Saturday, 29 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (26)

  My powerful ideas of making Higgs boson manipulating our universe's particles are without end; and these ideas are energized with scientists' negativity of silence to Higgs boson discovery. Anyway Higgs boson magnetism management to everything is a sophisticated knowledge which scientists are still far to swallow and to understand it's reality, and also to understand it's influence to their daily life. What its disappointing is the total igniorence to Higgs boson discovery and how Higgs boson experiments are introducing planet earth to a new kind of life; a life full of surprises. My advises to scientists and researchers in so many fields of science is to hurry up and take care of the Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders); because these creatures are holding all the secrets to answer to a high number of questions in science.

 Higgs boson manipulation to everything is more obvious in the change of life on planet earth and in our universe, and attention to the links of this manipulation which is directed by Higgs boson experiments has to be activated, and it has to take place sooner is better to hunanity to the occuring change in everything, because challenges are in door, and the costs of these challenges are very high. 

 I am interested to bring to your attention a scene of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles within this post, because I am sure that this scene is with high importance, and it has to be taken seriously by scientists and researchers in climate change; this scene is the fast higher temperature. Higgs boson system of preference of decay to masses in all our universe aim is to make of these decayed masses a stock of smaller energies to fortify, and to become more powerful to pull back everything to it's original source and existence, and one of the conditions to realise this target is the rise in temperature. The rise in temperature on planet earth is achieved automatically from the decay of particles inside Higgs boson experiments and then this increase of temperature is followed in nature. Also the increase of temperature is due to particles and chemicals interactions provoked by Higgs boson magnetism due to the change of their movement of behaviour in roration, speed and direction. Some of the causes of the rise in temperature on planet earth are: methane combustion, alpha particles increase in planet earth atmosphere, the increase of the sun's heat due to the increase of reflectors particles to the sun's flares, the increase of particles inflation in the atmosphere and also ice melting which makes the sun's flares less reflected in planet earth atmosphere. I am sure that scientists and researchers will agree with me about the real causes of the fast rising in temperature on planet earth.

 My high interest in the whole of Higgs boson discovery story is to see researchers making experiments on the Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders), to realise that my duscovery is true, and rewards have to be made to whom deserves them.

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (25)

 Because the scenes of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles are so many to be described and explained; I decided to bring to your attention few scenes of this manipulation of Higgs boson magnetism to particles within this post. The reality is that Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to everything on planet earth; and this reality has to come up to light in the benefit of humanity inorder to prepare to the future, and to avoid inexpected calamities.

 One of the scenes which is reflecting Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles on planet earth is birds migration; birds are taking different direction to migrate because of the change in the existing magnetisms on earth; and this change is happening because of the domination of integration to particles made by Higgs boson magnetism. Magnetic poles are becoming weaker because of the higher inflation of particles following Higgs boson magnetism and this is what makes birds confused to where to travel to, and the number and the kind of birds are seen in unusual areas around the world, also the timing of birds to migrate is changing because of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles to change weather systems in unusual time of the year.

 Another scene of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles is obvious in the higher number of groups of insects; there is no doubt that the existence of higher number of groups of insects is managed by the higher inflation of particles in planet earth atmosphere; and this is what is boosting the biologic life on earth. The abundance of the needed chemicals to insects to grow and to develop is managed by Higgs boson magnetism, and also the development of natural proteins is facilitate by the increase of the right amino acids, and this is what makes insects becoming in larger numbers in their existence, and such insects are: flies, mosquitoes, ants, beetles and mantis. The picture below is showing the booming of proteins in ants.

 A last scene of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles is the boosting of flowers, flowers are becoming in their perfect form as they never did; and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism pull to their cells to form and develop in perfection, and also their development and sharper colour are finding further space where to build due to the higher particles inflation made by Higgs boson magnetism.

 So many people think that my talk about Higgs boson discovery is a simple matter, and there is no need to give it enough care and attention. But Higgs boson discovery has a great importance in the sadness of so many people on planet earth, because this discovery is the first responsible of the increase in catastrophes to affect human being life.

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (24)

  I decided to help you acquiring Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders) from the 17th of the next month; and this is by selling them on ebay with a very reasonable price. The idea of selling Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders) is a good idea because it will make you buying as much as you wish to start your researches, and to make an unlimited number of discoveries in so many different kind of sciences such as in biology, physics and chemistry. And also the idea of selling Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders) is a good idea because it will make you discovering that Rugosa Corals are the true creatures which are capable of exercising Higgs boson job, and in the other hand a good income to myself will be made, and this income will be very helpful because it will allow me to carry my researches and experiments on Higgs boson.

 In this post I am able to explain three scenes of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles, and one of these scenes is planet earth soil softening; planet earth soil is softening because its loosing it's energy due to the increase and the change in so many conditions such as the increase in methane combustion, the increase in chemicals and particles interactions, the increase in water abundance, the mixing of hot air and cold air and high difference in temperature in the same area. The consequences of planet earth soil softening are making serious incidents such as higher number of earthquakes, higher number of landslides and higher erosion; and this is what proves Higgs boson magnetism intensification and manipulation to all particles on planet earth.

 The second scene which is making Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles proved is the persistent mutation of viruses; coronavirus is one of the most viruses which are leading this viruses persistently mutation in the actual era. I am sure that humanity will be surprised by the genesis of new old kind of viruses in the future to prove that planet earth atmosphere is inflating faster with subatomic particles, because these last are the first responsible of the genesis of viruses.

 A third scene of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles is obvious in trees and plants leaves color, or in the colour of all nature. As I already explained in "Higgs Boson Magnification" post that all nature is becoming sharper to show it's real formation and colours; and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism pull to all particles to make nature well formed in it's perfect shape and sharper colour. The picture below is showing colourful flowers in their perfection because of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to their particles.

 To end this post I might remind you about the idea of selling Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders); just in case you are intetested to buy Rugosa Corals from me, please contact me on my email: before I wll start selling them on ebay.


Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (23)

  Another post has to come to light as promised inorder to cover the most seen natural phenomena which are influenced by Higgs boson magnetism manipulation, and also to bring well understood information to interested people in researches of Higgs boson and it's truth of discovery.  I would like to write about five scenes which are explaining Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles on planet earth.

 The first scene which is explaining Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles is volcanoes eruption and their higher intensity; there is no doubt that volcanoes are becoming more intense and in higher number of eruption; and this is what explains Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles in the bottom of earth; and this manipulation is processed through the increase of masses decay by the increase of particles and chemicals interactions to increase heat and to melt soil to increase magma.

The second scene which is showing Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles is trees and plants fast growing; trees and plants are growing faster as they never did and this is because Higgs boson magnetism is pulling their cells to help them growing faster, and also Higgs boson magnetism is making planet earth atmosphere inflated by subatomic particles to allow further space to trees and plants to occupy it. The higher humidity and the abundance of water are also managed by Higgs boson magnetism to make trees and plants growing faster.

 The third scene which is making Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles obvious is the sharp moon's light; the light of the moon is becoming more sharp because of the increase of particles inflation in the solar system, and also because of the pulling to this lught to make it spreading farer.

This picture is showing sharper moon's light 

 The fourth image whih is reflecting Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles is lakes disappearance; the image of dried lakes has a great meaning to Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to the water molecule on earth, and these dried lakes are meant to decay the soil of their bottom by creating further cracks in land, and also the transported water of lakes has a target to make other lands very wet to decay them.

 The fiveth scene which is making Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles more obvious is seasand disappearance from seashores; seasand is disappearing faster from seashores because of Higgs boson magnetism pulling to it's particles into the bottom of the sea inorder to increase erosion and decay further masses of land.

 Maybe not satisfyied yet, I will bring to your attention more scenes of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles.



Monday, 24 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (22)

 I am glad to acknowledge you about four scenes of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles on planet earth to affect the folling cited natural phenomena below. The scenes which I am willing to explain are made to make good minds awaken inorder to encourage them to contact me and apply for few Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders), and start their experiments to verify that my talk in this blog is true. I hope that with your positive step of experimenting on Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders) a recognition to my discovery to Higgs boson will be made.

 One of the best scenes which is proving that Higgs boson experiment is leading to the activation of Higgs boson magnetism on planet earth is ice melting in it's actual existence in both poles and in high mountains. I am sure that Higgs boson magnetism is manipulating all needed phenomena to melt ice on earth because the water molecule in it's liquid state is much needed to participate in big masses decay on earth.

The second scene which is supporting the hypothesis of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles to affect natural phenomena, and to make of them good tools of decay to planet earth mass is sandstorms. There is no doubt that the increase in sandstorms is becoming more obvious, and their travel further towards both poles, and this change has the target of melting ice, and also to affect forest trees and agricultural lands to make plants extinction possible and to allow the growth of new old kind of plants achieveable.

 The third scene which is supporting Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles on planet earth is the increase in lightning; and this is because of the increase of the occasions of the meeting of positive charges and negative ones. Also the management by Higgs boson magnetism of the mix of huge areas of cold air and warm ones to meet and to produce strong and high number of lightnings. The scene of strong and high number of lightnings is becoming more obvious during the last ten years.

The fourth scene of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles is seen in higher UV, higher UV importance is to increase heat on planet earth inorder to facilitate masses decay. The increase in the UV is managed through the increase of the submission of alpha particles from Higgs boson experiments.

The picture above is showing higher UV

 Bear with me, I will tell you about few scenes of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles on planet earth in the next post.

Higgs Boson Manipulation (21)

   Again the world is not listening to my words because up to date I am not seeing any positive action towards my discovery to Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders), and Higgs boson experiments.; and because these last should be repeated and understood by researchers and scientists. Never mind, in this post I am willing to show few scenes of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to some natural phenomena.

 The first scene which is reflecting Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles movement in planet earth atmosphere is the increase of humidity in the subtropical area. Humidity is becoming higher and higher in most dry areas in the world; and such areas are: the big Sahara, Mexico, South California, and the Middle East. The higher humidity in the subtropical area is due to Higgs boson magnetism reversing to the water molecule direction from East to North East and to produce rain and increasing humidity. The picture below is showing the change in the water molecule direction under Higgs boson magnetism manipulation.

 A second scene of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to natural phenomena is obvious in the increase of meteors showers; the late incident of meteors showers is supporting the hypothesis of Higgs magnetism manipulation to particles in the solar system by increase meteors because of Higgs boson magnetism decay to masses by pulling these masses to feed itself to intensify. The phenomenon of meteors showers explains the introduction of outsider particles into planet earth to make time particles at increase, and the bigger time particles explains the travel towards the past of planet earth, and also to realise it's decay.

 All new old creatures appearance is a manipulated phenomenon by Higgs boson magnetism due to it's decay to masses on planet earth, and the reversal of their particles to shape new creatures, and creating so many biologic bodies, such as new kind of viruses, bacteria, insects, fish and other kind of animals. The reality of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to biologic bodies is true and this is what is making the mass extinction of animals a daily scene.

 I ll be able to come back with some scenes of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to natural phenomena because the change in everything is at higher rate, and because Higgs boson magnetism is intensifying dramatically.

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (20)

  In this post I am interested to bring to light one of the most important tools which is used and manipulated by Higgs boson magnetism to break planet earth into pieces and which is the water molecule. As we are already seeing that the water molecule is occupying further space in land and in the atmosphere. The increase of the water molecule on earth is manipulated by Higgs boson magnetism inorder to decay further masses and making planet earth loosing it's energy to feed Higgs boson magnetism. Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to all existing particles in our universe is favourizing the increase of water on planet earth, and this manipulation of particles results could be seen in the following situations.

 The first manipulation of particles by Higgs boson magnetism has a target to increase the water molecule on planet earth through the increase of the melting ice in both poles, and also in high mountains. I am sure that the image of melted ice is assisting my hypothesis of Higgs boson magnetism increase to the water molecule on earth.

 The second image of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to increase the water molecule is obvious in the increase of permafrost. One of Higgs boson magnetism system of preference is to increase methane on planet earth because it is a good source to increase hydrogen to participate faster in building the water molecule.

 The third image of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles to increase the water molecule on earth is the increase of the sun's heat by pulling it to spread in our universe. The sun's heat is at constant increase to make higher water vaporization in order to hold it longer in planet earth atmosphere; ad that's why we are seeing higher clouds accumulation than few years ago.

 The fourth image of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles to make the water molecule more abundant is by locking the carbon atom and freeing oxygen. 

 The all water in the bottom of earth is at a pulling process by Higgs boson magnetism to come up on land and make so many lands irrigated to the extreme; and this phenomenon is already seen in higher oceans and higher seas.

 To end this post I would like to remind you about my vision which is revealing to me to tell to humanity to build a boat similar to Noa boat enough to board seven billion people because planet earth will be full of water.



Higgs Boson Manipulation (19)

  I am willing to bring your attention to the actual Higgs boson experiment, and what is happening inside it due to Higgs boson manipulation and magement to all existing particles, atoms and molecules to decay in the wanted manner depending on their density in this experiment. The actual Higgs boson experiment is so huge comparing it to the earlier Higgs boson experiments due to it's size; because it contains huge amount of particles as you ate seeing in the picture below.

 The first notice to the actual Higgs boson experiment is that all the amount of water is manipulated by Higgs boson to change it's composition from the water molecule to subatomic particles, and to become superfluid in a condensated state. So the existing water inside this experiment is not water anymore  but it is a different kind of matter which should be analysed and understood by scientists.

 The second notice is that the actual experiment on Higgs boson has a great role in manipulating all natural phenomena in our universe, and the observers to these phenomena such as clouds accumulation, higher amount of rain in some countries especially in subtropical ones, persistent snow in some countries, volcanoes eruption, earthquakes, meteors showers, higher winds speed, higher UV and the list of the change in natural phenomena is so long. All this change in natural phenomena is happening because Higgs boson is oscillating a huge amount of particles inside it's experiment, and this change is also happening because of Higgs boson magnetism intensification to make higher particles inflation on planet earth.

 Some people think that the occuring change on planet earth is due to the increase of carbon emission which is provoking global warming, and this thinking is not true simply because the carbon atom is under Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to become victim and ceding space to other chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen. The higher carbon atom in the atmosphere is just a temporary condition to create the carboniferous era again, and this stage of life on earth is one of the participants tools to decay planet earth from it's mass through the decay of the carbon atom by Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to this atom.

 Let's thinking twice about my talk, because this thinking is the wised action to iniciate inorder to understand the reality in which humanity is living. And it is also wise to consider Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders) in all kind of the actual scientific researches because they are the only way to take these scientists researches to the next level.


Saturday, 22 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (18)

 I am sure that my long experimentation on Higgs boson has shown so many cases which explain Higgs boson manipulation to particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs), and with this post I would like to share few of these cases inorder to reveal the truth of Higgs boson discovery proofs. And also by this post I wish to hear from you to show your cooperation to my talk in all it's kind.

 A first picture which is proving Higgs boson manipulation to particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is the experiment of light black diamonds production. The experiment on Higgs boson of light black diamonds is reflecting the solidification of diamonds molecule inside it; and this reflection has a significant role in proving Higgs boson manipulation to particles to make diamonds molecule possible to condensate. Again I am inviting you to repeat this experiment, and I am able to provide you with all needed information to make this experiment successful, and to prove that Higgs boson is the real manipulator to particles inside Higgs boson experiment.

 A second image which is proving the existence of Higgs boson and it's magnetism inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is shown below. And this image has all meaning to Higgs boson manipulation to particles to make the condensation of yellow diamonds possible. Yellow diamonds are condensating in the shown bottles because the decay of molecules and atoms is rebuilt in a manner of superposition to the carbon atom and to condensate into diamonds. I am sure that the condensation of yellow diamonds is bringing with it a true proof to Higgs boson manipulation to particles inside the shown systems.

 A last image of Higgs boson manipulation to particles is shown in the picture below. The picture below is showing how Higgs boson had manipulated particles to condensate into superfluid and to make biologic life which is represented in the fish  living longer without any help of food, oxygen or change to the used water inside the shown container of glass. I am sure that the called Higgs boson aquarium is a perfect system to show how Higgs boson is capable to adapt and to regulate all conditions to the fish to live in a good health for so long. I also remind you that I made so many calls to scientists to create this kind of aquarium to acquire a huge information in physics, biology and chemistry.

Thursday, 20 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (17)

  Bear with me, my talk is not finished yet about Higgs boson manipulation to particles in our universe, and here I am writing to show few scenes of this manipulation inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs).

 I am sure that majorana fermions condensation inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is one of the best scenes which explains Higgs boson manipulation to particles. The picture below is showing how Higgs boson has well managed to condensate majorana fermions, to build on the top of the system. And also this image is a good proof to Higgs boson magnetism existence inside the system to decay molecules, atoms and subatomic particles to condensate majorana fermions.

 The bringing of the picture below is a good idea to show how far Higgs boson inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is showing it's manipulation to particles condensation in the shown manner. Electrons are able to condensate on the top of the system because they are hold on to form a thick layer and to reflect light sharply. The picture below has all meaning to our subject of Higgs boson manipulation to particles inside Higgs boson experiment.

 The sulfur condensation which is shown in the picture below has also it's space within this post to assist the trueness of Higgs boson manipulation to particles inside the shown system,  because the condensation of the appearing orange color in the bottom of the system is a pure sulfur; and this means that the first chemical to condensate inside a closed system is sulfur. What is happening on planet earth atmosphere is the dominance of sulfur; and the rise in volcanoes eruptions is showing the decay of masses in the bottom of earth to make the sulfur dominance proved.

 I will be able to bring to your attention further scenes of Higgs boson manipulation to particles in future posts. And by this occasion I am warning scientists for their no cooperation to try to put Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders) under their microscope, and also try to understand these creatures and what they hold inside them, because Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders) are the only and the only cause which is making the all change of natural phenomena on planet earth true and real. 

Higgs Boson Manipulation (16)

  My intention is to say few words inorder to put the light on Higgs boson manipulation to particles, atoms and molecules inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); and this manipulation could be seen in many stages of this system.

 One of the images which is reflecting Higgs boson manipulation to molecules is seen in the cleanliness of the used water inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); and this used water changes to become more brillant to make the light reflecting sharply. I also noticed that the used water inside Higgs boson experiment changes it's color depending on the used molecules of excitement to Higgs boson to start oscillating particles. The present experiment is changing it's color to become yellowish because of the formation of methane molecule because of the added sodium and lime.

 Another image which is showing the change in the used water inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is the very shinning top of the system due to the accumulation of electrons, protons and neutrons, and this accumulation of these particles is a result of the condensation of the decayed atoms inside the system. The picture below has a good meaning to the above explanation.

 Never mind I would like to add another image of Higgs boson manipulation to particles, atoms and molecules inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs), and which is showing the development of molecules of animals; and this picture has a significant proof to particles condensation in their reversed state to come up with molecules of animals of the past. I am sure that the interested people to repeat the experiment of the development of molecules of animals of the past will be very surprised by the fast process of this experiment. My invitation to receive your order to Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders) is open.

 A last image of Higgs boson manipulation to particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs)is showing Helium3 and Helium4 accumulation; and this experiment has to be repeated sooner is better because of it's high value of it's product.

 To end this post, I might remind you to have a look at some posts inside this blog where to see pictures reflecting Higgs boson manipulation to particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs).

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (15)

 There is no end to my talk about Higgs boson manipulation to everything; and this everything is including you, me and the whole humanity because we are existing particles inside Higgs boson magnetism. Higgs boson magnetism is manipulating all existing living cells on planet earth to make their RNa and DNa reversing in their rotation and direction; and this rotation is becoming from right to left, and also their direction is becoming from forward to backward. To explain the change of RNa and DNa rotation and direction we should recognise the change in Higgs boson magnetism direction from pusher to puller to our universe; from the continuation of it's building to the continuation of it's decay of it's mass into sub subatomic particles, and to inflate it to the size of universe five, inorder to make it's total integration to this last possible. The hypothesis of the all change in rotation and direction of everything is a true and a real hypothesis, and its into practice from the starting of the first experiment on Higgs boson.

 There are so many scenes on planet earth which are supporting the hypothesis of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to everything to change direction and rotation, and the description of some of these scenes is the subject of this post.

 Winds direction around the world is one of the very significant scenes to prove the rightness of the cited hypothesis above; because winds are taking an opposite direction on planet earth; and this phenomenon is more obvious in the subtropical area on earth, such is in Mexico, West Africa, Indonesia, Japan and Australia where eastern winds are becoming Western ones. The Eastern winds are becoming Western ones because of the intensification of Higgs boson magnetism in it's pull to particles towards North East Russia.

 Another scene which should be taken in consideration because of it's assistance to the cited hypothesis above of the change of everything direction and rotation and which is the booming of grasses, trees and plants in the desertic areas around the world, and in such as the Big Sahara, Saudi Arabia and in Thailand. Grasses and trees are growing bigger, faster and in unusual areas around the world; and this phenomenon is explaining the reversal in chemicals dominance on planet earth, because this phenomenon is explaining how carbon atom is reversing it's existence on planet earth inorder to be locked in plants and becomes solid and to leave more space to oxygen and hydrogen to increase the water molecule, because this last is a key stone to realise Higgs boson system of preference of decay to masses. I am sure that the abundance of the water molecule in it's vaporized state is showing a seriouse dominance to planet earth atmosphere in the pictures below; and this situation of the water vapour increase is a good proof to chemicals occupancy to space on planet earth.


Sunday, 16 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (14)

  Well!! I am able to bring planet earth upside down just because I am the man who holds Higgs boson as a whole particle, and I am also able to create an unlimited number of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) to increase Higgs boson magnetism to it's highest force of pulling to planet earth particles, and make it's mass decay faster, faster and faster. But don't worry I am not switching on this high number of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) because I prefer to limit catastrophes, and with the hope I will get recognition to my discovery to Higgs boson sooner, and limiting Higgs boson experiments to closed systems inorder to produce unique products to the benefit of humanity; and such products are: Helium3, Helium4, soft diamonds and sheets of electrons, and to remind you that the list of these unique products is so long.

 In this post I am interested to write few lines to make a feed back of the actual experiment and which is based on two parts; the first part is built inside a system made of tens of Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders), and hundreds of litres of rain water. And the second part of the experiment is made of the field of wheat with 27 square meters, and here I have to notice that the grains of corn are still with no new information; maybe they grown-up to wheat, and maybe they will show their stems in the future weeks.  The main target from the actual experiment on Higgs boson is to manipulate clouds direction and accumulation to increase rain in some countries in need to the water molecule and some of these countries are: Libya, Iraq and western Sahara, and also from this experiment another aim to achieve is to come up with new old creatures in these countries; and such new old creatures are: plants, trees and animals.

 My intention is also with new weather conditions especially in the sub tropical countries where rain is becoming more dominant due to the creation of higher number of low depressions such the ones in the Mediterranean sea, and also in the mid Atlantic where low depressions are becoming more persistent in the season of spring and which is an unusual situation. Also snow in Europe is an unusual phenomenon in this time of the year; and this is what explains the extension of winter season due to the stratospheric warming. Snow is also present in some countries in this time of the year such as the US, Turkey and China. All this change in the weather systems is due to the actual experiment on Higgs boson which is making higher particles inflation created by particles submission.

 I am sure that so many changes of natural phenomena are at occurence,  and the intensification of theses changes will make Higgs boson magnetism more apparent to be recognised as the most dominating magnetism on planet earth.


Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (13)

  Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to all existing particles on planet earth is becoming at highest level as it never did, and this manipulation of particles could be seen in the change of behaviour of so many phenomena on earth such as the increase of the eruption of volcanoes, heavy rain, higher number of earthquakes, higher appearance of the northern lights, and intense heat waves storms. To explain Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles is by looking at the soustraction formula of (-1) particle from earth and (+1) particle to Higgs boson magnetism. The aplication of the soustraction formula is at an increasing occurrence to make Higgs boson magnetism influence more strength. So the pull of particles from planet earth by Higgs boson magnetism is a reality to end with these particles at the end of the bottom of universe one, and this is what is showing the loose of planet earth of it'energy inorder to make the change in natural phenomena behaviour real.

 As we are seeing so many incidents around the world such as the persistent earthquakes in some countries, and which are making scientists thinking twice about their real causes of occurrence. The hypothesis of the alignment of planets with planet earth to influence gravity in the solar system is true, because of the change in gravity to become stronger to increase the tectonic movements of the earth crust, and this gravity is supported by Higgs boson magnetism to distabilise planets from their orbits and creates further force of pulling. What is really dangerous is the creation of further stronger earthquakes in the future due to Higgs boson intensification, and I am sure that the world will assist higher and stronger earthquakes because of the direct acquirence of particles by Higgs boson magnetism from planet earth mass due to the happening decay in all existing masses in our universe.

 I must add a new occured phenomenon which is the increase in the sun's storms which we are seeing lately; and these storms are happening because Higgs boson magnetism is manipulating the sun's core to decay and to eject huge amount of energy in the solar system and to affect it's planets especially planet earth because of life existence on it. The challenge of the sun's flares increase to make higher UV is without solution, and it's results are very serious. I also have to remind you that my talk about the ejection of the sun's energy increase in the solar system was many years ago.

 The influence of Higgs boson magnetism on storms occurence around the world in unusual areas and unusual time of the year is becoming so apparent on earth. Some of the storms which are happening now such as cyclone Lisa in Australia, storm Noa in the UK and unusual weather conditions in the Middle East; all these storms are showing strength and unusual times of occurrence. 

 Rest to me to tell you that so many surprising incidents in natural phenomena are in their way to happen, and to challenge human beings in their life and to support Higgs boson discovery.

Monday, 10 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (12)

 In today's post I would like to bring to light the miraculous manipulation of the produced condensated particles in earlier Higgs boson experiment part one; which is the full reservoir of rain water, then used in Higgs boson experiment part two which is the field of corn; and this field which you are seeing in the pictures below has come up with a complete different product than expected; and this production is wheat instead of corn. My question is how come that the concerned field is supposed to grow corn and not wheat; but as you are seeing wheat has grown in a perfect shape and whith a good production. 

 I have to notice that I used some of the waist of sheeps from the neighbouring farm to boost the plants production,  and this is the only source to wheat to grow, or maybe and maybe that the origin of corn is wheat. And I have to say that the condensated particles used in this field have managed to reverse the corn cells to their first origins and to grow wheat at it's beginning appearance on earth.

 The field of corn is set to be as a mini Higgs boson magnetic field dominated by Higgs boson magnetism, and the acquired results of wheat growth is very strange to show that some plants originate from others, and I am making an appeal to laboratories to look from close to the produced wheat inorder to make a deep analysis to discover the real date of the existence of this kind of wheat; and by this the reality of the travel back of life under the influence of Higgs boson magnetism becomes true, proved and a good support to Higgs boson discovery.

 My question is persisting on how come that a corn grain becomes a source to grow wheat? To answer to this question a risen hypothesis has to show off and which is "Higgs boson inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) condensates particles, and these particles are able to create a mini Higgs boson magnetic field once used on planted grains, and these grains reverse their RNa to grow in their first source of formation", and by this hypothesis I have to say that the origin of corn is wheat.

I am sure that the following weeks will tell if the planted grains of corn have their origin from wheat or not; and this is through the shape of the produced grains, and also through their analysis to discover the reality of the reversal of DNa and RNa of grains due to Higgs boson magnetic field, and this is what will prove the rightness of my discovery to Higgs boson.

 To end this post, I am able to send you few of the produced grains inorder to make a serious and a deep analysis to these grains by the use of your means which I don't have, and then your results of these analysis will put the light on all what it has been said in this blog. Am I right or am I wrong?


Friday, 7 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (11)

 The precedent low pressure in the Mediterranean sea was well managed to bring some rain to North Africa because this area was in need to the water molecule. The manipulation of the low pressure in the Mediterranean sea has occurred due to the building of sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); and these sets were very small ones which have the size of a cup of coffee filled with water and a half spoon of sugar, and the number of these sets was (15) and each cup had an energy form of three. By the cited experiment I certified that the manipulation of depressions is a true fact which has to be considered by scientists communities inorder to manipulate the water molecule on earth, and resolve the problem of droughts in many countries. I am sure that I am bringing to the world one of the unique solutions to droughts by the use of Higgs boson as a manipulator to the water molecule accumulation in the atmosphere.

 I am making an appeal to the responsible people in countries affected by the shortness of rain, and I am telling them that Iam able to resolve the problem of droughts through the use of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) based on my researches on Higgs boson; and this idea is very effective with guaranteed results and with very low costs. So please don't hesitate to contact me and make me an invitation to start bringing you rain in the wanted areas which you wish to be irrigated. I also remind you that the idea of limiting droughts in the wanted countries is a new idea which is making Higgs boson discovery proved and certified. 

 I think that in another side some countries are suffering from excessive rain and very wet lands; and this complication could be also resolved through the creation of high pressures to divert clouds to other areas and avoiding further rain. The technique of clouds diversion is simple to use and it is very efficient to make very wet lands drying, and limiting further rain on these lands. I am sure that the creation of high pressures in some areas around the world is possible to aplicate inorder to help agricultors achieving their goals of production.

 My long experience in building Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) based on Higgs boson to manipulate clouds and the amount of rain made me very confident to resolve so many related problems to the water existence on any land around the world. And also the use of condensated particles in developing agriculture by increasing it's production to the extreme, and these condensated particles are really good challengers to any existing fertilizer in the world.

 To end this post; I am simply able to help so many countries in need to the water molecule or suffering from the abundance of this last.