Sunday 23 April 2023

Higgs Boson Manipulation (19)

  I am willing to bring your attention to the actual Higgs boson experiment, and what is happening inside it due to Higgs boson manipulation and magement to all existing particles, atoms and molecules to decay in the wanted manner depending on their density in this experiment. The actual Higgs boson experiment is so huge comparing it to the earlier Higgs boson experiments due to it's size; because it contains huge amount of particles as you ate seeing in the picture below.

 The first notice to the actual Higgs boson experiment is that all the amount of water is manipulated by Higgs boson to change it's composition from the water molecule to subatomic particles, and to become superfluid in a condensated state. So the existing water inside this experiment is not water anymore  but it is a different kind of matter which should be analysed and understood by scientists.

 The second notice is that the actual experiment on Higgs boson has a great role in manipulating all natural phenomena in our universe, and the observers to these phenomena such as clouds accumulation, higher amount of rain in some countries especially in subtropical ones, persistent snow in some countries, volcanoes eruption, earthquakes, meteors showers, higher winds speed, higher UV and the list of the change in natural phenomena is so long. All this change in natural phenomena is happening because Higgs boson is oscillating a huge amount of particles inside it's experiment, and this change is also happening because of Higgs boson magnetism intensification to make higher particles inflation on planet earth.

 Some people think that the occuring change on planet earth is due to the increase of carbon emission which is provoking global warming, and this thinking is not true simply because the carbon atom is under Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to become victim and ceding space to other chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen. The higher carbon atom in the atmosphere is just a temporary condition to create the carboniferous era again, and this stage of life on earth is one of the participants tools to decay planet earth from it's mass through the decay of the carbon atom by Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to this atom.

 Let's thinking twice about my talk, because this thinking is the wised action to iniciate inorder to understand the reality in which humanity is living. And it is also wise to consider Rugosa corals (Higgs boson holders) in all kind of the actual scientific researches because they are the only way to take these scientists researches to the next level.


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