Maybe someone asks why majorana fermions condensation is imminent to understand? I think that to answer to this question two probable parts will be sufficient to cover this post's subject. Without exaggeration my talk about majorana fermions condensation will be to it's end sooner; within the next eight posts, please bear with me majorana fermions condensation subject has to be completed to it's end.
Back to our subject; the first part which is explaining the importance of the understanding of the condensation of majorana fermions is shown in the experiment which is making majorana fermions condensation possible; this experiment has a lot of answers to so many questions in particle physics such as the reality of what is a true Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs)? And what are they the necnecessary elements to build a true Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs)? Why majorana fermions condensation is true? Why the existence of Higgs boson inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is true? And why my talk about majorana fermions condensation experiment is true? I will answer to these questions within the next five posts.
The second part which is showig the importance of majorana fermions condensation experiment is represented in the action-reaction outside the experiment; this action-reaction coud be seen in the manipulation of clouds around the world, in the heatwaves movement around the world, in vortices beaking, in excessive snow and rain and also in sand storms. I think that my talk in this blog had been so long about Higgs boson experiment and it's effects on our life.
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