Tuesday 27 September 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (3)

 Higgs boson insurrection is the only language to be used to make clever people shaken from their chairs and taking action to minimise what it has been put as power through Higgs boson experiments in order to make climate changing faster than ever.

 Higgs boson depressions are well managed to be made bigger, stronger and efficient to produce good deeds to some countries, especially those countries which are suffering from droughts and shortness of rain and snow. Let's being greatful to some poor countries in water; as Higgs boson is a generous particle to bring rain and snow to dry ereas around the world. My management to Higgs boson experiments is making desertic countries greener and rich in the agricultural domain by making water available, and I am sorry some other countries are in the process of becoming desertic because Higgs boson aplication to the soustraction formula is with precise results; and this means that the transport of the water molecule around the world is based on (-1, +1)) water molecule. 

 Higgs boson depressions are magnificent tools based on particles density in the atmosphere; and this density is capable of inundating some countries, and making other countries drier than ever. I think that the choice is in the hands of scientists to make which countries in the side of (-1) and which countries in the side of (+1)?

 So many people are saying that the carbon atom is behind the change in climate, and this is simply a wrong thinking, and they have to think outside the box and learning how to measure planet earth atmosphere particles density to come up with good and right conclusions, as their conclusions need to be rectified and looked at from the beginning. 

 Higgs boson depressions are having the last words in all circumstances, and they are coming with huge surprises, and the price will be paid by the whole humanity.


Tuesday 20 September 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (2)

  My sophisticated ideas of construction to a True Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) are still awake, and this time I made a medium size system which is capable of creating well formed depressions and persistent ones to make vortices travel further South the hemisphere, and I am seeing the first polar winds changing direction towards Southern Europe  in the midd of September; and this is just a first result of the constructed system.

 At the moment a good shaped high depression in the Atlantic is managing the whole world movement of particles including air masses and the water molecule in the atmosphere, and this high depression is well managed through many used techniques inside Bose Einstein Condensate system; and some of these techniques are: the chosen size of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and which is three meters long and holding twelve thounsands liters of water, tens of Rugosa corals and few kilos of salt and sugar to manipulate the molecules density of the system.

 I think that scientists should listen to my words and come forward to look at my creation to Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) inorder to acquire knowledge from very close about the power of Higgs boson oscillation to particles, and how is it capable of making planet earth atmosphere intense with particles movement, and to make it's waves higher and longer in the shape of a sinusoidal waves.

 To be honest my worries are serious as they never did because I am seeing ignorance is reining about the real causes of the change of climate around the world, and this is what is making the change in natural phenomena on earth in higher speed because my warning to the scientific communities was serious, and here again I am warning these communities of their negative respose to my talk and of their no cooperation with my discovery to Higgs boson.

Sunday 11 September 2022

Higgs Boson Depressions (1)

  I am seeing the new era of life has shown it's beginning with new kind of depressions due to Higgs boson magnetism intensification; and these new kind of depressions will be the subject of a long discussion; and this discussion has three dimensions to know and to understand. The dimensions of our discussion have so many links such as the sources of the depressions of the new era of life, the ways of formations of depressions of the new era of life and the consequences of the depressions of the new era of life.

 I think that there is a big question to answer and which is; why the actual depressions around the world are different than the normal known depressions? And to answer to this question, Higgs boson subject has to has it's words, because Higgs boson experiments are making the depressions look different and with serious consequences.

 The first dimension of our discussion is based on particles submission from Higgs boson experiments and which is playing a great role in particles density in the atmosphere; I think that the more particles are submitted into the atmosphere the more dense depressions are; and that's why we are seeing more consistent depressions; higher or lower ones. High depressions are the master of all particles, atoms and molecules movement in the atmosphere, because they are able to manipulate everything with their strong force due to their particles movement inside them; they become bigger and stronger in their rotation to carry huge amount of clouds to their borders and to produce lower depressions with strong force of pulling to the water molecule and to produce heavy rain. I think that the world is assisting an unprecedented number of high and low depressions with an unseen tensity to dominate clouds movement around the world, and this is what is reflecting Higgs boson magnetism intensification due to particles' higher speed and rotations. And floods which we are seeing around the world are simply the results of the described image above of the new kind of depressions of the new era of life.

 I must bring your attention to the clouds movement in Malawi, in Nepal and in California, because this movement of clouds is a perfect reflection to the clouds manipulation by Higgs boson magnetism; as these clouds are taking an opposite direction to what they usually take.

Thursday 1 September 2022

Higgs Boson Availability (50)

  Well done Tarek. By this post the serie of "Higgs Boson Availability" comes to it's end, and by this occasion I congratulate my self for the achievement of fivety posts to convince interested people with the availability of Higgs boson in order to enter it in well equipped laboratories in the world, and to make of Higgs boson a particle of high interest and to be put under sophisticated means with the hope to start discovering an unknown world in particle physics. 

 My attention is always with results of Higgs boson experiments and their new ways of exitment to Higgs boson, as I know that there are an unlimited number of ideas which are there, and just with a little effort which has to be done to start a good observation of an action-reaction in reality.

 I hope that I made a good satisfaction to Higgs boson through my advertising to it's discovery and it's great role in developing the world of researches in particle physics. Higgs boson is here in my possession with billions times higher number than the earlier days of my researches, and this is happening because I am lucky to learn how to deal with Higgs boson at each experiment, I am also lucky to write these words which are showing my ability of transfer to information of the most complicated subject in our actual era of life; and this era has to has a full integration of Higgs boson culture in people's life to understand the action reaction of everything surrounding us.

 My inspiration told me a lot about Higgs boson functions, and I think that I covered so many of them within the serie of "Higgs Boson Availability", and unfortunately no one in the world participated in building a beneficial discussion to rise awareness about the existence of Higgs boson magnetism on earth and it's impacts on climate change inorder to avoid the coming worse catastrophes. 

 I think that we live in a greedy, arrogant and maybe an ignorant world, because in spite of all the shown proofs to Higgs boson discovery, I am still waiting for any cooperation to bring the truth to light.