The theory of majorana fermions has to be proved successfully and in a good manner, and my experiment of majorana fermions condensation is available to those people whom are interested to prove Majorana's theory rigjtness and importance in particle physics; and by this all benefits will be shared between scientists and humanity because these benefits are so huge to bring life forward; a life full of surprises in the development of knowledge.
My experiment of condensation to majorana fermions was repeated tens of times and each time has given me the same result, and this is what makes it a consistent and solid experiment, and my need is to have access to some advenced technology of visualisation and analysis to my result of experiment in order to come up with a confirmation of rightness to this result. I think that some people of my audience have the opportunity to join my idea of experiment of majorana fermions condensation, and this is by accepting my offer of knowledge, and also accepting my basic and simple things used in the realization of condensation to majorana fermions.
I think that I should add another importance of majorana fermions condensation to make your interest to repeat the experiment of majorana fermions condensation more intence; this importance is visible inside majorana fermions themselves; because they represent a new kind of matter which is unknown to physicists, and by this the discovery of a hidden world in physics will be able to so many discoveries such as time particles and the movement of time.
To end this post I must make a clear call to all universities around the world to accept my offer of building an experiment in particle physics in their laboratories with the aim to condensate majorana fermions.
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