Friday, 24 February 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (48)

  Bear with me; changes in natural phenomena are unlimited, and the talk about them will never end because we are about the theory of everything, and this theory is activated because the discovery of Higgs boson is real and it is also swithched on to bring three other theories in physics into practice; and theze theories are Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) theory,  the theory of relativity and the string theory. All the cited theories of physics are put together because Higgs boson discovery was true.

 One of the important changes in natural phenomena is so apparent in the seasons mixing; the four seasons mixing is due to the change in most weather phenomena directions, speed and time of occurence; and this is because of the increase in inflation on planet earth. Seasons are mixing to become different than normal and this is by showing higher and lower temperature, storms occurence in different areas and different time of the year and rains are becoming inexpected in their areas and time.

 The second change in natural phenomena is obvious in temperature on earth; temperature on earth is becoming full of surprises as we are seeing higher and lower temperature than average in many countries, even in north pole some areas are becoming much higher than normal, and also temperature is becoming much lower than normal in some other areas such as the big sahara where snow is becoming a yearly visitor. The change in temperature is so obvious on earth and it's causes are so many; and some of them are: chemicals interactions increase in the bottom of planet earth, ligher atmosphere due to subatomic particles reflection to the sun's heat, and also Higgs boson experiments submission to all kind of rays.

 The third change in natural phenomena could be understood in comets frequent appearance, I think that people with telescopes can witness the higher number of the appearance of comets; and this is due to comets displacement from their orbits by the higher intensity of Higgs boson magnetism. There is also a comprehensive fact which is making comets more apparent and which is the increase of hydrogen in the solar system. The higher level of hydrogen in the solar system is a reality which is supporting Higgs boson system of preference of decay to chemicals to boost hydrogen density in our universe. I think that comets are showing a consistent idea of Higgs boson magnetism dominance to the movement of all existing masses; and the coming years higher number of comets will be obvious to the naked eye.

 To end this post I would like to remind my audience that I decided to publish advertisements within this blog, and with the hope to make some income to support my researches on Higgs boson through new ideas of experiments.


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