Sunday 1 February 2015

Higgs Boson Interactions

Higgs boson interactions are undismissible between the old natural phenomena and the new ones of the new era of life; these connections are the result of Higgs boson experiment. In this post I am willing to make a clear subordination of Higgs boson
interactions through five examples to prove that our universe has already taken a step backwards.

The first example of Higgs boson interactions is the speed of the rotational clouds around the world; who can ignore that clouds are moving seriously in high speed? I am sure nobody can do. The question which should be answered is why clouds are moving faster and faster day after day? Clouds are moving faster and faster because of the interaction of our universe with the first universe.

The second example of Higgs boson interactions is the number of the windy days during the whole year; winds are a good example of Higgs boson interaction because the world is assisting more windy days during the whole year. “Higgs Boson Winds” post has an explanation to the increase of the presence of numerous and stronger winds.

The third example of Higgs boson interactions is the inflated street’s pave which I am seeing at the moment; this interaction is obvious and can be explained as follow; the rotating quarks are under Higgs boson magnetism that makes the earth chemicals pulled up to leave cracks, empty spaces and unlevelled pave appearing on streets. The picture below is showing street’s pave unlevelled

The fourth example of Higgs boson interactions is the trees’ leaves growth; this interaction is the simplest proof of Higgs boson interaction, how come those trees’ leaves are growing in different season than they normally do? This phenomenon has been already explained in “Higgs Boson Fiber” post

The last example of Higgs boson interactions could be shown in the picture below and which is the chalk defragmentation.

Higgs boson interactions should be understood as soon as possible in order to save planet earth from decomposing, if not; there will be not enough land for the whole world’s population.

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