Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Why Magnetic Poles are Flipping (20)?

Again, I have to explain soustration formula as one of the important causes to magnetic poles to shift in higher velocity, and this is because magnetic poles particles become withhuge ability to jump from their space to the next space, and this is what is happening in reality.

Again, this means that each time a particle is substituted from planet Earth atmosphere it has to be replaced by another particle from magnetic poles particles, so the movement of these last become faster because of Higgs boson magnetism which is the other face of the same coin of soustraction formula.

All this means that Higgs boson experiment is the intriguer to particles of planet Earth to acquire energy and become faster, faster and faster. Because this experiment is able to excite particles due to the existence of Higgs boson inside it. Also, nothing can excite particles similarly to Higgs boson with their achievement to the constant speed.
Never mind, an example has to be shown, and which is clouds movement around the world; this movement is at it's higher speed as it never did, and also this example is showing that my talk is right and true.

To end this post, rest to me to remind you about humanity silence on my discovery to Higgs boson  , and this silence is leading it to face the serious consequences of magnetic poles fast shifting.

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