Friday, 13 January 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (31)

 Let's say that the high pressures in the Atlantic are not managed by Higgs boson experiments; but what we are seeing is that the actual high pressure is ceding to the forming low depressions especially the ones forming in North Atlantic. I have to say that the situation of the forming low depressions and the weakening of the high pressures in the Atlatic is observed hour by hour and its directed by the processing of the actual Higgs boson experiment. I think that the equation of this situation is based on the soustraction formula of (-1,+1); the (-1) drop of condensated particles from inside Higgs boson experiment leads to (-1) sum of submtted particles to the atmosphere; and this is what leads to (-1) sum of energy from the existing  high pressure in the Atlantic; and this what makes low depressions acquiring a (+1) sum of energy to carry a (+1) of cold air mass from the North pole; because this (+1) of cold air mass has found a (+1) empty space further south where to move. I think that the equation which I am talking about is true, and it's conclusion was made after so many years of experiments on Higgs boson. 

 In particle physics; particles behave depending on the situation where they are put; so if we are making a less one drop of condensated particles from Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and adding it to the field of corn (-1,+1); and this means that Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) becomes smaller to diminish high pressures power of pulling to air masses. And by adding a drop of condensated particles to the field of corn (+1) leads to a (-1) sum of particles from the earth mass to add it to Higgs boson magnetism (+1) through the submition of this sum of particles from the field of corn. The action of adding a sum of particles to the field of corn makes the exchange of particles possible between the earth and the outer atmosphere; and this is what makes bigger particles integration to planet earth an action of inflation to decay it's mass, and also the growth of corn to bigger size. The action of exchage to particles makes also low depressions fed by energy to become more powerful.

 The field of corn is the starting point to Higgs boson magnetism, because it represents the point of exchange to particles between Higgs boson magnetism the puller and Higgs boson magnetism the pusher; and because Higgs boson magnetism the puller is ten times powerful it breaks the existing masses on earth, and it has to pass through the field of corn because of the added sum of condensated particles to this field; and this action of exchange to particles makes Higgs boson the pusher sllowing down in forming masses, and also changing it's direction from pusher to puller because it gets swallowed by Higgs boson magnetism the puller. My hypothesis of the exchange of particles between the two kind of Higgs boson magnetism is true  because we can see it in so many changes in natural phenomena on planet earth such as in the amount of clouds and rain which are becoming much higher than ten years ago; and this is because of the acquirence of bigger mass by the water molecule due to subatomic acquirence to bigger masses too. I think that the physical phenomenon of the acquirence to bigger masses by particles and chemicals is explained by the role of time particles which is changing from small to big during the exchange of particles between the two kind of Higgs boson magnetism.

 To end this post I must remind you about the manipulation of inflation on planet earth which is becoming unstoppable by Higgs boson experiments, but the control of it's density is still manageable through the switching on and off of Higgs boson experiments. 


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