My inspiration is always awake to reveal to the world the right solution to get ridoff coronavirus. The aim of this writing is to cross one person and just one person with the power of taking a decision of bringing superfluid into a laboratory and adding it as one of the possible vaccines against coronavirus. I think that superfluid should be added to the existing list of vaccines against coronavirus because of three qualifications which are as follow:
The first qualification which makes superfluid as a perfect solution to eliminate Coronavirus is that superfluid is made of particles condensation and not chemicals combination; the difference between the two basics of a medecine is so huge, because particles condensation are able to form in any needed chemical inside any cell; and by this I think that superfluid is capable to deal with any virus inside human being body.
The second qualification which makes superfluid as a perfect solution to exterminate coronavirus is it's ability of being faster than any virus formation inside cells; and this means that particles are faster to protect genes against any outsiders bodies which are viruses. I also must say that particles are much faster to not allowing any virus to integrate into human body at the first place; and this is through it's deformation of being a virus at it's very beginning of life.
The third qualification which makes superfluid as a good terminator to coronavirus is it's ability of making natural life more dominant than any existing pertubators such as viruses. Superfluid detection to any danger to life is a high priority.
To end this post; I hope that my talk will meet the right person to be considered.
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