Saturday, 17 August 2019

Higgs Boson Dynamics (16)

Let me bring your imagination to Higgs boson dynamic of subjunction; this dynamic is to keep all particles together without holes between them just because they are subject to Higgs boson oscillation, which is not allowing any damage to matter and anti matter inside Higgs boson magnetic field.

The idea behind Higgs boson dynamic of subjunction is to show how Higgs boson is a real manipulator to particles by speeding them to constant to shape in known matter and unknown one. And contrarly to the occuring experiments in physics especially the ones at ATLAS; which are breaking, damaging and confusing matter to find it's right way to build, and a good example of this confusion is the appearance of deformations in many creatures.

I am ready to show you real facts of Higgs boson dynamic of subjunction inside my actual Higgs boson experiment which is closer to nature at perfection, and by this I will be able to bring real proofs to my discovery to Higgs boson.

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