Saturday, 15 July 2017

Higgs Boson Magnetism Inauguration (17)

I am interested to write something about high depressions and their influence inside the new global weather system within Higgs boson magnetic field on earth; high depressions as new phenomena has many acquired qualities due to Higgs boson experiment and these qualities are the subject of this post. I think that high depressions of the new era of life should be cited as a headline inside Higgs boson magnetism inauguration frame.

The first quality of high depressions of the new era of life is wideness; as we are seeing in the picture below; the high depression is occupying an immense area and this is due to many new conditions which are: the occurring inflation on planet earth, the lightening of the atmosphere which allows particles to travel very high and gluons condensation in the middle atmosphere.

The second quality of high depressions of the new era of life is the occupation of higher atmosphere; high depressions have the ability to become higher and this is due to Higgs boson magnetism pulling to the atmosphere's particles vertically to travel up to 65 miles high in the sky.

The third quality of high depressions of the new era of life is humidity increase inside them; high depressions of the new era of life are humidity accumulators; they are able to extract the water molecule from land and travel with it higher in the atmosphere.

The fourth quality of high depressions of the new era of life is that their settlement is becoming longer; high depressions movement is becoming slower and this is what makes them holding on the same area for long time. The long time of depressions has many impacts and these impacts are: the hold of heat waves longer, making humidity at higher levels and creating higher condensation of clouds in their borders.

A last quality of high depressions of the new era of life to close this post is high depressions destabilization to planet earth; this quality couldn't be seen but the pulling of depressions to everything on land and soil participates to move everything from it's place and which leads to a total destruction of building, bridges and the collapse of walls.

NB: The picture above is from BBC


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