Friday 18 March 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (74)

I am willing to write this post to speak about Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown after six months of process and it’s effects on our universe. My intention is with the global weather system where many scenes could be seen on our planet earth; and these scenes are the products of Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown and which are represented in the rise of temperature, heavy rains, ice melting, sea rising and soil decomposition. Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown is making the cited phenomena above sharper than ever, and what we are seeing everyday in Media about weather news is supporting this statement.  

Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown is well managed through Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs), and it was prepared under control of temperature, number of Higgs bosons, level of fortified water, the used quantity of sugar and the number of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) sets. Higgs boson experiment was made with an aim to slowdown Higgs boson magnetism acceleration and the target of this last is to create inflation in our universe. Inflation in our universe could never happen without the increase of particles’ decaying and this last could never happen without the slowing down of Higgs boson magnetism acceleration because with this last Higgs boson magnetic particles waves are doubled or trebled depending on Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) sets preparation.

Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown has also many signs in our universe and such signs are: stars vanishing, the change of planet’s shape such as the moon which is taking an oval shape, new galaxies formation, the increase of comets in space, the increase of temperature in our universe, the sun ejection to heat storms, photons increase in the solar system, light atmosphere of planet earth and Auroras dominance to the north of planet earth.

Another point concerning Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown is that particles’ decay accelerate when Higgs boson magnetism acceleration is slowed down; as I already said is that the paradox law is at full work and this means that our universe is at it’s full speed in it’s travel back. Also introducing higher speed to Higgs boson magnetism from time to time makes bigger particles to decay faster and this situation is also managed through Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) by managing the entered energy forms into it. I am sure that planet earth will assist stronger volcanoes eruption, bigger mudslides, and many mass deaths of biological lives.

I would like to add few words to close this post; human being shouldn’t underestimate what I am talking about because water is increasing on planet earth dramatically and Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown is at it’s full work to make this increase of water in it’s higher and higher levels.      

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