Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (43)

 The identification of the causes of earthquakes intensity is explained by so many experts in many fields of sciences, and I believe that all of them are not showing the real reasons of this intensification of earthquakes. I noticed in so many occasions in this blog that Higgs boson magnetism exists and it is influencing most natural phenomena to change their behaviour, and one of these phenomena which is exposing this change in behaviour is earthquakes. I think that within this post a need to explain few causes of earthquakes numerosity and intensification is a good idea because I am seeing that this subject is at the news everyday, and my understanding to the change to this phenomenon must be taken seriously.

 One of the intensification of earthquakes is Higgs Boson Magnetism intensification; Higgs boson magnetism in 2023 is acquiring more energy to become stronger to pull further particles from planet earth; and this is due to it's accumulation of particles during the last twelve years; and this accumulation of particles is getting bigger, bigger and bigger to have more power to decay further masses on earth to their lowest energy form and to integrate them to Higgs boson magnetism; and this is what explains the soustraction formula of (-1, +1). The decay of masses on planet earth is a real phenomenon and which is making planet earth soil softer and full of empty spaces ; and this is what is making huge areas to vibrate and provoke earthquakes.

 People are speculating about the causes of the occuring earthquakes by saying that " Earthquakes are made by human beings"; and this is simply wrong. I have to say that Higgs boson sonorization is real and it's occurrence is due to particles movements once integrated inside Higgs boson magnetism; and this sonorization is produced due to the vibrational particles sinusoidal waves. I think that Higgs boson magnetic sinusoidal waves sonorization will be heard by human beings as it is already heard by some animals; and this is what explains the sudden dogs reactions which peoples can't understand. Higgs boson magnetic sinusoidal waves sonorization has a direct impact on decaying planet earth masses, and this is what is making soil decay faster to provoke further strong and numerous earthquakes. I think that there is no doubt that planet earth and all planets in our universe are under Higgs boson magnetic sinusoidal waves sonorization to assist further earthquakes in the future; and this is happening because of Higgs boson magnetism the puller system of preference to decay masses to their lowest energy form inorder to integrate them into universe five and realise the travel back of our universe.

 A third cause which is provoking earthquakes to occur and become strong and numerous is soil decay; soil is decaying because of the high particles interactions inside planet earth and the interactions of planet earth particles with particles from the outer atmosphere; and this interaction is represented by Higgs boson magnetism the puller and Higgs boson magnetism the pusher.


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