Higgs boson insurrection (15) has to be
explained to those arrogant scientists; those who think that they are the only
people who know about particle physics and nobody else can make a discovery of
a particle. In this post I want to tell to
these arrogant scientists your time is up; pack your belongings and leave your positions because you lost the war to find Higgs boson. I am the man who discovered Higgs boson, I am the man who is making experiments on it, and I am the man who is managing the global weather system.
these arrogant scientists your time is up; pack your belongings and leave your positions because you lost the war to find Higgs boson. I am the man who discovered Higgs boson, I am the man who is making experiments on it, and I am the man who is managing the global weather system.
My aim is to create a strong and powerful
insurrection on those who think that Higgs boson belongs to them; this insurrection
is based on convincing proofs and superfluid is one of them; people are already
interested to an efficient and free medication and recognition to the discovery
to superfluid is recognition to my discovery to Higgs boson. I do believe that
hundreds of millions of people will be behind me to say that I am Higgs boson
Soustraction could never be faced or stopped
with any power in the world even by those who are claiming that they are the
masters of understanding to Higgs boson. Soustraction could be eliminated or
increased just by one mean which is Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECS), and
the only person who is managing the true Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECS)
on earth is me.
I think that new natural phenomena are
occurring and building every day and such phenomena are: lakes effects,
Haboobs, Pineapple expresses, vortices invasion, heat waves, tropical storms
and sudden heavy rains; these phenomena could be managed and controlled through
Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECS).
Islam is the only religion which has
explained the new natural phenomena through the Hadith of the prophet Mohamed
peace upon him. To be honest with you most of my theories are explained in the
Quran and such theories are: “the theory of the existence of six universes”,
“the theory of the corals and their role in the innovation of technologies” and
“the theory of Higgs Boson Donkeys”, this statement is not about religious
matter but it is about scientific one.
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