Monday 18 July 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (138)

My intention to write this post is to talk about the change in the global weather system; this change is made by Higgs boson magnetism pulling to hot air further north and cold air further south. I am sure that by talking about five effects of the change of air temperature around the world the subject of this post will be completed.

The first effect of air temperature in the same area is the provocation of cracks in matter; cracks are occurring in many lands and in many walls and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism pulling to hot air then to cold air passing on the same area in short period of time; this process is making matter hot then cold then hot then cold and this is whats making it splitting.

The second effect of air temperature in the same area is the provocation of death in some living organisms; the raise of temperature and it’s diminishing makes living organisms unstable in their blood pressure and this is what provokes sudden death due to heart stroke, and this case could be seen in birds death, cats death and reptiles death.

The third effect of air temperature in the same area is the mixing of seasons; seasons are already mixed and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism mixing to air flux around the world. Images of mixed seasons are numerous and they could be seen in trees’ leaves, in birds’ travellers and on ice sheets.

The fourth effect of air temperature in the same area is the creation of depressions; the temperature of air has a huge influence on creating depressions and these last can change a whole mini-weather system such as the level of humidity, the level of heat, the rain intensity, the level of water vaporization and the winds strength. I think that actually the world is assisting the appearance of depressions in unusual places around the world such as high depressions in North America and low depressions in Central Africa.

The last effect of air temperature in the same area is the provocation of avalanches and ice melting in the North Pole; hot air visits to the top of high mountains and to the North Pole is becoming more frequent and this is what causing avalanches to occur more often and also it’s visit to the North Pole is so obvious to melt it’s ice. I think that the news of avalanches are becoming frequent and image of ice melting in North pole are seen in higher number.

To end this post I have to remind you about the mixing seasons because of the mixing of hot air and cold air; and don’t be surprised when you will see temperature rising to (36) Celsius in Canada and reaching  (-5) Celsius in South Algeria and this is because of Higgs boson experiment.         

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