Tuesday 5 March 2024

Higgs Boson Reminder (2)

 Explanation, explanation and explanation. The explanation of the change in so many natural phenomena on planet earth by scientists of the actual era has taken a completely wrong direction; simply because scientists are not giving enough attention to my talk. Scientists are not considering and prioritising my discovery to Higgs boson and my experiments in particle physics to explain the occurring changes in clouds movements around the world. I do believe that Higgs boson discovery  and Higgs boson experiments are the main and important subjects of the 21st century.

 What we are seeing as change in clouds accumulation and clouds movement around the world is a direct result of Higgs boson experiments. Higgs boson experiments are the source of the change in clouds direction; and this is due to particles assumptions from Higgs boson experiments. The density of particles in the atmosphere has a direct impact on clouds to take their direction once particles interact with Higgs boson inside it's experiments, and leaving these experiments. Some particles which are influencing the composition of the atmosphere are: alpha particles, quarks, bosons gluons and beta particles.

 Higgs boson experiments are able to inject high amount of particles into the atmosphere to increase the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism and to allow clouds taking different direction than the usual one. The change of clouds direction could be seen in the tropical areas by their travel north east towards noth east Russia. The new direction of clouds is made by the pull of particles by Higgs boson magnetism towards it's centre where some particles are allowed to leave planet earth atmosphere and emptying it from it's mass.

The idea of the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism by the creation of objective and non aggressive experiments on Higgs boson is a good idea to make clouds accumulation and clouds movement forming a new image different than the known image of clouds accumulation on planet earth. The new image of clouds accumulation is showing that clouds are travelling further south to accumulate and produce higher amounts of rain and snow than usual, and this is whats supporting my hypothesis of the existence of Higgs boson magnetism and the rightness of Higgs boson discovery. The clouds accumulation which we are seeing in the picture below is made because of the high depression on Russian to bring further snow on China.

The all change in clouds movement has to be looked at from close; and this change is due to particles assumption from Higgs boson experiments. I would like to see some ineciatiative of talk about my hypothesis of Higgs boson discovery and Higgs boson experiments and their link to clouds accumulation.

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