Saturday 4 June 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (119)

Higgs boson magnetism has to come to it’s end once decaying all existing particles in our universe to their lowest energy form; this means that inflation had achieved the size of the 5th universe which is the double size of our universe; and here comes the integration of all 

particles into the 5th universe. In this post I am talking about the after of the end of everything where our universe starts to empty itself from it’s particles and commits an auto deficiency of energy.

There is no doubt that our universe is decaying and huge amount of proofs was explained in this blog, and Higgs boson magnetism consequences are already seen in many scenes and their intensity is at increase. In reality Higgs boson magnetism is represented in a sinusoidal wave; and it’s highest point is the maximum of inflation and it’s bottom right is it’s end, and it’s bottom left is it’s beginning. The graph below is showing the beginning of Higgs boson magnetism as a whole system and it’s end.  

At the end of Higgs boson magnetism in our universe all particles got integrated into Higgs boson magnetic particles waves to form one line at the end edge of our universe, and this is where Higgs boson magnetism starts it’s rotations to start the integration of all particles into the 5th universe.

Higgs boson magnetism also has the power to stay strong at the end edge of our universe but unfortunately Higgs boson magnetism of the 5th universe is twice stronger than it and thats why it finishes by loosing it’s particles waves slowly until achieving a total integration inside Higgs boson magnetism of the 5th universe, this process is called Higgs boson magnetism dispersion.

The conclusion of this post is an open door to a new knowledge about Higgs boson magnetism dispersion and in which I wish to have the opportunity to write about it.

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