Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Why Magnetic poles are Flipping (15)?

 The flipping of magnetic poles is one the most challenging phenomena to humanity, and it's general cause is Higgs boson experiment, and this experiment which I am talking about is my experiment and is not the one made by CERN; because this last is just a coalition of protons and it has no link to Higgs boson at all. So don't be confused about my talk.

Never mind my interest in this video is to bring to light an important phenomenon which is causing magnetic poles to shift and which is the increase in the sun's heat.

The rise in the sun's heat has a direct link to magnetic poles to shift faster ad this is because of it's exitment to the participating particles of the poles magnetism;  and this is by creating warmer atmosphere where the movement particles becomes faster.

Now I have to remind you why the sun's heat is at constant increase? I think that. I already explained the causes of the rise of the sun's heat, but it is interesting to citing few of the them again.

There are five causes which are making the sun's heat rising which are:

- Planet Earth orbit widening.

- The increase of alpha particles in the atmosphere.

- The increase of planet Earth absorption to heat due to the increase of chemicals interaction.

- The increase of particles density in the atmosphere.

- The increase of the spreading of the sun's heat due to Higgs boson magnetism.

To finish my talk; I must remind you that the sun's heat is participating in masses decay on planet Earth dramatically, and this is what is making it softer to allow magnetic poles to shift faster, faster and faster.

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