Sunday 10 March 2024

Higgs Boson Reminder (5)

 In this post I would like to make a reminder about the higher number of the occurring floods on planet earth, and what are they their real causes? It is so obvious that the occurrence of floods around the world is becoming more dominant in Media, and they are a daily subject. I think that floods intensity and their higher number are due to Higgs boson magnetic field intensification on earth; and this intensification is a result of Higgs boson experiments.

 Higgs boson experiments are energy producers to make higher temperature on earth imminent; and by this increase of temperature the water molecule vaporisation becomes at dramatic increase to make water accumulation in the atmosphere higher and producing higher amounts of rain.

I should make a notice to the mechanism of Higgs boson experiments to make rain heavier than ever; and this mechanism is built on the soustraction formula which is (-1, +1). What it has to be known is that Higgs boson magnetic field intensification has the target to decay big masses on planet earth in order to be emptied from it and increasing Higgs boson magnetism pull to particles to leave our universe, and in this process the water molecule is used as an important tool in the decay of these big masses, and all this is organised by Higgs boson system of preference of decay to masses.

 Its also obvious that more watermakes masses decaying; and this image is reflected in landslides, earthquakes and rivers burst to increase erosion. Higgs boson experiments are producers to heat through Higgs boson oscillation to particles inside them, and this heat is allowing many molecules to decay and increase hydrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere to form further water molecule. The increase of heat from Higgs boson experiments is also allowing temperature to increase to make permafrost at it's higher levels as it never did. I have to say that permafrost is a source of water because of it's release to hydrocarbons especially methane to increase hydrogen into the atmosphere; and the result is the increase of water on planet earth.

 To end this post I have to say that the increase of floods on earth is a result of the increase of Higgs boson experiments, and the link between both processes has a long explanation; because the subject is about the increase of the water molecule on earth and it's link to Higgs boson complex mechanisms.

Saturday 9 March 2024

Higgs Boson Reminder (4)

 In my mind there are more than (150) changes of natural phenomena. I am willing to bring your attention to Higgs boson experiments effects on winds directions, speed and their role in the moving of the temperature of air masses around the world.

 Winds on planet earth are changing direction and speed in a very short time because of Higgs boson magnetism acceleration, and this change in this phenomenon is noticed by most people on earth. Also winds are mixing huge ereas of air masses; where cold ereas are becoming warmer and hot ereas are becoming colder. The change in winds direction and speed is affecting human beings life, and animals and plants life to create unusual situations in climate full of stress.

 What is interesting to know is that winds are taking different directions, and their speed is becoming higher, higher and higher, and the explanation of this change of the new conditions of winds has to be made through the explanation of Higgs boson experiments impacts on particles density, and particles movement tension in the atmosphere. I am sure that particles oscillation inside Higgs boson experiments is making these particles more energetic to allow Higgs boson magnetism with higher acceleration and manipulating winds upon their direction and speed.

 I would like to add the pictures below from (zoom earth) to show winds in their new direction to emphasis the hypothesis of Higgs boson experiments effects on the change of winds direction and speed on planet earth.

Friday 8 March 2024

Higgs Boson Reminder (3)

  I think that the idea of writing about "Higgs Boson Reminders" is a good idea because it's aim is to put the light on what's going in reality on planet earth in change in natural phenomena, and what are they the real causes to this change? Within this subject; I would like to talk about the hypothesis of Higgs boson experiments results in the change of natural phenomena on planet earth. In this post I would like to talk about one of these changes and which is the jet stream deviation from it's known routes.

 I am sure that no one on planet earth can deny that the jet stream has taken new routes further south in the Northern Hemisphere to make it's effects on the amounts of rain and snow, and temperature to change. Also to make air masses mixing in an unprecedented manner; and a good example of the travel of the jet stream further south is appearing at the moment in South West Europe where a persistent low depression is bringing high amount of rain on Portugal, Spain and France. The picture below is showing how far the jet stream is travelling south to North Africa.

I think that the change in the jet stream is becoming more flexible to deviate further south around the world and also to travel further north towards the north Pole to participate in the building of high depressions by following Higgs boson magnetism and making these high depressions more persistent and with higher particles density; such as the existing high depression at the moment on Scandinavia. The picture below is showing the strong high depression on Scandinavia

The formation of the new image of the jet stream didn't come from nothing; but it's good cause to have such shape is Higgs boson experiment. I am sure that the manipulation of the jet stream to make it deviating further south is a well understood process during the building of Higgs boson experiment, and the secret behind this is hidden in the management of particles density in the atmosphere. And also the management of Higgs boson experiment could be explained by Higgs boson oscillation to particles inside the experiment; the more oscillation to particles inside Higgs boson experiment the higher particles density in the atmosphere; and this is what is leading to persistent high depressions. The more high depression persistency the more deviation of the jet stream.

Nb: picture (1) from

Picture (2) from zoom earth

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Higgs Boson Reminder (2)

 Explanation, explanation and explanation. The explanation of the change in so many natural phenomena on planet earth by scientists of the actual era has taken a completely wrong direction; simply because scientists are not giving enough attention to my talk. Scientists are not considering and prioritising my discovery to Higgs boson and my experiments in particle physics to explain the occurring changes in clouds movements around the world. I do believe that Higgs boson discovery  and Higgs boson experiments are the main and important subjects of the 21st century.

 What we are seeing as change in clouds accumulation and clouds movement around the world is a direct result of Higgs boson experiments. Higgs boson experiments are the source of the change in clouds direction; and this is due to particles assumptions from Higgs boson experiments. The density of particles in the atmosphere has a direct impact on clouds to take their direction once particles interact with Higgs boson inside it's experiments, and leaving these experiments. Some particles which are influencing the composition of the atmosphere are: alpha particles, quarks, bosons gluons and beta particles.

 Higgs boson experiments are able to inject high amount of particles into the atmosphere to increase the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism and to allow clouds taking different direction than the usual one. The change of clouds direction could be seen in the tropical areas by their travel north east towards noth east Russia. The new direction of clouds is made by the pull of particles by Higgs boson magnetism towards it's centre where some particles are allowed to leave planet earth atmosphere and emptying it from it's mass.

The idea of the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism by the creation of objective and non aggressive experiments on Higgs boson is a good idea to make clouds accumulation and clouds movement forming a new image different than the known image of clouds accumulation on planet earth. The new image of clouds accumulation is showing that clouds are travelling further south to accumulate and produce higher amounts of rain and snow than usual, and this is whats supporting my hypothesis of the existence of Higgs boson magnetism and the rightness of Higgs boson discovery. The clouds accumulation which we are seeing in the picture below is made because of the high depression on Russian to bring further snow on China.

The all change in clouds movement has to be looked at from close; and this change is due to particles assumption from Higgs boson experiments. I would like to see some ineciatiative of talk about my hypothesis of Higgs boson discovery and Higgs boson experiments and their link to clouds accumulation.

Sunday 3 March 2024

Higgs Boson Reminder (1)

  First of all I am welcoming the new readers to this blog, and I hope that the information within it will be very helpful to understand the actual occurring change in so many natural phenomena on planet earth. It is so important to understand the real causes which are making our planet earth living in total new conditions in climate. 

 I am seeing many readers to this blog coming back to look deeper in it's contents, and I am here to help them to discover the truth about Higgs boson discovery and to understand the results of the carried experiments on Higgs boson. In this post I would like to remind you about Higgs boson magnetic field intensification and it's influence on planet earth to make the change of natural phenomena so obvious. I think that one of the interesting change in natural phenomena which has to be considred seriously is the stratosphere warming.

 The stratosphere warming is a very valuable phenomenon which is reflecting how far Higgs boson experiments are able to manage it and to make it in a state of warming. Higgs boson experiments aim is to make stratosphere warm enough to manage the circulation of air masses around the world, and manipulating clouds direction to bring rain and snow further south the Northern Hemisphere. The process of bringing more wet and humid climate to the near tropical areas in the world is obvious at the moment in Mexico, the big Sahara, the Middle East. Southern Asia and Southern the US such as California. 

 The stratosphere could be warmed through the use of Higgs boson experiments; and this is through the increase of particles movement and their density in the atmosphere, and this new state of particles in the atmosphere could be achieved because of the occured action-reaction between Higgs boson and molecules, atoms, subatomic particles inside Higgs boson experiments. 

 By switching on Higgs boson experiment all existing molecules inside it start to decay due to Higgs boson oscillation to these molecules and this is what makes the increase of rays in the atmosphere achieved, and by this increase of rays especially alpha particles, the amount of particles is increased and also their movement of speed and rotation is increased, and this is what makes huge high depression dominant to warm the stratosphere. The actual high depression in the North Pole is a result of a well managed experiment on Higgs boson.

 I think that the results of stratosphere warming phenomenon are well known and such results are: vortex breaking, persistent low depressions further south the Hemisphere such as the existing ones in the Atlantic and western Europe. The change in hot and cold air masses movement around the world. The change in the jet stream which becomes with higher sinusoidal waves to travel much south the Hemisphere as shown in the picture below.

Persistent high depression (earth zoom)

The idea behind the stratosphere warming through the use of Higgs boson experiments is to prove that my discovery to Higgs boson is right, and also to increase the amount of rain and snow in subsaharian countries especially in Africa and also in countries closer to the tropical, and this is what we are seeing at the moment. But in another hand I feel sorry for some countries in the North North Hemisphere such as Russia, Scandinavian countries, Europe, Northern America and Canada; these areas of the world are already having excessive amounts of rain and snow.

 To end this post, I am telling to scientists of the world that my method of manipulating stratosphere warming is right, and this method could be very beneficial to humanity, but in the other side it has some negative repercussions on some populations. I have to say that I might come back next winter with few experiments on Higgs boson to make vortex breaking twice or three times in a season to make Southern countries of the Northern Hemisphere happier by the increase of rain and snow amount and eliminating droughts issues in these countries.