Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Higgs Boson Availability (31)

  Never mind. Higgs boson function of DNA reversion and mass decay is here for your attention because the identification of this function has to be taken seriously, and it has to be put under deep researches in many fields of science such as genetics, particle physics, chemistry, biology and virology.

 First of all I have to notice that Higgs boson magnetism has a sinusoidal wave shape; and this means that all particles have this shape in their movement, and because Higgs boson magnetism has changed direction from pusher to puller to particles; and this means that particles had a right rotation before 2012 where the first experiment on Higgs boson had taken place, and from this date particles changed their rotation from right to left. I think that the consequences of the change in particles rotation in the subatomic level to the atoms level has generated new kind of molecules such as the molecules of viruses, bacteria, snails, fish and other kind of insects and animals of the past; and these creatures of the past are becoming creatures of the present; as I said because Higgs boson sinusoidal waves had changed direction to influence particles sinusoidal wave direction.

 Higgs boson function of DNA reversion and mass decay is at work and any decay to masses on earth is just a consequence to this function. There is also a good point which has to be noticed in my talk and which is the combination of decay to masses and the building of new kind of masses and new kind of DNA; this point is a good representation to the transfer of life on earth, and also the change in all our universe.

 I think that any discovery to new old kind of DNA has to be linked directly to Higgs boson sinusoidal waves, and also the decay of huge masses on earth is a result of this change in in these waves.

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