The rain has taken new shapes around the world and this is due to Higgs boson magnetic field dominance to most masses on earth including the vaporized water in the atmosphere. And here I have to bring your attention to the dirct link between three elements which are: the water molecule in the atmosphere, Higgs boson magnetic field intensificatio and majorana fermions process of condensation.
Let's say that the process of majorana fermions condensation is the main indicator to the movement of clouds around the world; and this mean that the condensation of majorana fermions process is a good tool to manage clouds condensation, speed and direction, and in the same time majorana fermions availability is achieved; and this is what makes Higgs boson magnetic field intensification an obligation which has no way to escape.
Now I have to notice that heavy rain in some places in the world is becoming an issue because of it's provocation to floods, and in the same time the suffering of other countries from droughts in some places. I think that the solution to the cited issues is hiding in the number of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and their distribution aroud the world, and by this an agreement of the countries in need to less rain and others in need to more rain should be achieved; inorder to build sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) in these coutries to manage the movement of clouds.
I would like to end this post by making a call to environment ministers around the world to listen to my words and take action to make my idea of clouds management real, because it is a good solution to resolve the problem of floods and droughts.
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