Saturday 29 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (26)

  My powerful ideas of making Higgs boson manipulating our universe's particles are without end; and these ideas are energized with scientists' negativity of silence to Higgs boson discovery. Anyway Higgs boson magnetism management to everything is a sophisticated knowledge which scientists are still far to swallow and to understand it's reality, and also to understand it's influence to their daily life. What its disappointing is the total igniorence to Higgs boson discovery and how Higgs boson experiments are introducing planet earth to a new kind of life; a life full of surprises. My advises to scientists and researchers in so many fields of science is to hurry up and take care of the Rugosa Corals (Higgs boson holders); because these creatures are holding all the secrets to answer to a high number of questions in science.

 Higgs boson manipulation to everything is more obvious in the change of life on planet earth and in our universe, and attention to the links of this manipulation which is directed by Higgs boson experiments has to be activated, and it has to take place sooner is better to hunanity to the occuring change in everything, because challenges are in door, and the costs of these challenges are very high. 

 I am interested to bring to your attention a scene of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to particles within this post, because I am sure that this scene is with high importance, and it has to be taken seriously by scientists and researchers in climate change; this scene is the fast higher temperature. Higgs boson system of preference of decay to masses in all our universe aim is to make of these decayed masses a stock of smaller energies to fortify, and to become more powerful to pull back everything to it's original source and existence, and one of the conditions to realise this target is the rise in temperature. The rise in temperature on planet earth is achieved automatically from the decay of particles inside Higgs boson experiments and then this increase of temperature is followed in nature. Also the increase of temperature is due to particles and chemicals interactions provoked by Higgs boson magnetism due to the change of their movement of behaviour in roration, speed and direction. Some of the causes of the rise in temperature on planet earth are: methane combustion, alpha particles increase in planet earth atmosphere, the increase of the sun's heat due to the increase of reflectors particles to the sun's flares, the increase of particles inflation in the atmosphere and also ice melting which makes the sun's flares less reflected in planet earth atmosphere. I am sure that scientists and researchers will agree with me about the real causes of the fast rising in temperature on planet earth.

 My high interest in the whole of Higgs boson discovery story is to see researchers making experiments on the Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders), to realise that my duscovery is true, and rewards have to be made to whom deserves them.

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