Monday, 24 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (25)

Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame has already taken a good shape and it's accomplishment is near end. This post is bringing with it few scenes of change of natural phenomena on earth due to Higgs boson experiment, and here I have to advise scientists of the world to start their researches to discover the reality of Higgs boson magnetic field influence on our universe.

A scene of my interest which is reflecting Higgs boson magnetic field activity on earth is the increase of erupted volcanoes; during the last five years planet earth temperature has increased dramatically and this could be seen in the number of erupted volcanoes and their higher intensity; they become more powerful and in higher number specially under seas and oceans. Higher temperature in the bottom of earth means more magma and this is what leads to the appearance of more volcanoes. There are many causes leading to the rise in temperature in the bottom of earth and such causes are: Higgs boson magnetism decay to particles, Higgs boson magnetism decay to molecules, the increase of alpha particles interactions, the increased free quarks in the bottom of earth, the increase of rays transplantation in the bottom of earth and the increase of the sun's heat on earth. I think that the number of erupted volcanoes and their higher intensity could be added inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame as an important headline as they are good proof holders to Higgs boson experiment.

Wind is another phenomenon which has taken a new direction; all known winds directions have changed to new ones around the world, and winds intensity is at increase all time and their damage is becoming scary day after day. Northern and southern winds are more dominant to the scene of winds direction and they are becoming a good mixer to cold air and hot one. Winds direction is manipulated by Higgs boson magnetism with all sorts of it's waves, and quarks submission is becoming the only source of winds creation. I think that by adding the picture below we can understand how winds have changed their direction around the world.

I should add the phenomenon of lightnings as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame; lightnings of the new era of life are more intense, numerous and surprising, and they are more powerful and well produced by sudden storms formation. Lightnings of the new era of life can cover few thousands of miles in the same time and this is due to the big size of low depressions.    

NB: The picture above is from BBC

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