Saturday, 25 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (49)

  Again here I am bringing to your attention the change in three natural phenomena; and as I already noticed that this change in natural phenomena is a result of the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism in our universe; and this intensification of Higgs boson magnetism is a result of the extensive experiments on Higgs boson, and which are the sources of acceleration of particles inflation to cause the change in the following natural phenomena.

 One of the changes in natural phenomena on planet earth is well understood and it is obvious in the booming of jellyfish in seas and oceans. The booming of jellyfish in seas and oceans is due to the setting of the right conditions to jellyfish to grow faster and in higher numbers, and some of these conditions are: higher seawater temperature, higher booming in alga and seafood in seas and oceans, the abundance of the needed chemicals in seawater to jellyfish to grow faster and bigger. I think that jellyfish is one of the most significant proofs which are supporting Higgs boson theory and it's discovery.

 Another change in natural phenomena which is supporting the existence of Higgs boson magnetism is the increase in meteorites bombardement to planet earth atmosphere. I think that meteorites are already becoming more apparent in the nights sky; the number of meteorites is at increase due to Higgs boson magnetism cut off to the existing rocks on other planets and cometes, and this is due to the decay to their mass similarly to the decay of plane earth mass. I ca assist my observation to two meteorites just within the last six months. The yearly given number of meteorites by researchers is 17000, and I think that this number could be doubled or trebled within the coming few years. Meteorites increase is also a phenomenon of support to Higgs boson system of preference of decay to masses in ourvuniverse inorder to feed itself with their decayed particles.

 A last change in natural phenomena to end this post; and this change is appearing in vortex breaking as it is doing at present. There is no doubt that the polar vortex is becoming weaker, weaker and weaker; and this is due to the consistent high pressures which are dominating the north of the northern hemisphere, and these pressures are well managed and fed with Higgs boson experiments decay to molecules to increase particles inflation in planet earth atmosphere.


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