same speed but in the opposite direction and the opposite rotation to become a part of Higgs boson magnetism the puller; and this means that the creation of Higgs boson magnetism was made because of the creation of an oscillation of a particle inside Higgs boson experiment, otherwise the temptation of talking about Higgs boson as a particle without proving it's oscillation to particles stays sterile and with limited knowledge.

 Higgs boson magnetism U turn point had been settled on planet earth, and there is no chance of going back to the forwarding magnetism, and that's why human beings should prepare for the new conditions of life on earth. I think that mentalities have to have to change in a different vision to the future; nations should agree to become one nation; a nation of human beings which lives in one safer land for everybody because this land will be the only existing land where to live. I am seeing that many nations have to prepare to evacuate their lands because this evacuation is the only solution; and this movement of evacuation must be orgonized and agreed from now to avoid losses in lives.

Wednesday 7 December 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (20)

 Well, both parts of the actual experiment on Higgs boson are at perfection, with the absence of the second side of the second part, because there is no need to apply to low depressions; and this means that the small sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) are switched off.

 My intention to add this post is to make a general view on the last three months where Higgs boson experiment started, and it was divided into two parts, and the second part has two sides. The idea of building such an experiment is consistent and well organised to cover many areas of dealing with the action and the reaction in any scientific experiment, and with the target to bring many alibis to Higgs boson discovery, and to assist this discovery with logical and obvious results of an experiment. Some of the targeted results of the actual experiment are: the achievement of a new vision of growing plants, the improvement of the method of particles condensation in all their kind, the emphasising of the methode of manipulation to high and low depressions in their magnitude, density, speed and their time of life; I think that all these targeted results of Higgs boson actual experiment are achievable and could lead to new visions of how our world will work by aplicating Higgs boson power of oscillation to particles, and also how Higgs boson influence on so many natural phenomena could be used  especially on clouds movement around the world in the benefit of humanity. I think that the most important matter at the moment is to bring to the world a different kind of corn in it's size and quality; and this is what will make everybody more interested in investing in Higgs boson technique in agriculture, and also making some people more interested in trying ideas of experiments on Higgs boson.

 I tried so hard to prove my discovery to Higgs boson, and now I am proving it by using a highly well understood combination of an experiment in three parts to come up with two main results; and which are: the breaking of the polar vortex without doubts; and this is by increasing particles inflation in the atmosphere to make high depressions with great challenge to the polar vortex. And another result which is at occurrence and which is the increase in temperature in North East Algeria where corn is growing; and temperature could arisen by bringing warm air from south, by making clouds disappearance possible to make the days more sunny and also more clear nights to benefit from the moon's light in order to feed corn from phonons interaction with antiparticles. The interaction of phonons with antiparticles is needed in order to poduce needed particles to make the mini Higgs boson magnetic field intence and dense with protons, neutrons and electrons because this is what makes the building of the needed chemichals facilitated to grow corn bigger and faster.

 My commitment of proving that Higgs boson is in my possession is high, and I have all the knowledge of using Higgs boson in most circumstances; and the ideas of this use of Higgs boson which I have shown are much advenced than what scientists in particles physics are up to, and a recognition to my work will be made sooner or later, because the matter is so serious, and I am sure that you don't know why this matter is so serious. Never mind, I tell you why the matter of possessing Higgs boson is so serious; because once you have Higgs boson you can keep the high depressions in constant higher magnitude; and this is what will lead to a constant higher temperature in North pole; and this is what wil lead to a constant increase of it's ice melting, then you know what will happen.

 Let's say that I am not possessing Higgs boson; and here I have to ask three questions. The first question is: why high depressions are getting more stable in the North Hemisphere? The second question is: why temperature in North East Algeria is getting much higher than average? And the third question is: why temperature in Europe is getting much lower than average? I think that one answer is sufficient to answer to these questions and which is apparent in the image of Higgs boson magnetism shape; and which is in the shape of Higgs boson magnetism sinusoidal wave magnitude, and here we can see that this image is building on the North of the hemisphere; depending on the experiment on Higgs boson,  and this experiment is the key stone to build a such shape, and all the rest of the movement of air masses, clouds diversion, the water molecule accumulation, winds directions and heavy snow are simply the results which are made by Higgs boson magnetism sinusoidal wave shape, because what is really manipulating all existing natural phenomena is the u turn of Higgs boson magnetism.  What the world should understand is that Higgs boson magnetism is no longer pusher and this means is that our travel is becoming backward, and we are living in the era of Higgs boson magnetism the puller; and this means that we are going back and huge change in many phenomena is at occurrence and these phenomena will be visible in a sudden, and such phenomena are: volcanoes eruption will be numerous and with higher power, ice melting in excessive manner, temperature on earth is at higher speed to arise, land ceding to water is a reality and earthquakes will be a daily news.

 After all; my intention to write these words is to forward a clear message to people with thinking brains and not automated ones, and this message is saying; Higgs boson should be taken in consideration.

Sunday 4 December 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (19)

 I must take you back to Higgs boson experiment part one and part two of the actual experiment, because it is at it's exiting moment to play it's role in manipulating air masses  around the globe, and also  because of the field of corn which is in need to more sunny and warm days. Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) of part one is twelve metres square wide and one metre and twenty centimetres deep; and this means that it is able to hold a huge amount of the water molecule; and this is what makes particles submission and particles assumption taking a very large space in the atmosphere in higher density. Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) of part one of the experiment is full of water at the moment, and this is what makes Higgs bosons enjoying the oscillation of molecules because these last are the easiest ones to decay, and they are the fastest to be swallowed by Higgs boson. The actual part one of the experiment on Higgs boson is built on hundred Rugosa Corals which are capable of achieving the target of building a well shaped high depression on North Africa to block any temptation from cold low depressions which are travelling from North Europe to South; and these low depressions have only one way at the moment and which is to settle in the Atlantic ocean, and to get stable on Eastern Europe. I think that part one of the experiment on Higgs boson is making a good job to help the field of corn  to grow in good conditions.

 High depressions are also applied through the switching off of the small sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); and that's why we are seeing at the moment a high depression dominating North Africa. My intention is to say that what I am doing now is simply right, and also to say that Higgs boson as a hole particle does exist in all the experiments which I carried in the past and in the actual experiment, and I am sure that the field of corn will prove it. I also created this field of corn to make of it a good source to inflation to make high depressions dominant and this is through the watering of this field from part one of the experiment where particles are condensated.

 What is noticeable on the Northern hemisphere is the existence of two dominating high depressions; the first one is on the Northern Pacific, and the second one is on Siberea, and both depressions are not there just by chance, but they are there because their feeders to get strong, higher and competitive to the Polar vortex are two large experiments on Higgs boson; and which are the two parts of the actual experiment. I think that both parts of the actual experiment are the real engines to the existing high depressions around the world.

 It is wise to end this post by an invitation to whom are interested to look at the actual experiment on Higgs boson from close, and to use any technology and knowledge to discover what's really occuring in this experiment in many fields such as biology, chemistry, particles physics, agriculture and genetics.

Friday 2 December 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (18)

 My intention to add this post is to awake clever minds and to rise awareness about the polar vortex breaking. I think that polar vortex is going into pieces faster; and this phenomenon deserves attention and deep investigations by scientists of the world, because of it's consequences which are enormous and very challenging to human beings. I might talk about the polar vortex breaking causes rather than talking about it's consequences, because these last are known to everyone. I think that there are three main causes which are making polar vortex breaking, and this is what will happen every winter until it's total disappearance where the Northern Pole will have a little snow.

 The first cause which is making polar vortex breaking is particles inflation in the atmosphere; and this inflation originates from two sources which are: an interior source which is coming from particles submission and particles assumption inside Higgs boson experiments. There is also a different kind of natural Interactions which are becoming feeders to inflation with all different rays and other subatomic particles such as quarks, gluons, ions, anions and muons. And the second source of inflation on planet earth is from exterior and it holds neutrinos and other rays, and it is happening because of the answer to  Higgs boson magnetism call inside Higgs boson experiment. Particles inflation in the atmosphere has a direct impact on the polar vortex to be displaced from it's usual line of rotation, and this is by absorbing it's energy to integrate it into Higgs boson magnetism.

I am also interested to bring to your attention a second cause which is making North Pole to break into pieces faster and which is the rise in the sun's heat as explained in the video of "Why Magnetic Poles are Flipping 15". The rise in the sun's heat has a direct link to shift the North Pole vortex from it's usual area of rotation and this is because of it's exitment to the participating particles in Higgs boson magnetism, and this is by creating warmer atmosphere where the movement of  particles becomes faster. Now I have to remind you of why the sun's heat is at constant rise because of five causes which are: planet earth orbit widening, the increase of alpha particles in the atmosphere, the increase of chemicals and particles interactions, the increase of the sun's heat due to Higgs boson magnetism and the increase of particles inflation in general.

The polar vortex is breaking because of a third cause and which is planet earth displacement from it's orbit. Planet earth orbit is becoming wider because of Higgs boson magnetism pull to planet earth particles to loose it's mass gratually and becomes more volatile, and also the polar vortex is becoming more volatile because it's particles are ceding to Higgs boson magnetism.

 A last word to end my talk; humanity should awaken to realize the causes of the change in so many phenomena on planet earth.

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (17)

 All depressions on earth high and low are under influence of Higgs boson magnetism, and this last has taken an obvious strength because of particles submission and particles assumption from so many experiments on Higgs boson. The reality is that Higgs boson is becoming the master of manipulation to all existing particles on earth and the results of this manipulation are seen in a new kind of depressions; and these depressions are new because of their situation on earth; their direction and also their power of carrying bigger amounts of rain.

 The actual experiment on Higgs boson is making depressions different than any precedented ones, and this is due to it's different combination to built Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) with it's number of Rugosa Corals  and it's size. A much warmer air and higher temperature are needed in North East Algeria where corn was planted, and to realize this target more persistent high depressions are applied, and in the same time rain is needed to fill the part one of the experiment which is occuring in the reservoir of rain water; and that's why some times low depressions are called through the building of smaller sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs). The equilibrium between high depressions and low ones is made through the creation of a balance of switching off and on the two different sizes of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs). This balance between high depressions and low ones is also made through the time sharing of occupancy to the particles submission and assumption by the different kind of depressions. My long experience of experimenting on Higgs boson made me acting with great confidence to call depressions to occur in the right time and in the needed areas around the world.

 The presence of more sunny and warmer days is a reality which we are living in North East Algeria: and this is one of the assisting conditions created by the combination of the three parts of Higgs boson experiment to make the target of the growth of corn achieveable. I think that the created high depression in the Mediterranean sea and Western Europe is making the rest of the movement of the jet stream around the world circulating in the favour of the field of corn. I also think that the technique of management of depressions is a first and a unique technique in the world, and its proving how Higgs boson could be used in the development of agriculture. Another real scene which is the accumulation of clouds is made in the area where the mini Higgs boson magnetic field wanted this accumulation of clouds to be, and this is what we are seeing in North East Tunisia and North Libya.

 Again I have to remind you to pay attention at the huge high depressions which are dominating the hemisphere in Canada, Russia and the Northern Pacific because these depressions have no way to occur in order to challenge the Northern Polar Vortex without their sustainability with a different kind of magnetism, and which is Higgs boson magnetism; and this last is happening and having strength every second, and many countries will assist an unprecedented winter because of the breaking records in low temperature and in snow accumulation. High depressions are fed by energy from part one of the actual experiment on Higgs boson, and this is because of it's large size and also because of the kind of the used water inside it; and this what makes especially quarks to be submitted and assumpted in a wide manner to make the atmosphere more dense with particles and to form depressions in high and wide manner.

 To end this post I have to bring wise people around the table to talk seriously about my hypothesis of depressions manipulation,  inorder to go forward in this new science on the benefit of humanity.

Friday 25 November 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (16)

 Bear with me, I didn't finish my talk yet about Higgs boson experiment used means, and that's why I am writing these words. Few used means in the actual Higgs boson experiment are the target to be explained, and they are added to make this experiment successful by realizing a production of a special corn not seen yet, and also in the middle of winter in North Algeria; and this is what makes this production a challenge in itself.

 One of the used means in the field of corn is pieces of metal; few kilos of pieces of metal are gathered in the middle edge of the field and this is because of the atom  condensation of the metal in it's high number of protons, neutrons and electrons, and this is what makes the magnetic field organized; and I mean by this: is that particles movement find a way to get direction, and meral is capable of being the base of the whole field where magnetism is well directed in and out the field of corn.

 A second mean which is used in the actual experiment on Higgs boson to grow corn is stones and small pieces of rocks; and these last are surounding the field of corn because of their atom condensation which is much heavier than soft soil and by this; particles movement find an easy direction to follow; and that's what will help the corn cells integration into the existing magnetism inside the field. The picture below is showing the alignment of stones surrounding the field of corn.

 I would like to add a third used mean to make Higgs boson experiment successful and which is the building of a chain of irrigation to the field of corn. I was thinking of the source of watering of the field of corn from part one of the experiment, and which is the large size of the reservoire of rain water, and which is represented in Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); where two thounsands of litres of rain water in average are always hold inside it to be treated with the presence of Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders) and become condensated particles. To transport the condensated particles from part one of the experiment to part two where corn is growing; I built a simple canalization which is effective because  it works with a 5 metres long tube used as a water pump. I just remind you with the size of the field of corn which is 21 metres square which are divided by 4 rectangles 3.5 meters by 1.5 meters squres to make 5.25 metres square in each, and each rectangle of land is watered with almost 100 litres of water every 36 hours. I think that the created connection of part one of the experiment to part two of this experiment is playing a key role in the transfer of condensated particles and in the justification of their efficacy between the two parts of the experiment. The picture below is showing the field of corn divided into four rectangles.

 To end this post let me telling you about the fourth used mean in the whole experiment and which is purely mathematics and which is represented in the used dimensions of the field of corn. All used calculations within this blog about Higgs boson magnetic field, particles connection and particles representation in drawinÄ£s had been utilised to calculate the size of the field and also the number of the planted corn seeds to make a proper symetry to all existing numbers. A good example of the used numbers inside the field of corn and the representation of any particle is the number four; the field of corn is divided into four spaces where corn is planted, and once we look at any particle formation to Higgs boson magnetic field all are built on four spaces which are: the particle, the anti particle, the particle's magnetism and the particle's correlation. I also have to bring your attention to the lines of the planted corn which are based on seven grains; and this is what makes their number identical to the number of cables made by particles in Higgs boson magnetic field (particles division neurotical submission) shown in the picture below.

 The number seven is also could be used as the base of all symmetries in Higgs boson magnetic field to represent any particle, it's anti, it's magnetism and it's correlation, and the whole have it's anti eccept correlation to make the number seven one of most important number to understand super symmetry within Higgs boson magnetic field.

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (15)

 My first time when I was looking for debries of a treasure in the seashores in the UK coast, I found Rugosa Corals. Rugosa Corals are still my compagny for the last (12) years, and I am using them as Higgs boson holders in my ideas of experiments. The actual experiment is unique because it contains many eaxperiments inside it; and the experiment in whole has a target of growing unprecedented planted corn to grow to the extreme. The actual experiment is built in a large Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) to condensate particles, and these condensated particles are used on a land where corn is planted, and also the experiment is built on many small sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) to manipulate the circuation of the water molecule in the atmosphere, and to favorise climate conditions to make the aim of the experiment achievable.  I think that scientists of the world should look at Rugosa Corals from very close and try to understand their behaviour because they worth more than a treasure, because they hide iside them a huge amount of information; and this information can't be found anywhere else.

 There is a key point which I would like to talk about in our subject of the actual experiment, and which has to be explained. In the first part of the experiment where alpha particles are condensated in huge amount because of the large size of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs), and also because of the quality of the water used in this experiment, and which is rain water; this last increases alpha particles codensation because of it's acidity. The condensated alpha particles are added to the corn field; and I mean by this they are added to the mini Higgs boson magnetic field. As we already know that alpha particles are life donners because of their high response to the combination of the existing field  and which contains a high number of living corn cells; these last high demand to nitrogen is well known by alpha particles; so a created mechanism of boosting nitrogen formation is in high priority. Alpha particles exist insde the corn field in high density and this is what makes them building the hydrogen atom in higher quantity because of their high amount of participation in the genesis of this atom, and this is what it has been shown in "Higgs Boson Discovered" post in the picture below. I think that the cause of the favorisation of the kicking off a mechanism of boosting the hydrogen formation inside the corn field is simple to understand; and this is because of the participation of this atom in the water molecule. I think that the achievement of condensating alpha particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) has a great role in changing scientists visions in many fields such as in technology, biology, chemistry, particle physics and agronomy.

 The field of corn has a high condensation of particles, and these particles come from the first part of the experiment; and some of these particles are: beta particles, omega particles and gamma particles, and the particles are there because of the perfection of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) where Higgs boson is playing the role of insulation to the system to stop these particles from escaping outside the system, and also that's why the naming of this condensation is called superfluid. I have to remind you about Higgs boson system of preference of forming the hydrogen atom inside the field of corn once the corndensated particles are added, and this is at occurence because in Higgs boson magnetic field atoms acquire mass depending on the priority of the field constitution to atoms, and corn cells first priority is water; so hydrogen is the first demanded atom inside this field to increase the water molecule. I think that all particles interactions are meant to build a continuing life to cells to achieve their maximum of maturity in size and weight, and that's why the hypothesis of using superfluid in agriculture is a good and solid hypothesis which needs attention and care inorder to be developed in sophisticated laboratories, because this hypothesis is under a good practice and its real, and it's idea is here to develop agriculture, and also this hypothesis is under experiment to prove Higgs boson discovery rightness.

I must conclude this post with three reminders; alpha particles condensation has an important role in chemicals genesis which are needed in any kind of field. Beta particles, omega particles and gamma particles are good developers to any kind of field once managed and collected in their condensated state. The role of achieving a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) has a high priority to be invested in because of it's offer to condensated particles.

Thursday 17 November 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (14)

 Higgs boson magnetism is built on (2Pi); a (+Pi) and  (-Pi); and this means that the rotation of particles is built on (2) circles, and which rotate vertically and horizontally; and that's why empty space inside Higgs boson magnetism doesn't exist, because all tiniest particles are included in this movement of rotation, and such particles are: the hypothetical particles which I named monitochs and I believe that they are the smallest existing masses in the world of particles; and they are the builders of quarks, and these last are key players in Higgs boson magnetism, neutrinos, gluons and electrons.

 Higgs boson magnetism is something which could be intrigued through (2) actions; the first action is by making Higgs boson present to start oscillating  particles,  and the second is by using condensated particles in any field to make the action reaction possible.  And in both actions the holding of Higgs boson is the key stone to start these actions. I think that in both actions, results could be seen, and these results are the good means to observe the reaction to the (2) actions, and to come up with real conclusions. I also think that I have a long experience in dealing with Higgs boson in so many different experiments such as the condensation of so many particles, such as the condensation of majorana fermions, electrons, gluons, atoms and molecules. And also my experience is so long in how to deal with clouds movement in the sky, and how to manage this movement through the creation of high depressions and low ones, and such as the low depression which is building in the Atlantic to make the higher one receding.

 The connection of particles makes Higgs boson magnetic field insulation possible because they are attached  to each other through nodes; and as we already know; there are (11) kind of nodes which were drawed in (Higgs Boson the Oscillator) post, and this kind of insultion was explained in an earlier post. I think that particles insulation is meant to organise the buiding of masses and to decay others in order to finilise the shape of Higgs boson magnetic field and what is inside it, and a good example of this shape is shown in the actual experiment of corn growing; Higgs boson magnetic field is regulated to build the corn cells with the integrated condensated particles as builders and kickers to this field, and also Higgs boson magnetic field is managed to build an old new kind of corn; and this is what explains the possibility of the travel back into the past through this built field.

 My intention to add this post is to recapitulate some pillars of Higgs boson subject and which are interesting to know such as particles acquirence to mass; and this phenomenon is important to understand to realize any experiment on Higgs boson, because the constructors of light have their words in the whole subject of Higgs boson. Any particle has no way to form and acquire mass without the role of two added elements; and these two elements are Higgs boson oscillation and the presence of phonons; and that's why in the actual experiment an intensive light is added to make days longer as they were in the past to make corn growth bigger and faster. I think that my hypothesis of acquirence to mass by particles was well explained in an earlier post (Higgs Boson Manifesto). And I also think that before the existence of our universe everything (dust) was in dark, and suddenly a light was shinning from the lightning of the sun, and at this moment the formation of particles started through the phonons boom, and in anyway we will see how far my hypothesis is true through the corn growth.

 To end this post I would like to remind you about the actual high and low depressions acquirence to energy because I am seeing that these depressions are more efficient, stronger and persistent, and with all these qualities depressions have their reason to behave so; and this reason is the ejected energy from Higgs boson experiment.

Friday 11 November 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (13)

 I am willing to add three means which are necessary to make Higgs boson experiment successful.

 The first mean to make Higgs boson experiment successful is by creating the all right needed conditions to corn to grow in the needed way, and which is growing faster and bigger as it has never done in anywhere in the world. There are many regulated conditions through the use of Higgs boson inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs), and these conditions are: the increase of temperature more than 16 Celsius; and to achieve this condition Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is used to create high depressions to bring more sunny days, and also to bring more warm air from South. High depressions are a good source to increase the moon light, and this is what makes the replacement of long sunny days possible.

The second used mean to make Higgs boson experiment successful is by condensating electrons in the first part of Higgs boson experiment; and this condensation of electrons is added to the field of corn to increase particles movement and also to increase electrons interactions in order to boost atoms formation needed in molecules building. I think that electrons density is important to intensify Higgs boson magnetic field and to integrate corn seeds within this field.

 A third used mean in Higgs boson experiment is water; I think that the availability of rain water is important, and a huge reservoir was prepared attentively to collect rain water in order to water the field of corn. Rain water was chosen because of it's acidity which will make particles interaction more active.

 To end this post few added words are needed; and which are: the results justify the means; and corn growth inside the created mini Higgs boson magnetic field will justify Higgs boson role in all steps of corn production; and this is what be known in the next 12 weeks.

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (12)

 The quarks condensation inside the first part of Higgs boson experiment is one of the important means to complete the second part of this experiment, and this is by adding them into the land which is planted with  corn, and this second part of the experiment has an objective of growing corn to a huge size, and which is dominated by quarks assumption; as these particles are the most particles used in the building of electrons. The use of condensated quarks has a great role in the movement activation of many other particles to participate in corn cells building to become bigger, and such particles are: muons, hadrons and electrons. I think that the most kind of condensated quarks in the first part of the experiment are: charm quarks, down quarks, up quarks, top quarks and bottom quarks with their antis; because these quarks are sufficient to insulate the field of corn; and this is through their movement of attachment to each other through nodes and this is what its called quarks assumption node as shown in the picture below.

 Quarks are attached to each other through nodes to form strings capable of protecting the field of corn from inside, and to allow the integration of particles of the field into a perfect formation of chemicals and atoms based on time particles of the past, and this is what will make a good shape of corn cells based on bigger particles, atoms and molecules.

 The use of quarks in the insulation of the corn field is a good idea to Higgs boson to  achieve the experiment target, and their condensation could never be true without the use of Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders); and all this means that corn growth can't be with huge size without the trueness of quarks condensation at the first place.

 To end this post I must remind you about the growth of corn in North Africa which is made during summer time, and not in the month of November, and this is a real challenge to scientists in agronomy, and this challenge has it's causes and which will be explained in future posts.

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (11)

 I think that the actual experiment on Higgs boson of which I am talking in the last few posts deserves more details to explain; such as the used extra means to make this experiment of the growth of corn unique and unprecedented. And one of the means used in the concerned experiment is the introduction of two circular pieces of metal with 2.5 cm wide; and these two pieces of metal have a great role in particles circulation between the planted field of land with corn and the exterior world. The the two circular pieces of metal are served  as connectors between the integrated particles which originate from the returned Higgs boson magnetism and the leaving particles from the field of corn; these last are participating in Higgs boson magnetism the puller. The picture below is showing the introduced two circular pieces of metal into the corn field.

Now technically all particles movement is based on waves in a rotational manner , and within Higgs boson magnetic field all particles must obey to a sinusoidal wave shape, and by this the two circular pieces of metal will make the sinusoidal waves organised by separating the introduced ones into the field and the ones leaving the field. And inside all particles movement within the field corn cells become a part of this movement, and this is what's help them to grow faster and bigger.

 I think that neutrinos are the first particles which are capable of travelling into the bottom of universe one, and that's why their condensation inside the first part of the experiment is so important, and also their introduction inside the field of corn in the second part of the experiment as first action is important to give a good sense to the whole experiment, because without neutrinos condensation and their introduction inside the corn field this last could never be switched on to Higgs boson magnetism in an intensified manner; and I mean by this is that the exchange of particles between the corn field particles and the particles of the first universe could never happen.

 To conclude what it is explained in this post I must remember you about  the described two used means in the actual Higgs boson experiment and which are: two circular pieces of metal and condensated neutrinos.

Monday 7 November 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (10)

 My hunting of proofs to my discovery to Higgs boson never end, and with luck I have always new ideas to do so. In the last post a genel idea was introduced in order to have a better vision of where I am up to; the concerned experiment on Higgs boson started with a simple idea of how herbivore dinosors were fed? And without doubt huge crops were available to feed them; so the idea of growing geant corn is under way and which will bring with it an inducussable proof to Higgs boson theory from my points of views.

 In this post I might talk about how time particles could be exchenged with old new ones in a surface of land planted with corn; and this integration of old new time particles will lead to the grow of giant corn trees; because the old new time particles origines are from universe one and which are ten times bigger than the existing time particles in the planted land. The introduction of old new time particles of universe one within the planted land with corn is the subject of the second action of the second side of the actual experiment.

 Higgs boson magnetism is becoming puller than pusher from the first experiment more than ten years ago, and this means tha any introduced condensated particles will make Higgs boson magnetism pulling faster and stronger to the existing particles inside the planted land with corn, and in the same time the push back by Higgs boson magnetism of particles of the first universe is imminent; and this is what its called the recall by Higgs boson cited in erlier posts in order to realize inflation; and by this push back to particles corn cells will have the opportunity to acquire bigger time particles to grow bigger and faster.

 I think that the integration of bigger time particles of the past is a reality which hasn't to be ignored, and my little corn field will an prove it sooner; and by this my triumph will be an easy information to understand, and to be transferred by scientists and media to the whole world. I think that the recognition to my discovery to Higgs boson will be inescapable

Sunday 6 November 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (9)

 This post comes as a continuation to the last post in order to make important notifications about the actual experiment on Higgs boson. As I said the concerned experiment has two sides; an inflatory side to particles in the atmosphere to make high depressions more efficient and persistent; and this side of the experiment has ended two weeks ago, and also this side of the experiment had a target to produce condensated particles in order to be used in the second action of the second side of the whole experiment.

 The second side of the experiment on Higgs boson has two actions; the first action is to integrate much smaller sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs), and with smaller energy forms in order to make high depressions much weaker, and in the same time te creation of more efficient and stronger low depressions; this first action is important to make the second action happening in perfection; and this is by making Higgs boson magnetism return to the area where condensated particles are used to boost plants, and this return of Higgs boson magnetism was explained in many occasions in earlier posts of "Higgs Boson Communication".

 The action of integration of particles to the planted area with corn was prepared to recall Higgs boson magnetism and integrating particles of the past and which are with bigger time particles. The integrated area is treated with condensated particles which are collected from the first side of the experiment of particles inflation. What is noticeable is that the second action is the responsible of the creation of a mini Higgs boson magnetic field to make corn growing faster and bigger, and also creating the right conditions which are temperature, pressure and humidity.

 I think that the revolution in agriculture is in it's way and this is by implementing a new technique by using Higgs boson as a manipulator to depressions, and also to create minis of Higgs boson magnetic fields to develop plants growth to the extreme.

Saturday 5 November 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (8)

 My inspiration is telling me something about some new information concerning the recommendation of a new aplication to manipulate the water molecule in the atmosphere after the dominance of particles' inflation; and this aplication is the solution proposed in an earlier post; this solution is saying that the building of (30) sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) based on energy form (3) are efficient to make the water molecule traveling in the opposite direction from high distence to lower one in the atmosphere after it's travel high at the first place due to higher particles inflation.

 Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) sets are capable of absorbing a high number of particles from the atmosphere to decrease inflation by turning their rotation into a smaller one; and this smaller rotation of particles is capable of bringing down a high number of these particles into a second side of the experiment, and to allow the water molecule to form into low depressions and form rain on Long dry places around the world such as Europe and North Africa.

 I must also say something about the second part of the experiment which has two actions; the first action is by stopping the responsible experiment of the the increase of inflation of particles in the atmosphere, and in the same time the setting of the solution to this situation and which is the 30 sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and which are based on energy form (3). And in the second action of the second side of the experiment the collectected condensated particles in the form of superfluid is used in agricultural purpose to boost plants to grow faster and bigger; and this action in the experiment will be our subject in future posts.


 I am seeing low depressions formation  the receiding of high depressions; and this is what makes Higgs boson solutions real and aplicable to resolve water shortness around the world.

 To end this post I must remind you about the continuation of the first solution and this is by aplicating a complimentary solution based on 6 sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) which are built on energy form (8); and here also the results of these built sets will be explained in future posts.

Thursday 13 October 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (7)

 Higgs boson continuation of absorbing more particles from planet earth is a reality which hasn't to be ignored; and this is because of the achievement of the no u turn point of level of magnetism to pull all our universe's particles,  and with the target to integrate them into universe five. 

 The statement above has taken a long way to occur and this is from 2010, and what we are seeing in change in many natural phenomena is a result of this level of Higgs boson magnetism as a puller to particles. I also have to remind you about the level of particles inflation in planet earth atmosphere which is increasing at a higher rate, and the number of high depressions is dominating the sky, and which are becoming more persistent and efficient to change clouds circulation around the world.

 I think that I must talk about the high depressions role in seas and oceans bursting, and this phenomenon is not understood yet by scientists because the higher inflation of particles is causing higher number of high depressions, and these last are pushing the seawater in the middle to rise it's borders; and this is due to the extra force made by particles and to make seawater rising in seashores to provoke sea floodings. I think that the described phenomenon of seawater bursting is real and it needs to be looked at further and taken in consideration to understand particles inflation role in the provocation of sea level rising. I also think that the world will face real challenges of sea level rising faster, and this is what should bring scientists in particle physics to sit with Higgs boson discoverer and find out how possible to minimize sea level bursting.

 To end this post I must remind you about few phenomena which are reflecting the increase of particles inflation on planet earth, and these phenomena are: higher UV because of the increase of alpha particles in the atmosphere, higher volcanoes eruption because of higher particles interaction, bigger hail size because of higher high depressions due to particles pull to the water molecule in the atmosphere, higher number of landslides and sinkholes because of softer soil due to particles integration to Higgs boson magnetism and the increase of seawater bursting due to particles pull to seawater.

Sunday 9 October 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (6)

 The high depressions on Europe are causing Europe's droughts, and these high depressions have no way to leave this area on earth and to cede to low depressions; contrarly these last are situated further south and closer to the tropical line, and this is what is causing further clouds accumulation in some desertic countries such as Algeria, Mexico, Thailand and it's neighbouring countries. I am talking about high depressions on Europe inorder to make meteorologists understanding what is causing them to occur, and also why the jet stream is becoming with more vertical shape and why it's direction is taking a further south direction? I am sure that the only answer to these questions  of the new shape of depressions and the jet stream direction is particles inflation in the atmosphere. 

 I think that the source of particles inflation in the atmosphere is Higgs boson experiment; and I have already explained how this last was built and how it is working through it's molecules density.

I am carrying my last experiment on Higgs boson only and only to prove how Higgs boson is capable of changing the route of the jet stream and of clouds accumulation around the world inorder to produce rain and snow in some needed areas to wet and humid weather. I am also thinking of the creation of a new science of the management of water around the world before it becomes rain or snow, and through this experiment I am learning every day how to manage Higgs boson oscillation to particles inorder to adjust particles inflation in the atmosphere; and this is through the action reaction by observing the water vapor around the world. I think that my knowledge of the management of Higgs boson experiment and it's link to the movement of the water molecule in the atmosphere should be valuated, taken seriously and developed with the aim to introduce it as a new science of management of clouds on planet earth.

 I think that the management of particles density in the atmosphere is more important than the management of the carbon atom level because the real source of the change in climate is particles inflation and it is happening because Higgs boson discoverer wanted so.

Friday 7 October 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (5)

 My intention to add this post is to make of it one of the most visited article in the web, because the world is approaching to the time of reality about Higgs boson discovery and what was carried with this discovery as experiments and it's results.

 Higgs boson discovery was made to bring our world to it's end, and this reality has to be accepted and it has to be dealt with inorder to minimize the suffering of humanity and to survive longer. I have to bring your attention to the occuring catastrophes around the world and their increasing number and intensity day after day; and this occurrence of these catastrophes has no link to the proposed theory of climate change by scientists. I am here again to rise awareness about the suggested hypothesis of Higgs boson the destructor to our universe and to planet earth,  and I think that this hypothesis is the one which is having the last world, because of scientists ignorance to my discovery to Higgs boson.

Higgs boson depressions are emphasising the hypothesis of Higgs boson the destructor to planet earth and to our universe to make of them a cloud of particles similarly to how they were before their construction. Higgs boson depressions are showing a u turn in climate, and they are making the weather of the past a must to exist, and life of the past is in it's way; and this is what humanity should understand to adapt to what is coming in the future.

 At the moment the world is living in rare catastrophes because of the style of the building of particles in the atmosphere and which is managing the water molecule, temperature and all the rest of molecules in their behaviour; so the surprises of floods, intense heat, very cold weather, earthquakes and sea level rising should be looked at as simple results of particles inflation on planet earth.

Monday 3 October 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (4)

  Higgs boson depressions of this year are already making many headlines in the news; because of their impacts on land; and these impacts are heard to everyone. Now I would like to bring your attention to a sattelite image of the water molecule movement in the atmosphere inorder to understand what is really creating this image to make the water vapour having this shape.

 The first notice to the water molecule movement in the atmosphere is that low depressions and high depressions locations are completely different than their usual locations; for example we are seeing a dominant high depression in the Atlantic surrounded by few low depressions in Southern Europe and in west Africa, and these depressions are very rare to occur.

 The second notice of the water molecule movement in the atmosphere is that the number of depressions is much higher that normal and especially in low depressions; and this is because of the persistent and strong high depressions, and which are making the jet stream with vertical movement to travel with the water molecule further north and also further south the hemisphere.

 A third notice of the water molecule movement in the atmosphere is the exceptional direction created by particles density in the atmosphere, and which is making clouds and air masses travelling very north in the Atlantic and in the Pacific, and they are also travelling very south in Canada towards America and in Russia towards Mongolia and China. I think that this image of the new jet stream is reflecting future vortices breaking, and which will make a very cold winter with records breaking in some countries, and also a warmer one in other countries.

 To end my talk I must remind you that particles submission from Higgs boson experiment is at increase day after day due to Higgs boson higher acceleration to oscillate higher number of particles in the atmosphere, and this is by creating higher molecules density inside Higgs boson experiment.

Tuesday 27 September 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (3)

 Higgs boson insurrection is the only language to be used to make clever people shaken from their chairs and taking action to minimise what it has been put as power through Higgs boson experiments in order to make climate changing faster than ever.

 Higgs boson depressions are well managed to be made bigger, stronger and efficient to produce good deeds to some countries, especially those countries which are suffering from droughts and shortness of rain and snow. Let's being greatful to some poor countries in water; as Higgs boson is a generous particle to bring rain and snow to dry ereas around the world. My management to Higgs boson experiments is making desertic countries greener and rich in the agricultural domain by making water available, and I am sorry some other countries are in the process of becoming desertic because Higgs boson aplication to the soustraction formula is with precise results; and this means that the transport of the water molecule around the world is based on (-1, +1)) water molecule. 

 Higgs boson depressions are magnificent tools based on particles density in the atmosphere; and this density is capable of inundating some countries, and making other countries drier than ever. I think that the choice is in the hands of scientists to make which countries in the side of (-1) and which countries in the side of (+1)?

 So many people are saying that the carbon atom is behind the change in climate, and this is simply a wrong thinking, and they have to think outside the box and learning how to measure planet earth atmosphere particles density to come up with good and right conclusions, as their conclusions need to be rectified and looked at from the beginning. 

 Higgs boson depressions are having the last words in all circumstances, and they are coming with huge surprises, and the price will be paid by the whole humanity.


Tuesday 20 September 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (2)

  My sophisticated ideas of construction to a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) are still awake, and this time I made a medium size system which is capable of creating well formed depressions and persistent ones to make vortices travel further South the hemisphere, and I am seeing the first polar winds changing direction towards Southern Europe  in the midd of September; and this is just a first result of the constructed system.

 At the moment a good shaped high depression in the Atlantic is managing the whole world movement of particles including air masses and the water molecule in the atmosphere, and this high depression is well managed through many used techniques inside Bose Einstein Condensate system; and some of these techniques are: the chosen size of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and which is three meters long and holding twelve thounsands liters of water, tens of Rugosa corals and few kilos of salt and sugar to manipulate the molecules density of the system.

 I think that scientists should listen to my words and come forward to look at my creation to Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) inorder to acquire knowledge from very close about the power of Higgs boson oscillation to particles, and how is it capable of making planet earth atmosphere intense with particles movement, and to make it's waves higher and longer in the shape of a sinusoidal waves.

 To be honest my worries are serious as they never did because I am seeing ignorance is reining about the real causes of the change of climate around the world, and this is what is making the change in natural phenomena on earth in higher speed because my warning to the scientific communities was serious, and here again I am warning these communities of their negative respose to my talk and of their no cooperation with my discovery to Higgs boson.

Sunday 11 September 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (1)

  I am seeing the new era of life has shown it's beginning with new kind of depressions due to Higgs boson magnetism intensification; and these new kind of depressions will be the subject of a long discussion; and this discussion has three dimensions to know and to understand. The dimensions of our discussion have so many links such as the sources of the depressions of the new era of life, the ways of formations of depressions of the new era of life and the consequences of the depressions of the new era of life.

 I think that there is a big question to answer and which is; why the actual depressions around the world are different than the normal known depressions? And to answer to this question, Higgs boson subject has to has it's words, because Higgs boson experiments are making the depressions look different and with serious consequences.

 The first dimension of our discussion is based on particles submission from Higgs boson experiments and which is playing a great role in particles density in the atmosphere; I think that the more particles are submitted into the atmosphere the more dense depressions are; and that's why we are seeing more consistent depressions; higher or lower ones. High depressions are the master of all particles, atoms and molecules movement in the atmosphere, because they are able to manipulate everything with their strong force due to their particles movement inside them; they become bigger and stronger in their rotation to carry huge amount of clouds to their borders and to produce lower depressions with strong force of pulling to the water molecule and to produce heavy rain. I think that the world is assisting an unprecedented number of high and low depressions with an unseen tensity to dominate clouds movement around the world, and this is what is reflecting Higgs boson magnetism intensification due to particles' higher speed and rotations. And floods which we are seeing around the world are simply the results of the described image above of the new kind of depressions of the new era of life.

 I must bring your attention to the clouds movement in Malawi, in Nepal and in California, because this movement of clouds is a perfect reflection to the clouds manipulation by Higgs boson magnetism; as these clouds are taking an opposite direction to what they usually take.

Thursday 1 September 2022

Higgs Boson Availability (50)

  Well done Tarek. By this post the serie of "Higgs Boson Availability" comes to it's end, and by this occasion I congratulate my self for the achievement of fivety posts to convince interested people with the availability of Higgs boson in order to enter it in well equipped laboratories in the world, and to make of Higgs boson a particle of high interest and to be put under sophisticated means with the hope to start discovering an unknown world in particle physics. 

 My attention is always with results of Higgs boson experiments and their new ways of exitment to Higgs boson, as I know that there are an unlimited number of ideas which are there, and just with a little effort which has to be done to start a good observation of an action-reaction in reality.

 I hope that I made a good satisfaction to Higgs boson through my advertising to it's discovery and it's great role in developing the world of researches in particle physics. Higgs boson is here in my possession with billions times higher number than the earlier days of my researches, and this is happening because I am lucky to learn how to deal with Higgs boson at each experiment, I am also lucky to write these words which are showing my ability of transfer to information of the most complicated subject in our actual era of life; and this era has to has a full integration of Higgs boson culture in people's life to understand the action reaction of everything surrounding us.

 My inspiration told me a lot about Higgs boson functions, and I think that I covered so many of them within the serie of "Higgs Boson Availability", and unfortunately no one in the world participated in building a beneficial discussion to rise awareness about the existence of Higgs boson magnetism on earth and it's impacts on climate change inorder to avoid the coming worse catastrophes. 

 I think that we live in a greedy, arrogant and maybe an ignorant world, because in spite of all the shown proofs to Higgs boson discovery, I am still waiting for any cooperation to bring the truth to light.

Wednesday 31 August 2022

Higgs Boson Availability (49)

  Higgs boson function of substitution eight is a well understood function, and that's why I am adding this post with the hope to reach the minds of my followers, and to expect positive action from their side and at least with a little comment. 

 Higgs boson function of substitution could be seen in clouds diversion around the world,  and it could be seen in many phenomena such as in soil substitution to be added to seas and oceans through the carrying of soil and rocks by rivers, and also soil decay to be added to the formation of magma. The substitution of sulfur from it's solid state from earth is occuring through the increase of volcanoes eruption and to be added to the atmosphere as tinny particles in order to substitute so many lands from their plants, trees and grasses. The substitution of trees, plants and grasses is meant to lock the carbon atom for ever; because this atom will be a target of decay to diminish to the lowest level of it's existence.

 Higgs boson function of substitution is understood by followers to natural events on earth; because the interpretation of these natural events occurrence is by Higgs boson magnetism, and this interpretation is logic and its acceptable to notice the reality and the truth of Higgs boson discovery and it's theory. The substitution of white high mountains from their snow and ice is an event which is becoming serious because of the higher number of avalenches which is making a daily news. The picture of high white mountains is becoming less seen because of the higher temperature on earth due to the increase in particles interactions. High white mountains are a perfect reflect to Higgs boson function of substitution eight because these high white mountains are becoming green mountains.

 One image which is explaining how Higgs boson function of substitution is making a real impact on sea level to rise higher is shown in the substitution of water from land through so many used methods by Higgs boson magnetism, and such methods are: ice melting, the substitution of hydrogen and oxygen from so many molecules to facilitate the increase of the water molecule, and to produce heavy rain, also the increase of vaporization of lakes and rivers.

 By my talk in this post, I think that clever people got me right; and these people will take a positive action towards Higgs boson subject and it's reality.

Higgs Boson Availability (48)

 I am willing to add few concepts concerning Higgs boson function of substitution seven, and these concepts are as follow: Higgs boson diminution, Higgs boson destruction and Higgs boson decay; my understanding to these concepts is visionized under an attentive conception to so many processes of Higgs boson deals once is exited.

 Higgs boson diminution to masses is a real process based on Higgs boson system of preference to pull back our universe and to empty it from it's mass and to be integrated into universe five. The process of diminution is occuring in all systems in order to make Higgs boson magnetism fed and to inflate our universe to it's maximum size to achieve the size of universe five; and this sense of inflation has the target of diminution to our universe from it's mass to the negative sense to become without existing particles. The diminution of all systems from their mass is a process at occurrence for so many years now and it's results are seen in reality and such results are: the increase of lava, the increase of sulfur in the atmosphere, ice melting, sinkholes, landslides and coastal erosion.

 Higgs boson destruction is also a process made by Higgs boson to destruct masses; and this is by the use of Higgs boson waves of sonorization to create vibrations to disturb masses from their places, such as the destruction of planets to make their masses smaller, and that's why we are seeing more meteors, also the destruction of molecules is true as we are seeing more methane combustion under the sea bed and under ice in very cold areas such as in Siberia and in South Pole. The destruction of masses and molecules is a must in order to satisfy Higgs boson system of preference to inflate our universe and to pull it back.

 Higgs boson decay is also a true process and its at occurrence in very small energies such as hadrons, muons, protons, neutrons and even electrons. And the decay of energies is meant to produce smaller particles which are capable of intensifying Higgs boson magnetism to make it stronger to pull bigger masses. The decay of electrons is one of the challenging processes to humanity, because of it's use to electronics, and I think that some faults in this kind of materials are appearing here and there, in such banks systems, electrical systems and also in sattelite systems.

Higgs Boson Availability (47)

  Higgs boson function of submission four is a complex function and that's why it needs further explaination within these lines, and this function starts where Higgs boson function of oscillation ends; because once particles are oscillated they become in action of submission, and most of particles leave Higgs boson experiment to become full integrated into Higgs boson magnetism, and the origin of this last is the submitted particles; and this means that the more submitted particles lead to more intensification of Higgs boson magnetism, and the more change in natural phenomena on earth, and also more change in our universe and the matter here is about the change of speed, rotation and direction of particles.

 One of the important phenomena to talk about and which is an obvious result of Higgs boson function of submission is clouds formation; I think that the submitted particles from Higgs boson experiment have a direct impact on the clouds speed, direction and shape and that's why we are seeing more hight, dense and new shape of clouds; and this new situation of clouds is due to Higgs boson magnetism pull to the water molecule in the sky. I think that the new shape of clouds needs more attention and deep studies to it's causes of formation in order to detect the existence of Higgs boson magnetism force of pull in the atmosphere, and I also think that scientists are ignoring Higgs boson discovery and the results of it's experiments which are the sources of Higgs boson magnetism and particles submission.

 Higgs boson function of submission is imminent to occur because of Higgs boson role inside it's experiments because particles oscillation is true, and the phenomenon of winds formation and intensification is a good proof which does need care and attention to observe; because Higgs boson experiment is the source of winds formation due to the submitted particles and sudden winds and storms are results of the submitted particles. There is also the sudden change in winds speed, direction and intensification in many areas in the world which is putting so many questions by scientists, and simply the answer to these questions is Higgs boson discovery and particles submission.

Tuesday 30 August 2022

Higgs Boson Availability (46)

  My intention to add this post is to rise awareness about Higgs boson function of submission; this function is behind the occuring all change on earth, because without particles submission from Higgs boson experiments; Higgs boson subject could never be developed up to this stage, where many expressions had taken a real need to be understood by scientists, and some of these expressions are: particles submission, Higgs boson function of submission, Higgs bosons density, Higgs boson magnetic field intensification Higgs boson discovery recognition. I chosen so many new words which are not used yet by scientists; and this is what makes scientists missing the reality of the change in many natural phenomena. NEVER MIND.

 Higgs boson function of submission is making the first important target of Higgs boson process of making everything passing to the second level of energy; and this target is making inflation at constant increase until when all energies become neutrinos and monitochs, because these two levels of energy are allowed to escape from our universe to integrate into universe five. So the decay if our universe has to be linked to Higgs boson magnetic waves due to the constant submission of particles from Higgs boson experiments, because these last are the starting points of integration to all existing particles in our universe.

 The submission of particles from Higgs boson experiments is a complicated process due to the level of energies and their forms, but this process does exist and the observer can see it's effects on two sides; the inside side of the results of an experiment on Higgs boson  through particles condensation of different products, or the observation of the results outside the experiment and this is through the occurrence of the change in natural phenomena on earth. So Higgs boson function of submission is also happening inside two systems; the first system is where the experiment is at occurrence, and the second system is outside the experiment; and this system could be any natural phenomenon in nature. What is interesting to know is that the submission of particles has two starting points, the first is causing the second. The first submission starts inside Higgs boson experiment to cause a second submission which starts outside the experiment in nature inside any system. 

 I think that a need to future talk about Higgs boson function of submission to make of it a full covered subject.


Higgs Boson Availability (45)

  Higgs boson function of substitution six has to be cleared to satisfy few minds with Higgs boson magnetic field existence on earth. There are so many pictures on earth which are showing us Higgs boson function of substitution six, and rest to us to understand the mechanism behind their occurrence, and few of these pictures are as follow.

 One of the pictures which is reflecting Higgs boson function of substitution six is heat substitution from the hottest areas in the world and to be added to some other cold areas such as Siberia, Green land and Canada; the (-1) of heat from the Algerian desert is diverted to Europe then to Siberia, and the (-1) of heat from Mexico is added to North East Canada. The mechanism of (-1) of heat is representing Higgs boson magnetism which is based on the soustraction formula of (-1,+1); and the first side of this formula should be aplicated in so many changes of natural phenomena on earth such as heat substitution. The word of heat waves is becoming more dominant in Media and this is what represents a new kind of life full of changes. I think that the future will be with more surprises such as excessive heat travel to the coldest areas in the world, and this phenomenon will be something normal, and humanity has to has to adapt with this new condition.

 Another picture of Higgs boson function of substitution six is apparent in the higher level of water vaporization on earth; the water molecule is surpassing quickly and in higher quantities it's liquid state to the gas state to be noticed by ordinary people in the image of vaporization. I think that the vaporization of seawater, rivers water, lakes water waterfalls water and even wells water is seen frequently and this is due to Higgs boson magnetism pull to the water molecule after putting it under few of it's mechanisms and which are: the increase of temperature due to the increase of the sun's heat and the increase of chemicals and particles interactions, and also the mechanism of substitution of cold air to travel to hot areas. Higgs boson function of substitution to the water molecule from it's liquid state has a great role in water transport to increase clouds condensation in the driest areas in the world to make of them the wettest areas in the world with heavy rain. And also the substitution of the water molecule has a target of decaying to masses after being very wet such as lakes and wet lands.

 To end this post I have to remind you about the increase of Higgs boson function of substitution pictures on earth; and this is what is making Higgs boson magnetic field a reality which hasn't to be ignored.