Wednesday 22 June 2022

Available Majorana Fermions (30)

  This is the last post of the serie of "" Available Majorana Fermions"". My ability of production to condensated majorana fermions is an unprecedented opportunity to those people whom are interested to the subject, and also whom are after the construction of a True system of condensation to particles. The availability of condensated majorana fermions must be considered by scientists and used in order to innovate what it has to be innovated, because I think that scientists are still far behind to understand so many phenomena in so many fields of science. 

 Through this post my proposition of the availability of condensated majorana fermions is open to anyone willing to make new discoveries through their use in action-reaction, or to make discoveries of what condensated majorana fermions are holding inside them. Japan is the only country which is showing real interest to my talk about majorana fermions condensation, and I hope I will grab a deal of commercialization to condensated majorana fermions or to the system behind their condensation, then my capital will be invested in Higs boson experiments by acquiring the best used technologies in particle physics. I think that I am after a real revolution in many fields of life and history will write my name forever.

 Thanks god for offering me a little light of knowledge to lead humanity to the right path.

Monday 20 June 2022

Available Majorana Fermions (29)

  I would like to tell to the world that the availability of condensated majorana fermions is something achieved after long years of deep and intensive researches, and the organisation of the celebration of this achievement should be considered to be heard by the whole world, because of it's important support to researchers to understand so many enigmas in science. 

 I think that the commemoration of the achievement of majorana fermions condensation has to be taken sooner with the agreement of the scientific communities, and by this; the commemoration of Higgs boson discovery will be an obligation, and then this last will be known to everybody. Some people think that I am giving away my discovery to Higgs boson,  and contrarly I am telling them that Higgs boson ideas of experiments are with no end, and I am promising to come up with new alibis justifying the rightness of this discovery.

 Higgs boson discovery led me to fabricate the right system to condensate majorana fermions which are prooving that my researches were in the right paths, but unfortunately my voice wasn't heard, and I am not giving up to shout, shout and shout that the reality of majorana fermions condensation was made through Higgs boson discovery.

Available Majorana Fermions (28)

 My talk was so long about majorana fermions condensation because of the importance of the subject, and up to date there are still some points to talk about. I think that the condensation of majorana fermions is the best ever production made by human being; simply because majorana fermions are the tiniest particles in all existing particles, and their benefits are so huge to human being in the development of most fields of science such as biology, chemistry, particle physics, technology and medecine.

 There is also anoher point which is of my interest to talk about which is the processing of majorana fermions condensation; this processing is a unique tool which could be used to manage the water molecule in the atmosphere; and this is by managing it's condensation in the benefit of human being.
 Condensated majorana fermions could be used in the treatment of so many diseases such as the treatment of pneumonia; and this is by their ability to renovate damaged cells. Majorana fermions could be also used in the treatment of any kind  of cancer by their reproduction to dead cells. I think that researchers in the field of medecine should take my talk seriously, and take a positive action towards condensated majorana fermions. 

 To end this post by a message to researchers is a wise idea; this message is telling them sooner the use of condensated majorana fermions is better to human being.

Friday 17 June 2022

Available Majorana Fermions (27)

  In this post I am willing to show you how far is my talk rightness about majorana fermions condensation; this talk is emphasising my full knowledge of the technique and the processing of condensation to majorana fermions, and I think that by showing two areas of the experiment which leads to a true condensation of majorana fermions this post will be completed.

 The first idea which is covering the production of condensated majorana fermions is the idea behind this condensation; the idea of condensation to majorana fermions is based on the existing theories explained in earlier posts; and these theories are: the string theory, the relativity theory and Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs), and these theories are well consistent to lead to a true condensation of majorana fermions. I should say that my hypothesis of Higgs boson such as Higgs boson incarnation into rugosa corals, Higgs boson as a particle of obligation in the construction of a true Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and Higgs boson function of oscillation, I think that all these theories and hypothesis made me understand that the consideration of majorana fermions is real and true.

 The second area which is proving the rightness of my talk of majorana fermions condensation is a practical area, and which is based on the intensive experiments and the observation of the action-reaction inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs). The results of the experiments of production to majorana fermions were always the same and this means that my conclusions of majorana fermions condensation are right  because the results are justifying the means.

 Rest to me to negotiate the price of the system which is responsible of majorana fermions condensation, because I decided to not letting you grabbing it for free.


Wednesday 15 June 2022

Available Majorana Fermions (26)

  My talk today is about Higgs boson trueness inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); and this talk could never exist without my long experience in the domain of experiments of realization to a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs). Higgs boson is an element of necessity to produce a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); and that's why I always invite scientists to look from close to what it has been achieved from the production of condensated particles to the use of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) as a tool of management to climate around the world.

 Higgs boson inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is making particles oscillated to achieve a perfect condensation, otherwise without this oscillation Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) could never be true, and I had made thounsands of times of tests to this oscillation and the results were always proving that an oscillation inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) was there, and I had presented these results in so many occasions in this blog.

 Higgs boson inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is true because I tried the use of the resulted products such as superfluid to grow plants, and even to boost human being body and the the results were excellent. I also used the process of the production of majorana fermions to create a magnetic field where thounsands of birds were directed and settled. 

 I think that the world has to come quickly to find out what my talk is about, because this talk is becoming a necessity to understand in order to understand what's going on planet earth.

Tuesday 7 June 2022

Available Majorana Fermions (25)

  In today's post I am willing to answer to the question of why majorana fermions condensation is true? I think that due to my experience of repeating the same experiment and achieving the same results; I can conclude that majorana fermions condensation is true.

 Inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) there are so many combinations of choice, and there is only one combination which makes majorana fermions condensation possible; this achievement had been concluded after hundrunds of experiments during the last ten years.

 Soustraction formula had been applied inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) to make the decay of particles to their lowest energy form and this is through the (+1) Higgs boson (-1) higher energy form. I think that the rapidity in oscillating particles makes majorana fermions condensation possible; and this phenomenon conducts to a great law in particle physics which is "higher bosons lower energy forms".



Monday 6 June 2022

Available Majorana Fermions (24)

  The building of a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) consists of five elements which are:

  The first element to build a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and which is a pillar of obligation is Higgs boson; researchers in the domain of particle physics have to have to review their researches to achieve a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) of perfection and to construst this system on Higgs boson, otherwise all researches will be a waist of time.

 The second element of construction to a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is Rugosa corals which are in my possession; Rugosa corals are the only existing creatures which were capable of saving Higgs boson as a whole particle inside them hundreds of millions years ago, and any tentative to acquire Higgs boson and trying to build a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) without the use of Rugosa corals will be a fail.

 The third elment to build a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and which is a necessity is the element of excitation  to Higgs boson, because without this element of excitation Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) couldn't be switched on. I think that there are hundreds of elements of exitment to Higgs boson such as bleach, flowers, boiled eggs and macaroni cheese.

 The fourth element and which is an element of necessity to achieve the trueness of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is knowledge; I think that is important to know how to combine many elements inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) to build a true one, and some of these elements are: the wanted product to produce such as majorana fermions and a new kind of fertilizer to reach a soil at perfection, the quantity of the used water inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs), the elements of excitement and also the number of Higgs bosons.

 The last needed element to build a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is determination; I think that the world is very late to catch what it had missed during many years of researches by my self because of it's underestimation to my ideas. Maybe the will of building a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) will dominate the negativity and determination to cooperate with me will triumph at last.

Saturday 4 June 2022

Available Majorana Fermions (23)

 My talk in this post is about the realisation of condensation of majorana fermions, and  this condensation of majorana fermions has no way to occur without my achievement of the building to a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs). I think that it's fair enough to forward some key information about what is a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs)? To make sure that a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is well understood in both; theoretically and practically. I also think that there are three key points which are inevitable to explain in order to have a clear vision of what is a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs)?

 The first important point which is putting a light on what is a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is that a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) could never be true without the presence of Higgs boson inside it; because Higgs boson is a particle which switchs on this system; because Higgs boson is a particle which is capable of oscillating particles, otherwise Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is not true.

 The second key point which is explaining the trueness of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is that helium particles are trapped inside it in a room temperature; and this is what the actual technology is not capable of achieving; simply because helium particles achieve the inertial state because of their higher speed due to their oscillation by Higgs boson. Once helium particles are stable inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) this last becomes true.

 Finally, the trueness of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) could be realised only and only with the presence  of Rugosa corals; because these last are the only biologic bodies which are capable of conserving Higgs boson as a whole particle without breaking, and this is the discovery which I am about to explain to the world since 2011 

Thursday 2 June 2022

Available Majorana Fermions (22)

  Maybe someone asks why majorana fermions condensation is imminent to understand? I think that to answer to this question two probable parts will be sufficient to cover this post's subject. Without exaggeration my talk about majorana fermions condensation will be to it's end sooner; within the next eight posts, please bear with me majorana fermions condensation subject has to be completed to it's end.

 Back to our subject; the first part which is explaining the importance of the understanding  of the condensation of majorana fermions is shown in the experiment which is making majorana fermions condensation possible; this experiment has a lot of answers to so many questions in particle physics such as the reality of what is a true Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs)? And what are they the necnecessary elements to build a true Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs)? Why majorana fermions condensation is true? Why the existence of Higgs boson inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is true? And why my talk about majorana fermions condensation experiment is true? I will answer to these questions within the next five posts.

 The second part which is showig the importance of majorana fermions condensation experiment is represented in the action-reaction outside the experiment; this action-reaction coud be seen in the manipulation of clouds around the world, in the heatwaves movement around the world, in vortices beaking, in excessive snow and rain and also in sand storms. I think that my talk in this blog had been so long about Higgs boson experiment and it's effects on our life.