Tuesday 28 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (50)

  The great change in natural phenomena is taking place within this post and which is the polar vortex breaking into pieces, because the subject needs more clarification to the people whom are interested in understanding the real causes of the polar vortex breaking. I decided to put the light on the causes of the polar vortex breaking with the hope to achieve the engagement of some people in Higgs boson experiments. I think that there are three main causes to polar vortex breaking and which are as follow:

 The rise in temperature on planet earth is one of the main causes to push the polar vortex to break, and to take many directions towards Europe, Canada and southern Russia. Temperature is rising on planet earth in a fast pace and this is because of many causes and which are: Higgs boson experiments, masses decay inside Higgs boson experiments, rays ejection from Higgs boson experiments, higher particles inflation in planet earth atmosphere, higher chemicals interactions in nature, higher UV due to the intense sun's flares, the increase in perma frost and sulfur increase in planet earth atmosphere due to the increase in volcanoes eruptions. I think that people whom are trying to fix CO2 emission they are getting it wrong simply because the real cause to the rise in temperature is not CO2 emission but it is Higgs boson magnetism influence on everything to make the decay of planet earth mass achieveable through the rise in temperature. The rise in temperature is making the stratosphere warmer, warmer and warmer to allow the breaking of the polar vortex.

 The second cause which is making the polar vortex breaking is the stratosphere warming; during the last few years the stratosphere warmed more frequently and this is because of the extensive experiments on Higgs boson during the whole year. Higgs boson experiments are good sources to energy to make the atmosphere more dense with subatomic particles, and these last with their movements allow the production of heat inorder to make the stratosphere warmer and to challenge the polar vortex and breaking it.

 A third cause to break the polat vortex is high pressures management through the use of Higgs boson experiments; high pressures are good challengers to the polar vortex because they allow warm air to travel very high in the sky, and also with their formation further north the northern hemisphere to feed the stratosphere with the carried warm air higher and to make the polar vortex breaking.

 To end this post I would like to remind you about the challenge which had been risen in earlier posts; and which is the freeze of the English tunnel, I think that this challenge is achieving it's results slowly and surely within few weeks from now.

Saturday 25 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (49)

  Again here I am bringing to your attention the change in three natural phenomena; and as I already noticed that this change in natural phenomena is a result of the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism in our universe; and this intensification of Higgs boson magnetism is a result of the extensive experiments on Higgs boson, and which are the sources of acceleration of particles inflation to cause the change in the following natural phenomena.

 One of the changes in natural phenomena on planet earth is well understood and it is obvious in the booming of jellyfish in seas and oceans. The booming of jellyfish in seas and oceans is due to the setting of the right conditions to jellyfish to grow faster and in higher numbers, and some of these conditions are: higher seawater temperature, higher booming in alga and seafood in seas and oceans, the abundance of the needed chemicals in seawater to jellyfish to grow faster and bigger. I think that jellyfish is one of the most significant proofs which are supporting Higgs boson theory and it's discovery.

 Another change in natural phenomena which is supporting the existence of Higgs boson magnetism is the increase in meteorites bombardement to planet earth atmosphere. I think that meteorites are already becoming more apparent in the nights sky; the number of meteorites is at increase due to Higgs boson magnetism cut off to the existing rocks on other planets and cometes, and this is due to the decay to their mass similarly to the decay of plane earth mass. I ca assist my observation to two meteorites just within the last six months. The yearly given number of meteorites by researchers is 17000, and I think that this number could be doubled or trebled within the coming few years. Meteorites increase is also a phenomenon of support to Higgs boson system of preference of decay to masses in ourvuniverse inorder to feed itself with their decayed particles.

 A last change in natural phenomena to end this post; and this change is appearing in vortex breaking as it is doing at present. There is no doubt that the polar vortex is becoming weaker, weaker and weaker; and this is due to the consistent high pressures which are dominating the north of the northern hemisphere, and these pressures are well managed and fed with Higgs boson experiments decay to molecules to increase particles inflation in planet earth atmosphere.


Friday 24 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (48)

  Bear with me; changes in natural phenomena are unlimited, and the talk about them will never end because we are about the theory of everything, and this theory is activated because the discovery of Higgs boson is real and it is also swithched on to bring three other theories in physics into practice; and theze theories are Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) theory,  the theory of relativity and the string theory. All the cited theories of physics are put together because Higgs boson discovery was true.

 One of the important changes in natural phenomena is so apparent in the seasons mixing; the four seasons mixing is due to the change in most weather phenomena directions, speed and time of occurence; and this is because of the increase in inflation on planet earth. Seasons are mixing to become different than normal and this is by showing higher and lower temperature, storms occurence in different areas and different time of the year and rains are becoming inexpected in their areas and time.

 The second change in natural phenomena is obvious in temperature on earth; temperature on earth is becoming full of surprises as we are seeing higher and lower temperature than average in many countries, even in north pole some areas are becoming much higher than normal, and also temperature is becoming much lower than normal in some other areas such as the big sahara where snow is becoming a yearly visitor. The change in temperature is so obvious on earth and it's causes are so many; and some of them are: chemicals interactions increase in the bottom of planet earth, ligher atmosphere due to subatomic particles reflection to the sun's heat, and also Higgs boson experiments submission to all kind of rays.

 The third change in natural phenomena could be understood in comets frequent appearance, I think that people with telescopes can witness the higher number of the appearance of comets; and this is due to comets displacement from their orbits by the higher intensity of Higgs boson magnetism. There is also a comprehensive fact which is making comets more apparent and which is the increase of hydrogen in the solar system. The higher level of hydrogen in the solar system is a reality which is supporting Higgs boson system of preference of decay to chemicals to boost hydrogen density in our universe. I think that comets are showing a consistent idea of Higgs boson magnetism dominance to the movement of all existing masses; and the coming years higher number of comets will be obvious to the naked eye.

 To end this post I would like to remind my audience that I decided to publish advertisements within this blog, and with the hope to make some income to support my researches on Higgs boson through new ideas of experiments.


Wednesday 22 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (47)

  I am willing to say something about the changes in natural phenomena as our world has moved to a new era of life; an era where Higgs boson magnetism is having the last word to change everything's life and behaviour.

 The first change in natural phenomena is obvious in sea level rise; sea level is becoming higher than expected; and this is due to many new conditions of life on earth. The sea level is becoming higher because of the widening in planet earth orbit to make some planets closer to earth and having a direct impact on sea level to rise through their gravity. Also the change in planets orbits to become closer to earth due to Higgs boson magnetism pull to planets inorder to decay their masses and inflate our universe further; and this phenomenon is a real fact which has to be investigated inorder to be understood and confirmed. Higgs boson magnetism is pulling seawater to rise higher and quicker; and this is through seawater particles attachment to the atmosphere particles then our universe particles.

 The second change in natural phenomena could be seen in clouds movement; clouds of the new era of life have new routes to take due to Higgs boson magnetism pull to the water molecule in the atmosphere, and an example of a new route of clouds is seen in clouds moving east from Brazil to Kazakhstan passing by western Sahara, Chad, Saoudi Arabia...etc to Kazakhstan. Also clouds new routes are appearing in clouds moving from Alaska to Western USA. I think that clouds movement changes in routes are so many; and this is what is proving Higgs boson magnetism influence on natural phenomena.

 The third change in natural phenomena on planet earth is shown in the strong and numerous lightning; lightning is participating in the emptying of planet earth from it's charges; and this is what is obeying to Higgs boson system of preference of decay to planet earth mass. Lightning are produced due to the mixing of cold air masses and warm ones and which are manipulated by Higgs boson magnetism through the inflation of high and low pressures; and these last are becoming real dominators to air masses movement due to the high level of particles in the atmosphere. I think that lighning of the new era of life are bringing with them good proofs to my talk about Higgs boson discovery and it's results of experiments.

 Again I will be back to show you few changes in natural phenomena in the nearest future; inorder to prove that Higgs boson magnetism existence is a real matter which has to be considred.


Tuesday 21 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (46)

  I think that changes in natural phenomena are becoming more obvious; and this is what is supporting my discovery to Higgs boson and the existence of Higgs boson magnetism in our universe. Through this post I would like to talk about three changes in natural phenomena and which are as follow:

 The first change in natural phenomena is obvious in the sun's flares; and these flares are becoming wider, longer and sharper, and this is what explains the level of inflation in the solar system which is at constant increase due to Higgs boson oscillation to particles. The new image of the sun's flares is making Higgs boson theory more consistent; because the sun's flares find in their way more tinniest particles to show their sharpening, and most of these particles are light reflectors such as alpha particles. I have to say that Higgs boson magnetism is also making the sun's flares spreading in further distances because of it's pulling to particles in our univese, and it is also pulling the sun's energy to be dispersed hugely and so far.

 The second change in natural phenomena and which is of my interest to talk about, and which explains the new era of life; an era where Higgs boson magnetism is dominating all particles behaviour and masses decay; and this phenomenon is seen in seawater receding and in sea bursting. The seawater is receding in some countries such as Egypt, Algeria and Lebanon; and this is happening because of the decay in planet earth masses inorder to produce huge cracks in the bottom of the sea where seawater find it's way where to escape. Also some countries are assisting a dramatic rise in seawater and lake water such as Namibia, Maldives and Malawi, and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism pull to the water molecule to make it higher, and pouring more water in lakes due to the created new conditions such as heavy and persistent rains.

 The third change in natural phenomena is appearing in landslides; this phenomenon of landslides is becoming more frequent in so many countries such as Brazil, Turkey and Chile; and this is what explains Higgs boson magnetism decay to planet earth mass through particles interaction within the soil, and also through chemicals interactions especially in methane combustion. I think that the phenomenon of landslides is explaining the level of the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism; because landslides means Higgs boson magnetism is becoming stronger and with more power to destabilise soil on earth, and also this means that all participating conditions to decay soil are met and they are at increase, and such conditions are: the increase of temperature and heat, the travel of cold air masses to warmer areas, the widening in the orbit of planet earth, heavy rain and excessive snow, stronger winds and storms and the increase in chemicals interactions in the bottom of earth.

 I think that I will have some time to talk about morecchanges in natural phenomena in our universe soon.

Monday 20 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (45)

  My intention to add this post is to rise awareness about the occuring change in three natural phenomena on earth; and this change in these natural phenomena is due to Higgs boson magnetism intensification as a result of subatomic particles increase in planet earth atmosphere.

 The first change on planet earth is appearing in the formation of low depressions in the sub tropical countries such as the western coast of Morocco, the western coast of Mexico and in Iraq. The formation of low depressions in the cited areas is due to the increase of particles rotation in the atmosphere and which are participating in Higgs boson magnetism fortification; as long as further particles are oscillated from Higgs boson experiments, planet earth is emptying it self from it's particles in higher rate, because these particles are joining Higgs boson magnetism. The more formation to low depressions the more air masses are influenced to move to unusual areas around the world. The all change in low depressions formation has to be looked at from the point of particle physics to be understood.

 A second change in natural phenomena on planet earth is a result of the increase of subatomic particles in the atmosphere; and this change is appearing in virisus mutations. There is no doubt that viruses are finding enough spaces where to mutate and develop freely to affect higher numbers of biologic bodies; because they are finding a huge stock of subatomic particles to form their needed chemicals, and to grow easily. I think that many surprises are in doors to human beings to discover future kinds of viruses; and this is happening because of Higgs boson magnetism intensification to decay further masses and turning them into their lowest energy form.

 A third change in natural phenomena due to Higgs boson experiments and their boosting to inflation on planet earth is shown in the increase of all kinds of natural proteins. There are so many creatures especially insects which are developing to the extreme in their populations such as ants, snails and culicidae; and this is happening because subatomic particles are occupying more spaces due to the decay of masses on planet earth. Natural proteins are becoming more abundant and the world will be surprised by the appearance of new old creatures because these new proteins are built on bigger old time particles, and also because of the reversal of RNAs and DNAs which are supporting this building of the new old creatures.

 I think that the occuring changes in natural phenomena on earth are at increase until when the "All change expression" will be dominant on earth, and human beings will have no time to reverse life back to where it was; a normal life, and this is already happening because of the ignorence to the real discovery to Higgs boson.

Saturday 18 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (44)

  The occuring inflation of particles in planet earth atmosphere should be understood by scientists of the world; and one of the key points to make this inflation of particles is reflected in the system of preference of decay to masses of Higgs boson; and this system is an obligation in Higgs boson theory,  because Higgs boson is a particle which has the character of decay to masses through it's swallowing to particles inorder to be processed inside it, then oscillated to give a new form of energy lower than it's origine. I think that by showing three examples of substitution to masses on planet earth to increase particles inflation in it's atmosphere this post will be beneficial to interested people to understand the occuring changes in natural phenomena on planet earth.

 One of the changes in natural phenomena to increase inflation on planet earth atmosphere is obvious in the increase of the water molecule in the atmosphere; the clouds are showing their higher amount to occupy further space in planet earth atmosphere, and to produce heavy rain and excessive snow. I think that the phenomenon of higher amount of clouds is due to three causes and which are: higher temperature on earth, higher amount of the water molecule on earth and efficient high pressures which are holding the water molecule longer, longer and longer in the atmosphere. I think that the increase of the water molecule on earth is one of the most important tools which is used by Higgs boson system of preference of decay to masses; and this means that the more water there is, the more substitution to masses on earth; inorder to be added as subatomic particles to increase inflation.

 Another change in natural phenomena on planet earth to increase inflation in the atmosphere is obvious in the persistent and efficient high pressures which are becoming leaders in the manipulation of the weather systems on earth. In Higgs boson era high pressures are becoming bigger and stronger to manipulate the polar vortex in it's direction, and this direction is becoming further south the hemisphere; because of their acquirence to an enormous amount of particles from Higgs boson experiments; and these particles are making high pressures travel to the stratosphere possible, and with their movement the warming of the stratosphere is becoming easier. I think that the substitution of heat from earth which is made by high pressures has a great role in the increase of inflation on earth and this is by the partipation in the mixing of cold air masses and warm ones. I think that scientists are able to notice the change in high pressures comparing them to the occured ones ten years ago.

 Planet earth is a tinny particle comparing it to the whole universe, and it's participation in building Higgs boson magnetism with it's particles is a reality which hasn't to be ignored. Planet earth is becoming more volatile to deviate from it's original orbit and this is what explains the substitution of particles from it's mass to make inflation higher. 

 To end this post I have to remind you about the unlimited changes of natural phenomena on planet earth, and all these changes are supporting Higgs boson theory and Higgs boson discovery.

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (43)

 The identification of the causes of earthquakes intensity is explained by so many experts in many fields of sciences, and I believe that all of them are not showing the real reasons of this intensification of earthquakes. I noticed in so many occasions in this blog that Higgs boson magnetism exists and it is influencing most natural phenomena to change their behaviour, and one of these phenomena which is exposing this change in behaviour is earthquakes. I think that within this post a need to explain few causes of earthquakes numerosity and intensification is a good idea because I am seeing that this subject is at the news everyday, and my understanding to the change to this phenomenon must be taken seriously.

 One of the intensification of earthquakes is Higgs Boson Magnetism intensification; Higgs boson magnetism in 2023 is acquiring more energy to become stronger to pull further particles from planet earth; and this is due to it's accumulation of particles during the last twelve years; and this accumulation of particles is getting bigger, bigger and bigger to have more power to decay further masses on earth to their lowest energy form and to integrate them to Higgs boson magnetism; and this is what explains the soustraction formula of (-1, +1). The decay of masses on planet earth is a real phenomenon and which is making planet earth soil softer and full of empty spaces ; and this is what is making huge areas to vibrate and provoke earthquakes.

 People are speculating about the causes of the occuring earthquakes by saying that " Earthquakes are made by human beings"; and this is simply wrong. I have to say that Higgs boson sonorization is real and it's occurrence is due to particles movements once integrated inside Higgs boson magnetism; and this sonorization is produced due to the vibrational particles sinusoidal waves. I think that Higgs boson magnetic sinusoidal waves sonorization will be heard by human beings as it is already heard by some animals; and this is what explains the sudden dogs reactions which peoples can't understand. Higgs boson magnetic sinusoidal waves sonorization has a direct impact on decaying planet earth masses, and this is what is making soil decay faster to provoke further strong and numerous earthquakes. I think that there is no doubt that planet earth and all planets in our universe are under Higgs boson magnetic sinusoidal waves sonorization to assist further earthquakes in the future; and this is happening because of Higgs boson magnetism the puller system of preference to decay masses to their lowest energy form inorder to integrate them into universe five and realise the travel back of our universe.

 A third cause which is provoking earthquakes to occur and become strong and numerous is soil decay; soil is decaying because of the high particles interactions inside planet earth and the interactions of planet earth particles with particles from the outer atmosphere; and this interaction is represented by Higgs boson magnetism the puller and Higgs boson magnetism the pusher.


Sunday 12 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (42)

  My promise to my audience is still standing; and this is by telling them something about Higgs boson subject as long as I am able to do so. In today's post I am interested to show three phenomena which have a link to the change in the existing magnetism on earth; and one of these phenomena is the deviation of the form of high and low pressures; the actual existing image of high and low pressures is so different than the one existed in ten years ago; and this is due to Higgs boson magnetism dominance to all magnetisms on earth. What we are seeing now is that high pressures are taking more horizontally oval shapes from east to west in the northern hemisphere; and this shape is formed due to Higgs boson magnetism pull to particles towards 35 degrees east, and this is whats making the jet stream to change direction. The picture below is showing a low depression which has an oval shape.

 The rapid deformation in the high pressures form is also a phenomenon which has an important meaning to the reaction of particles density in the atmosphere; and this is due to the aplicated action of switching off Higgs boson experiment; and this means that the no boosting to these high pressures from Higgs boson experiment has a contrarly behaviour of high pressures because of particles movement; because this movement becomes more volatile and this is what allows the deformation in the sape of these high pressures. I think that the flat shape of high pressures is a good proof to the influence of Higgs boson experiment due to it's submitting to particles inorder to increase particles density to make inflation higher in the atmosphere. Also the movement of the polar vortex towards green land then West Europe is facilitated by the weakening of high pressures in this area.

 There is no doubt that high and lo pressures are behaving in a different manner than they used to be, and thats why we are seeing breaking records in the amount of snow and rain in so many countries, we are seeing the formation of tornadoes in Europe and in the Middle East, also we are seeing breaking records in temperature in the USA and in South Africa and we are seeing  floods in Australia and in New Zealand; all these phenomena are occuring because Higgs boson experiment had injected enough particles to change these phenomena behaviour. 

 Rest to me to tell you that Higgs boson theory is at work and it's consequences are very serious not only on planet earth but also in all our universe; simply because Higgs boson magnetism is capable of diverting all existing magnetisms, and it's influence is with high speed, its strong and its with manipulation to everything.

Wednesday 8 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (41)

  My intention to add this post is to awake scientists minds about the jet stream huge deviation, because this deviation of the jet stream has so many meanings and which have to be discussed within this post. And also scientists have to have to take the change in this phenomenon of the jet stream very serious inorder to understand what is really going on planet earth, and to take action as soon as possible towards Higgs boson discovery and it's experiments. I am also seeing that the jet stream has taken dangerous diversions in it's routes, and this is what will have serious impacts on the world's agriculture and habits of people's living. Let's exposing three meanings of the deviation of the jet stream, and with the hope that this time scientists will listen to my words, and be positif towards the following explanations.

 The first meaning to the jet stream deviation could be explained by the rise in temperature on planet earth; the dramatic rise in temperature on planet earth is pushing the arctic air masses further south the hemisphere during winter, and the key point in the rise of temperature could be linked to particles inflation in the atmosphere, and this higher inflation of particles is making Higgs boson magnetism stronger to increase particles interactions and to rise temperature. The travel of the arctic air masses further south has a direct impact on the jet stream to change direction and change it's movements to become more vertical than horizontal.

 The second meaning to the jet stream diversions could be explained through the weakening of the polar vortex year after year; and this weakening of the polar vortex is occurring because of the efficiency in high pressures; and these last are becoming stronger, bigger and higher and that's why they they are able to influence the jet stream and changing it's direction by sending the polar vortex further south. I think that the impact of the jet stream diversions further south is making snow present in subtropical countries every year such as Southern Algeria, Southern the USA and Southern China.

 The third meaning to the jet stream deviation is understood through the understanding of the exchange of particles between Higgs boson magnetism the puller and Higgs boson magnetism the pusher; both magnetisms are influentials to the jet stream to travel further south the northern hemisphere. I already explained Higgs boson magnetism the pusher; and which is responsible of introducing extra terrestrial particles inorder to inflate further planet earth atmosphere, and Higgs boson magnetism the puller which is responsible of emptying planet earth from it's tinnier subatomic particles. The kind of particles in the exchange of particles could be the same , but their time particles are not the same; these last are differents in their mass; Higgs boson magnetism the puller takes out planet earth particles with smaller time particles, and Higgs boson magnetism the pusher introduces particles holding bigger time particles in their mass. So it is obvious that the jet stream gets deviated because it gets bigger under the influence of both kind of Higgs boson magnetisms.

 I have to notice that both jet streams the ones of southern hemisphere and the ones of the northern hemisphere are meeting at the tropical line, and both are pulling further particles towards south and towards north and this phenomenon is leading to the flipping of the magnetic poles, and that's why we are seeng the jet streams of the southern hemisphere deviating enormously to become more vertical in South America, Africa and Australia, and pulling particles towards Artantica.

 To end this post by a little notice which has a strong reflect, and which is showing that the deviation to the jet stream is proving the existence of Higgs boson magnetism, and humanity will be very surprised by this deviation.





Sunday 5 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (40)

 Let's imagine that the high pressures are still dominating the Atlantic and the Western Europe; and this is what will contradict my hypothesis of bringing down these high pressures to zero bar; and this means that the risen challenge of freezing the English tunnel during the second half of February is failing; and this is what will show my failing in proving the rightness of my discovery to Higgs boson and my experiments on it. I am looking for anybody to bet anything that I am capable or not to realise my challenge and to make it true, I might win and make some resources of income as I am in need to it.

 My very long experience of experimenting on Higgs boson is making me very confident to not to miss my target especially when it comes to talk about particles inflation in planet earth atmosphere and managing them, because I acquired enough knowledge about the management of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) through the use of Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders). I discovered the link between the settings of Higgs boson experiments and depressions in 2013, and from this time my interest of observation to the action reaction between Higgs boson experiment and depressions, clouds movement and winds, and I learnt a lot about their links. And now I am able to manage the cited phenomena through the size of  Higgs boson experiment, the number of the used Rugosa corals in the experiment, the quantity of the used water in the experiment and the kind and the quantity of the added molecules to the experiment. The combination of building Higgs boson experiment and it's regulation through the addition or the diminution of it's ingredients depends on the situation of depressions in the sky. I become more interested to the polar vortex behaviour just few years ago, and my interest becomes stronger this year because of the available means which I have acquired such as the plot of land in which I built the reservoir where to carry Higgs boson experiment, and also where to collect the water of rain to use it in the experiment, and in this plot of land I managed to create the field of corn inorder to use it as a receiver to the collected condensated particles from Higgs boson experiment. The field of corn is meant to rise the challenge of growing unique corn bigger than any corn around the world, and also to make of this field of corn a mini Higgs boson magnetic field inorder to control low depressions. 

 This post comes to make my audience aware of my circumstances in which I am carrying my researches in the benefit of humanity, and I am looking for an opportunity of an investor in my researches, and I am asking anybody to become my sponsor inorder to make some income from my wrtings about Higgs boson. 

To end this post I should remind you about the actual Higgs boson experiment which is switched off inorder to reset particles inflation in the atmosphere and achieving this month of February target of Higgs boson experiment.

Friday 3 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (39)

  I know that the risen challenge of freezing the sea in Northern Europe is something big to swallow, but in Particle physics and with Higgs boson everything is possible, and my talk of this challenge has brought some joke from few people and less audience to read my posts. Please bear with me just this month of February where you will see real surprises of beaten records of snow accumulation and low temperature in Europe, and where the polar vortex will occupy this area for few days.

 Now in this post I would like to explain three matters which are important to know and which are as follow:

 The first matter which is important to know is that the theory of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is true, and it becomes practical with one condition and which is the presence of Higgs boson inside this system inorder to hold all existing energies inside it, and to decay masses to their lowest energy form and this happen inside a closed system. But in the open Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) energies can escape not only from the system but also from our universe, and participate in managing the level of particles inflation on planet earth atmosphere, and to manipulate depressions in their speed, strength and direction.

 The second matter of importance to know is that the string theory is true; and it could be proven through Higgs boson oscillation to particles, and the result of this oscillation to particles by Higgs boson could be seen in the formation of high pressures, and the rotation of the water molecule in the sky. I think that particles correlation is one of the key stones in physics, and Higgs boson theory has the pillar which is based on this key stone. The pillar of building of any particle on correlation otherwise both theories; Higgs boson theory and the string theory will have no sense. The depressions on earth are showing that all air masses are linked together, and their behaviour is depending on each other; and when the oscillated particles from Higgs boson experiment are targeting an area on earth the all change around planet earth occurs.

 The third matter of importance to know is the Higgs boson magnetism the returning or Higgs boson magnetism the pusher; this magnetism is important to understand because it is responsible of masses decays on planet earth. And one of it's images is shown in cosmic rays bombardment to planet earth, and this phenomenon is accelerating to decay more masses on earth; and this is through the introduction of big time particles to planet earth particles.

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (38)

  To those people whom are predicting the return of the Azores high pressure in the Atlantic and on Western Europe in the second half of February, I am telling them that their prediction is wrong  because I decided to bring down this high pressure to zero bar, and allowing a huge piece of the polar vortex to cover the cited area at least for ten days inorder to achieve the target of Higgs boson experiment through the processing of phase three of this experiment and which is aplicated in an intelligent manner and in perfection. So surprises are coming without doubt to bring the proof of management to air masses circulation around the world.

 Higgs boson magnetism is switched on and it's intensification is depending on Higgs boson experiment to make arctic air masses visiting the English tunnel and freezing it, and this process of intensification to Higgs boson magnetism is managed to control the level of particles inflation in the extreme north of the Atlantic, and this is by increasing molecules density inside Higgs boson experiment and diminishing the used water inside it. I think that the used technique during Higgs boson experiment is a well understood technique and it's results are observed daily to realize it's objective. 

 Snow records and low temperature breaking have achieved unprecedented displays in many countries such as in Canada, the USA and in Russia, and this is what is reflecting the role of high pressures in manipulating cold air masses in North pole, and this is by driving them to further south the northern hemisphere, and these records of snow and low temperature breaking are also reflecting the role of Higgs boson experiment in the boosting of high pressures to become stronger than ever, and this boosting is showing how Higgs boson experiment is capable of injecting enormous amount of particles to inflate planet earth atmosphere to the extreme. I think that scientists have no idea to explain the real causes of the polar vortex breaking and in exception they are showing just their understanding to the warming of the stratosphere, but they have no idea about the causes of this warming, and my explanation to the records of snow and low temperature breaking is more realistic and true.

 Uncertainty in meteorological news is reining nowadays, because of the computers miss reading to the changes in the weather events, and that's why an updating to the softwares of prediction to the weather is a must. I think that the weather events on planet earth are changing depending on Higgs boson magnetism direction and it's intensification; and these two phenomena are depending on particles density in the atmosphere and this last is based on the designated shape of Higgs boson experiment.