Tuesday 25 March 2014

Higgs Boson Cosmic Rays Depth

Incorrectness is always a magical synchronization of all elements participating in it. One can say the train’s time table is just a hypothesis to the real running trains in time. The theory I am suggesting in this post is saying that “There are six existing times; our real time is one of them, means that our universe is one of the six existing universes”.

From our position we can see just one universe and one time. Now the question which has to be answered is; how can we prove the existence of five other universes and five other times?

By the figure below I think you can imagine how the six universes and the six times look like.

I would like to make sure that my experiment on Higgs boson satisfies everybody in the world by travelling back in time.

The interconnection between a universe and another, and between a time and another is made of holes; each hole has a gate leading to an interconnection space; this space is the key to understand the forms of the universes and the times which they can take, also the mitigation shown below is just a mitigation of how the universes and times can take forms.

This post comes as an introduction to future posts where I will explain how our universe and time are heading to emerge in the first universe and the first time.

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