Thursday 29 October 2015

Higgs Boson Magnetism (39)

In this post my conception took me to chemicals’ diffraction which is happening right now in our universe; this chemicals’ diffraction is a result of Higgs boson magnetism and which is processed by Higgs boson mechanism. I am sure that there are so many signs of chemicals’ diffraction which are appearing on and from planet earth. I am interested to share with you five chemicals’ diffraction to complete this post’s subject.

The first sign showing chemicals’ diffraction due to Higgs boson magnetism is metals; I am sure that nobody can deny that metals are decaying and this is not only because of the increase of corrosion but also because of Higgs boson magnetism. Electrons are escaping from their orbital inside metals’ atoms and this is due to Higgs boson mechanism which is built on (-1, +1); quarks are knocked out from inside electrons to attach with the submitted flow of quarks from Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs), and this attachment is making metals’ chemicals diffracted.

The second sign showing chemicals’ diffraction due to Higgs boson magnetism is wood; wood is decomposing very fast and this is not only because of the combination of the increase of the sun’s heat and water molecule in the atmosphere but also because of Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to wood cells. The wood cells’ chemicals are diffracting because Higgs boson magnetism is knocking out their electrons to become weak then the result is wood decomposition.

The third sign showing chemicals’ diffraction due to Higgs boson magnetism is water increase on planet earth; the water quantity on planet earth is increasing and this is because of hydrocarbures diffraction, the easiest molecules to diffract are hydrocarbures because they contain the carbon atom. Hydrocarbures detachment ejects a huge quantity of hydrogen to combine with the oxygen atom and form the water molecule.

The fourth sign showing chemicals’ diffraction due to Higgs boson magnetism is soil; there is no doubt that soil is decaying because of it’s quarks attachment to the submitted quarks from Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs). Higgs boson magnetism pulling to quarks’ soil makes it’s atoms detaching. The soil chemicals’ diffraction is seen in most areas in the world and such areas are: the appearance of huge holes in Russia, the appearance of numerous holes in the Black sea and the increase of sinkholes number around the world.

The last sign showing chemicals’ diffraction due to Higgs boson magnetism is ice melting; again nobody can ignore that North Pole is melting very fast and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism; ice particles are displaced and the water molecule’s chemicals are put under higher temperature because of their higher speed in electrons, the water molecule is turned from solid to liquid.

I would like to conclude this post by making a call to all scientific communities to integrate what it has been said in this post in their softwares and analysing it to understand what’s going on planet earth and on our universe.


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