Thursday 3 August 2023

HiggsBoson Instagrams (30)

 I am seeing clouds accumulating in South East Asia. The picture in the link below is from accuweather web site, and its showing a center of clouds accumulation which is covering a huge area; and all countries inside this area must prepare for the whole population evacuation, as so many lands will be under water. I think that we totally agree about the occurring change in clamate but we don't abiut the real cause which is making this change to happen. So the accumulated clouds in South East Asia are a pure product of Higgs boson magnetism particles waves higher magnitude; and this higher magnitude is due to higher Higgs boson oscillation to particles. And by the explanation above of the cause of the change in climate; the higher clouds accumulation in South East Asia is at it's beginning and it's cause is Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles on planet earth atmosphere.

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