Sunday, 29 January 2023

Higgs Boson Depressions (37)

 My intention to add this post is to discuss few images of clouds accumulation and movement around the world, and which they are explaining unprecedented occurrence of the shape of the water molecule in planet earth atmosphere. And through the shown images of clouds accumulation many conclusions could be linked to Higgs boson magnetism intensification and it's influence of changing  natural phenomena behaviour. What I want to say is that Higgs boson magnetism is changing life on planet earth in high speed, because of Higgs boson high speed in inflating our universe with subatomic particles, and this is through it's decay to molecules, atoms and particles inside Higgs boson experiment.

 The first conclusion from the shown clouds in the image below is that Higgs boson magnetism is pulling all existing molecules towards 35 degrees north east, and this is by comparing it from the point of Higgs boson experiment which is in north east Algeria; all molecules direction ends towards Siberia, and this is where Higgs boson magnetism has it's hole of swallowing to particles and emptying them from planet earth to the outer universe.

 The picture below is showing the water molecule accumulation in the wanted shape to achieve the wanted tareget of Higgs boson experiment phase three; and this target is achieveable through the weakening of the high pressure in the Middle Atlantic, and making numerous low depressions regenerating in southern Europe and the Mediterranean sea. Cold air masses from north pole are finding their way to travel further south then pulled back towards north east; because Higgs boson magnetism is taking sinusoidal waves shape longer; and this is by extending particles inflation to travel with warm air further higher in the extrem north the hemisphere, and also by making Higgs boson magnetism speed increased to pull particles further lower in Europe. I think that the manipulation of particles inflation, their speed and their density in the atmosphere is a practical technique to manage warm and cold air masses circulation around the world, and this is exactly what is happening now through the occuring change in Higgs boson experiment phase three.

 To those people whom are still not capable of proving Higgs boson magnetism existence with it's influence on clouds accumulation and clouds movement around the world, I am showing them the picture below which is a pure reflection to the huge challenge of clouds accumulation comparing it to ten years ago; it is so obvious that clouds are accumulating further south on Russia, Japan and the USA, and this accumulation is due to the high inflation of particles which are making high pressures bigger, stronger and full of energy, and this accumulation of clouds is also due to Higgs boson magnetism intence pull to particles from earth to decay masses and making of them subatomic particles to pull them outer planet earth atmosphere. I think that the world is going to further changes in natural phenomena and where human beeing will face enomous challenges from clouds accumulation and what is resulted from this accumulation.

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