Saturday 26 September 2015

Higgs Boson Magnetism (8)

Higgs boson magnetism has to impose it’s power on our universe through the created synchronization during the last four years by the implementation of experiments on it. In this post the talk about five of Higgs boson influences on our universe should be explained.

The first influence of Higgs boson magnetism on our universe is the widening of it’s size; this widening in the size of our universe is due to Higgs boson magnetism because of it’s making to the universe rotations larger and larger, and because Higgs boson magnetism movement is rotational; and the more these rotations are accelerated the more our universe becomes wider.

The second influence of Higgs boson magnetism on our universe is the soustraction of lighter particles; lighter particles are substituted easily and quickly from our universe and this is due to Higgs boson magnetism which has the power to pull them towards the black hole. This process of soustraction is accelerating day after day.

The third influence of Higgs boson magnetism on our universe is by dispersing stars from their positions; Higgs boson magnetism has enough power to pull stars from their positions and this is due to it’s acceleration. I think that this phenomenon will be obvious to us very soon, and astronomers are already confirming the displacement of stars from their positions.

The fourth influence of Higgs boson magnetism on our universe is by creating new conditions into space; these new conditions could be seen in the colour of the sky, in stars positions, in the sun’s heat, in many planet changes in shape and in the appearance and the disappearance of galaxies.

The last influence of Higgs boson magnetism on our universe is the diminution of the planets’ size; planets have started loosing their energy bit by bit until when they totally vanish; their energy is absorbed by Higgs boson magnetism and driven to the black hole to get lost from our universe.

Concluding this post by a short remembrance to you; Higgs boson magnetism is increasing and it’s scenes will not be missable.  

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