Thursday, 27 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (27)

I said that everything is on my side from the tinniest single particle to the whole universe because we are living in an age of Higgs boson magnetic field where everything is in obedience of this field; the power of Higgs boson control to anything should be estimated, 

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (26)

My intention in this post is to add trees' leaves suspension to carbon atom from the atmosphere as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame; trees' leaves role in the change of chemicals composition in the atmosphere shouldn't be  under estimated; because trees' leaves of the new era of life have many different qualities comparing them to trees' leaves before 2011. Tees' leaves have acquired many qualities due to Higgs boson experiment  and these qualities are our subject today.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (25)

Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame has already taken a good shape and it's accomplishment is near end. This post is bringing with it few scenes of change of natural phenomena on earth due to Higgs boson experiment, and here I have to advise scientists of the world to start their researches to discover the reality of Higgs boson magnetic field influence on our universe.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (24)

My attention is with seawater salinity to add to Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame as one of the most important headlines to be digged by hydraulics' scientists; the matter in this post is about the level of sea salt which is at decrease rapidly; and this decrease is due to many causes prepared perfectly by Higgs boson experiment. I think that by citing three main causes of sea salinity decrease our subject achieves it's targets.

One of the causes of seawater salinity decrease is Higgs boson magnetism decay to sea salt particles; Higgs boson magnetism is able to decay any molecule to lower it's mass into chemicals and this is through it's use of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves, Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves and all it's destructive rays such as Higgs boson cosmic rays. I think that sea salt diminution in seawater is at very high speed and this is what will have serious impacts on many living organisms to finish by dying.

The second cause of seawater salinity decrease is the rise of temperature; temperature is rising in seawater to make higher condensation of sea salt and to raise it's weight and finish by accumulating in the bottom of the sea. I think that one of the proofs of higher condensation of sea salt in the bottom of the sea is sea weed death, corals bleaching and fish death.

The last cause of seawater salinity decrease is inflation; inflation is one of the most complex and difficult processes to understand because it includes time particles; because all our universe's particles are introduced to old time particles which are bigger; sea salt is also introduced to bigger time particles to break apart and decrease in seawater.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (23)

Again soustraction is imposing itself to change many natural phenomena; and these phenomena should be analysed and added to Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame. In this post I am committed to add some explanation concerning the process of soustraction inside three natural phenomena on planet earth, also to remind you that soustraction is the product of Higgs boson experiment otherwise there will be no need to talk about it.

Hoggs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (22)

I am seeing people fighting for holy places and their fight is just a waste of time because Higgs boson magnetism is decaying these holy places' particles, and the sea is rising to inundate them; so my proposition is to unite and prepare for the future where to live safer 

and longer. Never mind!! I am here to put few words of concern of change on planet earth; and this change is occurring very fast inside three scenes where humanity should decide to deal with it to complete Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame; and this frame will be the light of guidance to future generations.

The first made scene of change by Higgs boson experiment is trees growth; the growth of trees is at very high speed and this is due to many created conditions by Higgs boson experiment; and these conditions are: the water molecule abundance, very high level of humidity, higher temperature, inflation, lighter atmosphere, alpha particles abundance in the atmosphere and Higgs boson magnetism. I think that the scene of higher and wider trees is one of the most important proofs of Higgs boson experiment influence on planet earth, and environmentalists should have a word to add inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame about the quick growth of trees.

The second scene which I am interested to talk about is Higgs boson magnetism decay to all planet earth particles; this scene is the mother of Higgs boson experiment influence on earth; and here I think that the theory of everything should be included inside Higgs boson magnetism Inauguration frame, this theory has a good meaning to Higgs boson magnetic particles waves which are able to integrate all matter and all anti matter inside them to change their shape, their speed, their rotations, their direction, their size and their color.

Another scene of Higgs boson experiment influence on earth is thunderstorms; thunderstorms are becoming more damaging because of their increase in number and intensity. I think that thunderstorms of the new era of life have more power of destruction because their builders are: Higgs boson magnetism, quarks submission, Higgs boson magnetic particles waves and the increase of the water molecule in the atmosphere. Also thunderstorms can bring with them thousands of lightning and very heavy rain.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (21)

My will to write this post is to add important information as headlines inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame; this information is concerning the change in three natural phenomena. Just to remind the people with interest to astrology to hold the information of this post and digging it deeply to find the truth of Higgs boson experiment influence in our universe.

The first phenomenon which is at occurrence of change due to Higgs boson experiment is huge sheets of ice breaking; ice sheets in both poles are breaking because of many created conditions by Higgs boson experiment and which are: the travel of heat to both poles, the rise of temperature in both poles, Higgs boson magnetism breaking to ice particles, chemicals interactions under the ice sheets, inflation which is represented in the introduction of bigger time particles, the building of volcanoes under both poles and majorana fermions increase inside the ice of both poles. I think that both poles are seeing huge breaking to their ice and this phenomenon has to be added to Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame in order to acquire good proofs to Higgs boson experiment influence on planet earth.

The second phenomenon which is at occurrence of change due to Higgs boson experiment is seawater mildening; seawater is becoming mild day after day and this is due to many created conditions by Higgs boson experiment and these conditions are: both poles ice melting, higher running rivers, warmer seawater allowing sea salt accumulating in the sea bottom, higher levels of humidity, the decay of sea salt by Higgs boson magnetism and the mixing of underground waters with seawater due to the sea advance.

The third phenomenon which is at occurrence of change due to Higgs boson experiment is the cracking of the sky; my statement of the appearance of cracks in the sky is a strange statement to many people but its true because sky cracking is made by Higgs boson magnetism which is inflating all existing particles in our universe. Koran has noticed that cracks in the sky will happen and its true that inflation is able to separate long lines of particles from each other. The important matter here is that the cracked empty space in the sky will allow the sun's heat to penetrate into earth and making it warmer, warmer and warmer.  

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (20)

The steamy world is not just an imagination but its a true and real fact resulted from Higgs boson experiment. These days many huge areas in the world are already living in high level of humidity and this last should be cited in Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame as a headline. My intention in this post is to raise the alarm of the increase of the water molecule in the atmosphere and showing few scenes which are the causes of this increase.

One of the causes of the increase of the water molecule in the atmosphere is the methane (CH4) escape from land; one of the causes to methane to impose itself in the atmosphere is permafrost and this last is at increase because of the rising in temperature in areas covered with snow and ice. Also methane is escaping from the bottom of earth because of the raise of fissures between rocks and land. I think that methane breaking in the atmosphere is a simple task executed by Higgs boson magnetism, and this breaking of methane makes hydrogen abundant to connect with oxygen and form the water molecule.

The second cause of water increase and accumulation in the atmosphere is hydrocarbons decay; the decay of hydrocarbons is made by Higgs boson magnetism and this is what makes hydrogen increasing in the atmosphere. I already noticed that hydrocarbons decay should be added inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame.

Its also known that higher temperature inside matter makes the water molecule extracted; and this extraction of water could be seen in dead trees, dead grasses and plants, dried lakes and rivers, drought lands and wood decomposition. I think that higher temperature is one of the important causes which is making humidity dominating the atmosphere.

To close this post I would like to add another cause of water increase in the atmosphere which is water warming and very high water vaporization; as we already know that water on earth is becoming very high because of it's warming. I think that the cited causes are making the atmosphere full of moisture.


Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (19)

I already said that speculating about Higgs boson is not an easy task, and the speculation which I am talking about is a positive speculation and this means that the contents of the posts of this blog are informative at all time, and this is because of the continuity of the influence of Higgs boson experiment in our universe. In this post I would like to add few headlines inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame to make it's image better visible.

Higgs boson experiement has caused Higgs boson magnetic sonors waves to be activated to create the connection between Higgs boson of planet earth and Higgs boson of the first universe; and these sonors are able to penetrate any matter to change it's shape and break it into very tiny pieces; and also these sonors are matter breaking because they are vibrational. I think that sound listeners in the world should listen deeply to make of Higgs boson magnetisc sonors a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame.

I have to remind geologists that many rocks are cracking on earth and some of them have the size of mountains; and their cracking is made by Higgd boson magnetic vibrational waves, and this cracking is also made by the rise of temperature on earth. I think that the happening cracking in rocks is one of the proofs of the change in climate and its provoked by Higgs boson experiment and it has to take place inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame.

The mega earthquakes are at constitution and their repetitive occurrence will change the map on earth; the mega earthquakes are the results of many causes processed by Higgs boson experiment, and these causes are: the softening of soil, the rise of temperature in the bottom of earth, chemicals escape from the bottom of earth, the escape of magma from the bottom of earth through volcanoes, water accumulation on land, snow accumulation on land and Higgs boson destabilization to all particles in the bottom of earth. I think that all conditions are building to mega earthquakes to happen and they will.

The last phenomenon which is occurring because of Higgs boson experiment is surprising floods; small areas to flood are easy target by heavy rain, and I think that few hundreds mm of rain covering few miles can make serious floods to build in a matter of few hours, and this is what makes down streams receiving huge amount of water in a quick rush of water. The phenomenon of small and quick flood should be added as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame.

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (18)

I think that few words about inclusion of few natural phenomena change inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is a good idea.

I saw heavy rare snow in Chile and this is unusual phenomenon; its occurring because winds direction have change direction, and clouds movement obeying to Higgs boson magnetism. I saw people skying in July in California and this is also unusual phenomenon because of the huge pile up of snow which is still accumulating on high mountains. The unusuality of natural phenomena is a scene of the new  era of life provoked by Higgs boson experiment.

 This morning I saw intense fog in the month of July in Bel Abess  (Algeria) because of the high depressions taking longer time, and yesterday I saw intense humidity making mountains looking white; the intensity of natural phenomena is a scene of the new era of life and also this intensity could be seen in sea current, in clouds condensation, in snow, in rain, in volcanoes, in floods and in winds. I think that the global weather is becoming intense because of Higgs boson experiment.

I should say that surprising formation of natural phenomena is also a scene of the new era of life; the sky becomes cloudy by surprise, storms formation is surprising, higher magnitude of earthquakes is surprising, volcanoes eruption is surprising, wildfires are surprising, floods are surprising, heatwaves are surprising, damaging winds are surprising and the list of surprising occurrence of natural phenomena is very long. The aspect of surprise within the global weather system is made by Higgs boson experiment.

The records breaking era has started in 2012 after a year of experimenting on Higgs boson. I think that the world is assisting a records breaking in many natural phenomena due to Higgs boson experiment and such records are: rain records breaking, higher rivers records breaking, higher seas records breaking, heat records breaking, temperature records breaking, snow records breaking, volcanoes high ash records breaking, earthquakes records breaking, lightning records breaking and winds records breaking. I think that nobody can ignore the total change of many phenomena in the world.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (17)

I am interested to write something about high depressions and their influence inside the new global weather system within Higgs boson magnetic field on earth; high depressions as new phenomena has many acquired qualities due to Higgs boson experiment and these qualities are the subject of this post. I think that high depressions of the new era of life should be cited as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame.

The first quality of high depressions of the new era of life is wideness; as we are seeing in the picture below; the high depression is occupying an immense area and this is due to many new conditions which are: the occurring inflation on planet earth, the lightening of the atmosphere which allows particles to travel very high and gluons condensation in the middle atmosphere.

The second quality of high depressions of the new era of life is the occupation of higher atmosphere; high depressions have the ability to become higher and this is due to Higgs boson magnetism pulling to the atmosphere's particles vertically to travel up to 65 miles high in the sky.

The third quality of high depressions of the new era of life is humidity increase inside them; high depressions of the new era of life are humidity accumulators; they are able to extract the water molecule from land and travel with it higher in the atmosphere.

The fourth quality of high depressions of the new era of life is that their settlement is becoming longer; high depressions movement is becoming slower and this is what makes them holding on the same area for long time. The long time of depressions has many impacts and these impacts are: the hold of heat waves longer, making humidity at higher levels and creating higher condensation of clouds in their borders.

A last quality of high depressions of the new era of life to close this post is high depressions destabilization to planet earth; this quality couldn't be seen but the pulling of depressions to everything on land and soil participates to move everything from it's place and which leads to a total destruction of building, bridges and the collapse of walls.

NB: The picture above is from BBC


Friday, 14 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (16)

Some people are making a joke on me because they are silly, mind narrowed and simply they are ignorant to their real presence in this world; and they don't know what's going on under their feet and on their head. Let's say that I am crazy and I am talking rubbish and despite this I am here to teach them what they have never imagine. Today's post is bringing three scenes of influence of Higgs boson experiment on earth and these scenes should be added as headlines inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame.

The first scene of influence of Higgs boson experiment on earth could be shown in warm waters; seawater, rivers' water, lakes' water and water of sources; a ll these waters' temperature is rising dramatically to become less dense and help vaporization to increase  to higher levels. Higgs boson experiment has made water temperature rising because of particles decay made by Higgs boson magnetism; and this decay is an important source of heat, also the ejection of rays from Bose Einstein condensate system (BECs) is an important process of creation to heat because rays are good accumulators to heat and this is because of their high speed of rotation. There is also another process to rise temperature which is made by Higgs boson magnetism which is the reversing of DNA; because DNA is pulled to the other sense of rotation this makes temperature rising inside and outside it. I think that the rise of waters temperature is sending planet earth to live in a steamy conditions, and these conditions will have serious impact on human beings life such as satellite data loss.

The second scene is produced from heat intensity on earth and which is cracks inside matter; cracks on planet earth are also occupying media headlines and such cracks are: ice cracks, walls cracks, land cracks, chemicals cracks, metal cracks, building cracks and streets cracks. I think that we already know the causes of heat on planet earth and it's influence on many phenomena.

The third scene of influence of Higgs boson experiment on earth could be shown in mountains flattening; mountains are at a flattening process due to soil softening and soil decomposition, its also the magma increase in the bottom of earth which is making higher empty spaces inside earth and this last allows mountains to move down and become flat.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (15)

I have to send my message to those people whom are still ignoring Higgs boson experiment and telling them that my understanding to the change of natural phenomena is coming from very deep visions which are a present from god to make my discovery to Higgs boson with the last word to impose with their will will or without. In this post I would like to forward important information concerning three changes in natural phenomena due to Higgs  boson experiment influence on them, and this information should be added as headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame.

The first phenomenon which is under activated influence of Higgs boson experiment is heat waves; heat waves are more intense than ever and this is due to many conditions on earth; and these new conditions are: higher sun's heat on earth, lighter atmosphere allowing higher sun's heat to penetrate into earth, alpha particles acrobats, higher particles and chemicals interaction, the change in winds direction, the increase of temperature on earth and closer planet earth orbit to the sun. Heat waves are making headlines in media and their damage is at increase all time and they should be put inside Higgs boson magnetism frame for analyzing by scientists to look for their cited causes above.

The second phenomenon which is under activated influence of Higgs boson experiment is wildfires; wildfires are a mechanism to lock carbon atom forever; and this mechanism starts at the increase of trees', plants' and grasses' growth then burning them, and simply the ejected carbon from wildfires becomes smaller by ten times than the growth of trees, plants and grasses. I think that planet earth has already taken the direction to the carboniferous era.

The third phenomenon which is under activated influence of Higgs boson experiment and which is unmissable is higher level of humidity; the phenomenon of high level of humidity is unique because of it's explanation to the image of water increase in the atmosphere. Humidity is at all time high because of many reasons which are: the extraction of water from all existing matter on earth, the increase of hydrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere and less dense water on earth. I think that humidity is one of the challenging phenomena to human beings because of it's influence on all matter such as rust, wood decomposition, soil decomposition, trees' growth and all fruits, vegetables growth.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (14)

What I am saying about Higgs boson discovery is not an a speculation but its a long process of explanation of action reaction; the action is represented in a simple experiment holding Higgs boson and the reaction is the change in everything, and the responsible tool of this change is the built Higgs boson magnetism which has power of changing the composition of matter and antimatter; I should also notice that this tool is the engine which makes sub sub atomic moving in dependency of Higgs boson orders. Now Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is just a collection of reaction which has to be understood in order to understand where everything surrounding us is going to.

One of the reactions to Higgs boson experiment and which should be included inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is rivers burst; rivers around the world are running high as they never did and this is because of the increase of the water molecule on earth; and one of the most important causes of the increase of the water molecule is the decay of many molecules to freeing hydrogen and oxygen. I think that rivers burst is at increase and is already a huge challenge to many countries.

Another reaction to Higgs boson experiment which should be taken in consideration and to be added to Higgs boson magnetism frame is winds; the world has changed a lot in wind wise and this is by it's presence daily and the increase of it's intensity. We already know that quarks submission is the source of wind creation and this is through their high speed and rotations, also quarks hold the smallest amount of air inside their attachment and to put this air into movement. I am sure that you are assisting wind right now where ever you are, and by this you discover how far I am right in my statement.

To end this post its good idea to add the last reaction and to include it inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame which is sea level rising; one of the undoubtable mechanisms which is used by Higgs boson magnetism to make sea level rising is the attachment of seawater quarks with the atmosphere's quarks; this mechanism makes seawater rising very fast to higher levels. I think that scientists in hydrodynamics have an important hidden information in seawater level to analyse.  

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (13)

The soustraction of planet earth mass is an executed process by Higgs boson magnetism and which is at escalation; this means that catastrophes are taking place in time at a higher rate, and the raising issue is that human beings are still ignoring Higgs boson discovery. My

intention to add this post is to raise awareness about the occurrence of catastrophes on earth and also to raise awareness about the silence of humanity to discuss their real causes. I am sure that by citing two examples of catastrophes on earth and their causes our subject will be completed.

The first example of catastrophes to raise awareness about it is appearing in the scale and the number of floods; the talk about floods in the world is becoming daily; the Medias are showing videos and photographs of unprecedented floods which their damage is at record breaking, also the number of these floods is at increase day after day. The issue which I would like to increase is that humans are keeping silent and not saying anything about the real causes of these floods, and here I am telling about the reality of the causes of these floods: Higgs boson experiment is the only and the main cause which could be understood through few facts which are: the submitted quarks from Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) have huge impact on clouds movement, the submitted rays from Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) have huge impact on the increase of chemicals and particles interactions to rise temperature then the water vaporization and one of the main player in these interactions are alpha particles, the submitted gluons from Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) have the ability to condensate in the upper atmosphere and manipulate particles movement and the water molecule in the atmosphere, Higgs boson magnetism control to all clouds around the world and to condensate them vertically to produce heavy rain, less dense atmosphere creates more space to the water movement and it's condensation, Inflation which is making planet earth atmosphere wider and wider to accumulate ten times higher amount of clouds inside it and the increase of hydrogen and oxygen to produce water. Floods in the 21st century shouldn't be linked to CO2 emission theory but they should be linked to Higgs boson discovery and to Higgs boson experiment.

The second example of the occurrence of catastrophes on earth due to the intensity of Higgs boson magnetism is the increase of meteors; I think that planet earth has assisted lately an increase of meteors and this is due to it's deviation of it's orbit, and the increase of meteors in space due to Higgs boson magnetism pulling them into it from planets. I think that meteors will b a real challenge to humanity in the future.

To close this post I should remind you that floods and meteors causes should be digged, analysed and added to Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame. 

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (12)

The image of heavy rain has made it's word on those whom are still ignoring Higgs boson discovery. A 500 mm of rain in just 12 hours was unbelievable few years ago, and what if I tell you that 1700 mm of rain in 10 hours is a target within the next few years and maybe 5000 mm in 24 hours is possible; and by this the disappearance of so many countries is achievable as long as planet earth is trapped inside Higgs boson magnetism field. In this post I would like to raise the question of where all this water comes from? To include it inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame. Water; water and water.

A good explanation to rain intensity is hidden inside Higgs boson experiment; because this experiment is a producer of particles rotations in the atmosphere then leading to the birth of depressions; all produced rays from this experiment are inflation provocators to travel with the water molecule very high in the sky, temperature, humidity and high vaporization are causes to clouds to condensate quickly, also water extraction from all kind of matter is causing the water molecule to increase on planet earth, and Higgs boson magnetism creation to pineapple expresses capable of producing very high amount of rain. I think that CO2 emission has nothing to do with heavy rain and in another hand heavy rain should be introduced to Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame as it holds good proofs to Higgs boson experiment.

The 21st century could b also named as the "rain century" because rain is already a real challenging phenomenon to human beings, and land is already suffering a lot from too much water. Rain of the 21st century is a product of Higgs boson experiment, and human beings will understand my statement when up to 75 per cent of them will loose their homes and their belongings, and at this time regrets of ignoring Higgs boson discoverer will not be remedies.

Higgs boson magnetism is able to condensate clouds vertically up to 70 miles high in the sky and the bigger size of hails is a proof of this statement, and also the condensation of clouds is accumulated from thousands of miles away , and this means that clouds coming from Canada and from Mali meet in China to give birth to very heavy rain; because we should always remember that clouds are taking the movement of steps and also we should remember clouds disappearance; so I think that few thousands mm of rain are possible in 24 hours.  

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (11)

Surprises are so many and they should be cited and added to Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame, also these surprises are resulted from Higgs boson experiment. In this post I am interested to remind scientists to look deeply at the occurrence of new natural phenomena and what are they their causes? In order to add good proofs to Higgs boson discovery.

One of the new phenomena which is occurring on planet earth and it's addition as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is important is heavy rain; there is no doubt that heavy rain is becoming more cited in Media headlines but no one is digging seriously to discover it's causes and the only words which are noticed are global warming and climate change because of CO2 emission. I am here to say that heavy rain is caused by many created mechanisms by Higgs boson experiment and these mechanisms are: lighter planet atmosphere, the rise in the sun's heat, higher humidity, the increase of the water molecule on planet earth, the rise in temperature due to the rise in chemicals interaction and their decay, the warming of the bottom of planet earth and the increase of permafrost; all these mechanisms are used tools by Higgs boson magnetism to decompose planet earth mass to lower energy, and heavy rain is just another participating mechanism in this decomposition.

The second new phenomenon which is at occurrence on planet earth and which should be added inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is volcanoes higher intensity eruption and numerously; the number of erupted volcanoes has increased by (25) per cent , and their intensity has achieved an unprecedented level; all these is happening because of many of Higgs boson mechanisms which are: higher magma inside the bottom of earth, the pulling of magma from the bottom of earth by Higgs boson magnetism and the occurring inflation in planet earth. I think that this phenomenon of activated volcanoes will be immense in the future.

Another phenomenon which has to be taken in consideration inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is record breaking of temperature on planet earth; temperature is rising on planet earth because of the increase of chemicals interaction, the increase of subatomic particles rotations in the atmosphere, the widening in planet earth orbit, lighter atmosphere and the increase of the sun's heat. I think that scientists should take the increase of temperature on planet earth seriously by looking at it's real causes.

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (10)

The writing about plants' and trees' growth holds huge data which could be added as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame. In this post I am willing to show few scenes demonstrating the growth of plants and trees due to Higgs boson experiment

and the creator of Higgs boson magnetism; and this last is one of the causes of making everything growing up to (10) times bigger than the normal size. The picture below is showing a plant growth bigger than  it's normal size.

I should notice the growth of trees which has significant proofs of Higgs boson magnetism; its helping trees to become taller and wider, and the picture below has the meaning to what I am talking about.

Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame could be filled with information explaining the big growth of vegetables, fruits, blossoms, trees' leaves and trees' branches; and this growth is simply a good image of the made change by Higgs boson magnetism to nature on planet earth. I have to say as well that this image of trees' growth  is at a continued process of support to Higgs boson experiment. The world will talk about the image of trees' and plants' growth and it will make of it headlines in all media to show that Higgs boson discoverer has made his discovery at work and had put the theory of everything into practice.    

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (09)

My will to write about Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is stronger than ever, and my pen has still long time to dry. I am presenting few headlines inside this frame to convince few people to complete it. In this post my interest is with hydrocarbons decay and their participation in the formation of water on planet earth.

Hydrocarbons which could be cited in this subject are: methane, propane, pentane, ethane and butane and their decay is at occurrence due to Higgs boson magnetism decay to molecules, and their target by this last is easy because of their chemical formation which is including both hydrogen and carbon atoms. The carbon atom is the simplest to detach from any molecule and it is followed by hydrogen atom; and this is whats making this last abundant in the atmosphere; and the combination of fast growth of plants and trees makes carbon diminution imminent to increase oxygen; this last and hydrogen are finding huge freedom to form water. I think that the 21st century should be named by the water century.

Hydrocarbons decay is one of the most important processes which is at occurrence and it has to be included as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame; the decay of hydrocarbons is made by Higgs boson magnetism due to it's knocking out to the attachment of electrons between atoms, I know that this process is strange in chemistry but it's true in the actual circumstances on planet earth.

I would like to add the decay of alcohol with all it's kinds as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame; because the decay of it's molecule is very obvious where it's users will discover it's inefficiency from it's industrial producers to the last consumer as a beer drinker. I think that witnesses of the inefficiency of alcohol are good proofs to Higgs boson magnetism decay to alcohol molecules, and I imagine that alcohol total disappearance from planet earth will occur sooner or later.

To close this post I need to remind you that the breaking of hydrocarbons molecules will end human beings energies and that's why that the creation of new sources of it is an obligation to survive longer.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (08)

Today's post also has important information about the building of Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame; and this information is showing the light on planet earth orbit widening. I think that by talking about three key points of the causes of planet earth orbit widening astronomers will find open doors to talk extensively to complete the headline of astrology inside HIggs boson magnetism inauguration frame.

The first cause of planet earth orbit widening and which should be added as a headline inside Hioggs boson magnetism inauguration frame is Higgs boson magnetism strengthening which has enough power to destabilize planet earth from it's normal route.

The second cause of planet earth orbit widening and  which should be cited in our subject as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is inflation; inflation is a real phenomenon which is at occurrence and it has it's causes which are: Higgs boson magnetism, the decay of particles, the introduction of our universe to bigger time particles and the higher speed of particles rotations.

The third cause of planet earth orbit widening and  which should be cited in our subject as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is subatomic particles high condensation inside planet earth atmosphere; gluons and alpha particles are the most dominant to this condensation, but also quarks and other rays could be found inside it as well. The more loss of planet earth to it's mass means the higher subatomic particles inside it's atmosphere and this is what makes it lighter to deviate from it's original orbit to make the route to larger one.

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (07)

One of the pillars of Higgs boson magnetism to be understood is soustraction, and to complete Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame soustraction has to be used as a good tool to make this frame simple and easy to forward it's message to most people on earth. Soustraction as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration could be cited under examples to make this frame strong enough with acceptable proofs of Higgs boson magnetism decay to everything. In this post I am willing to write about examples of soustraction in order to make the image of Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame well visible.

There are many examples of soustraction which should be included inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame and one of them is carbon dioxide soustraction from the atmosphere; I know that this statement is very controversial once looking at the occurrence of carbon emission from industries, wild fires and volcanoes eruption, but what it has to  be noticed is that this occurrence of carbon emission is working perfectly with Higgs boson magnetism; and this mechanism is saying that the decay of planet earth mass should turn molecules into carbon atom and this is by increasing temperature to the extreme and also by increasing the water molecule. 

Both above processes make plants and trees grow to their maximum in order to lock carbon inside them and this is as the first step, and the second one is to end their life to lock carbon forever. In another hand the decay of carbon atom by Higgs boson magnetism is the easiest to target and this is because of it's number of electrons as it was cited in an earlier post. So at the middle term target which is (3) to (5) years environmental scientists will have only one conclusion which is the dramatic diminution of carbon atom in the atmosphere. I think that carbon atom diminution from the atmosphere will fulfill an immense space inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame.

The second example which should be included inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame as a headline is clouds soustraction; clouds are generated very quick because of the high level of vaporization, and they are also soustrated very quick to become rain. The world is assisting very high amount of rain and this is because of the made condensate clouds by Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to them. I think that the world will live in a stage of higher condensated clouds and higher amounts of rain; and this phenomenon is one of the most important mechanisms used by Higgs boson to decay planet earth mass, also this phenomenon shouldn't be ignored to be added inside Higgs boson mechanism inauguration frame because of it's high infection to human being life.

Just few words about the last example which deserves to be cited and explained inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is ice soustraction; ice soustraction is a good proof of Higgs boson magnetism existence because ice on earth could  never melt as fast as its doing now without Higgs boson magnetism breaking it into small pieces.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (06)

My intention to complete Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is strong, and I know that I have an unlimited number of words to add to this blog. Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame is not a work of imagination but it's idea is based on true scientific