Monday, 4 March 2019

Why Magnetic Poles are Flipping (14)?

My intention to add this post is to rise awareness about the fast shifting of magnetic poles, and to explain an important cause of this shifting.

Humanity has to prepare for the rare event of the shifting of magnetic poles within the next few years otherwise a huge loss will be imminent. I think that one of this predation is land sharing between populations; and this operation of land sharing has to be organised to avoid anarchy and and shocks within societies.

Today's cause of magnetic poles fast shifting which I want to talk about is planet Earth loss to it's particles to become softer; and this losses due to Higgs boson magnetism pulling to it's particles. The more planet Earth is with less energy the more magnetic poles are flipped easier and quicker. So I imagine that with Higgs boson magnetism acceleration to the pull of particles from plant Earth, magnetic poles become closer to flip, and the consequences of this shifting are only results of the Propagated injustice of recognition to the real discoverer to Higgs boson, this injustice is made by scientists and especially by particle physics researchers.

I am proud of myself because I am arraching justice to Higgs boson as a unique particle, which has enough power over all particles to shift magnetic poles very fast.

To end this post, I must remember you that the first and the only responsible of the fast flipping of magnetic poles is CERN scientist. 

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