Sunday 25 October 2015

Higgs Boson Magnetism (35)

My interest to Higgs boson magnetism is unique and that’s why I can’t stop writing about it; I would like to say something about five influences of Higgs boson magnetism on our life in order to show to you that my experiment on Higgs boson is right.

The first influence of Higgs boson magnetism on our life is water use suspension; the needed water in our daily life will be affected by many chemicals and such chemicals are sulphur, phosphorus and carbon because Higgs boson magnetism is able to decay so many molecules to free the chemicals cited above, and these ones will find the opportunity to interact with the water molecule to change it’s formation from potable water to toxic one.

The second influence of Higgs boson magnetism on our life is the excessive water on land; water abundance will be in more than (80) per cent of land and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism intriguing to the water molecule, here are so many chemical interactions which lead to the formation of water and one of them is the increase in permafrost which releases methane (CH4) to interact with oxygen.

The third influence of Higgs boson magnetism on our life is the connection of Higgs boson acoustic waves with all existing acoustic waves on earth; Higgs boson acoustic waves are dominant to any existing acoustic waves and this means that all sounds will be disappeared and such sounds are: walkie talkie communication, radio waves, television sound, radar communication and phone communication. I think that Higgs boson magnetism impact here is serious and humanity shouldn’t just ignore it.

The fourth influence of Higgs boson magnetism on our life is satellite connection; the satellite transmission will disappear because Higgs boson magnetism is able to disconnect data connection and this is through it’s absorption to images’ waves. I think that all images’ transmission will be cut off to pieces and humanity has just to wait and see when this incident will happen.

The last influence of Higgs boson magnetism on our life is temperature from an area to another; temperature will increase in usual cold areas and such areas are: Alaska, Canada and Siberia, and will decrease in usual hot areas and such areas are: the Big Sahara, South United States and the Middle East, this situation is already occurring and the world has to notice it and has to understand that this change in temperature from an area to another is a result of Higgs boson magnetism.

As I already said that Higgs boson influences on planet earth are unlimited and rest to us to discover them to know the truth of Higgs boson discovery and the truth of Higgs boson experiment, and rest to me to make another call to everybody to join me in my fight of rights of discovery. 

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