The first aspect of Higgs boson insurrection is lightning in it's image of absorption to positive and negative charges; the image of intensive lightning is an image of planet earth loss to it's mass; the more lightning is intense, the more charges are consumed and the more planet earth loss to it's mass. I think that the world will assist further intense litghning in the future, and the impact of this phenomenon will be cruel and it's challenge to humanity will be very difficult to face.
The second aspect of Higgs boson insurrection is shown in rivers disappearance; so many rivers around the world are disappearing because of Higgs boson magnetism creation to so many conditions and such conditions are: higher temperature to increase vaporization, water deviation due to cracks in earth, the changing in clouds direction due to Higgs boson magnetism pull to the water molecule in the sky, and also the change in winds direction.
The last aspect of Higgs boson insurrection is shown in the corp of planet earth deviation; the corp of the bottom of earth is deviating because of Higgs boson magnetism pull to magma in one direction to make magnetic poles flipping and reversing possible. I think that the acceleration in the deviation of the corp of planet earth is already a challenge with no means to face, and it's consequences are really serious to think about.
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