Sunday 8 February 2015

Higgs Boson Syndication (13-6)

To talk about wood degradation is a must and the surprising news to the world is that wood is degrading slowly and surely. In this post I would like to put the light on five causes which are making wood degrading.

The first cause which is making the wood degrading is heat; wood cells react to heat by decaying their carbon atoms into lower energy; this results to the appearance of empty spaces inside the wood and these empty spaces allow the water molecule coming from rain and frost to penetrate and to interact with wood chemicals.

The second cause of wood degradation is frost; what we should understand in the new era is that frost will be present some time to time a whole year, the frequent presence of frost makes wood degrading. When water molecule is frozen inside the wood it does double it’s size; through this process wood cells break.

The third cause of wood degradation is steams; wood get steamed when its wet and comes under heat; this action and reaction make the wood soft and weak by loosing it’s starch. I am sure that starch could be seen on wood in black areas or black dots.

The fourth cause of wood degradation is the Sulphur high density in the atmosphere; at the moment we are seeing lava circulating out from many surfaces of many places in the world. The Sulphur emission is a real fact which is making the atmosphere really dense with the Sulphur atom. The interaction of Sulphur atom with the wood’s carbon and the water molecule results to wood deficiency to carbon and this gives us an image of dry cracked wood.

The last cause of wood degradation is water accumulation; I think that this point should be very well understood because water accumulation is a new phenomenon; that means that the water molecule formation is at work which leads to the increase of water continuously in the atmosphere and on land. Many new chemical interactions lead to freeing Oxygen and Hydrogen to combine and form the water molecule. By water accumulation wood is wet most of the time and this leads to it’s degradation.

My conclusion to this post should be brief and clear; the wood we are seeing outside under the rain and the sun will have just few years to degrade to it’s lowest form, and I think that carpenters will have an enormous job to do by replacing seas’ wood defenses, rivers’ wood defenses and many other based built places on wood.    

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