Sunday 1 March 2015

Higgs Boson Soustraction (3)

Again here I am looking for soustractions occurrence between atoms and molecules; I have found that they should be well organized, explained and well presented to you in order to acquire some knowledge about whats going on in our universe. Soustraction is a work done inside a whole system which is under Higgs boson magnetic field. Not only soustraction should be understood as a beginning of construction of a new world because it feeds (+1) in Higgs boson mechanism but also as transformer of our world to a new one from (π1) to (π2)  . In this post I would like to share five ideas about soustraction as a feeder from the first (π1) to the second (π2) of Higgs boson field in which we are living in.

The first idea about soustraction as a feeder from the first (π1) to the second (π2) of Higgs boson field is the sun’s heat; let’s say that the sun (π1) and earth is (π2), and the soustraction objective under Higgs boson mechanism is to transform (-1) from (π1) to (π2); the result of this operation is the increase in temperature on planet earth.

The second idea about soustraction as a feeder from the first (π1) to the second (π2) of Higgs boson field is rain; rain could be a major problem to humanity as a result of Higgs boson soustraction, transformation of rain from an area to another is already apparent as a new phenomenon. That means that (π2) could be anywhere in the world and it's strangeness is already seen in the rain of the North Pole, Australia and the Big Sahara.

The third idea about soustraction as a feeder from the first (π1) to the second (π2) of Higgs boson field is fog; fog becomes a key player to extract the water molecule from (π1) which is earth to (π2) which is the atmosphere. The reason from higher dense fog is to make planet earth lighter and to get manipulated easier by Higgs boson magnetism; this form of soustraction is applicable on all planets and stars.

The fourth idea about soustraction as a feeder from the first (π1) to the second (π2) of Higgs boson field is bank accounts; bank accounts will be substituted from an account to another simply because of the supercomputers chips components which will loose their efficiency; the protons, neutrons and electrons of the atoms’ components will loose their quarks to lower energy; that makes soustraction transaction between accounts uncontrollable, and the result of this soustraction is a real mess in bank accounts.

The last idea about soustraction as a feeder from the first (π1) to the second (π2) of Higgs boson field is satellite communication; satellite communication will not survive from Higgs boson acoustic waves; this last will absorb the communication's waves and incorporate them inside it, the result from this action is lost data. For sure this soustraction will make the change in the world approaching faster.

I will come back in the future with more of Higgs boson soustraction signs because I am seeing millions of them out there. To finish this post I must tell to the world to prepare for the big changes of the new era.

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