Saturday 26 September 2015

Higgs Boson Magnetism (9)

Why some people are thinking that my research and my discovery to Higgs boson is a total mess of ideas? I am here standing to say to these people that my research and my discovery to Higgs boson are right and could be proved through Higgs boson magnetism influence on five phenomena on earth.

The first influence of Higgs boson magnetism could be showed on mushrooms growth; mushrooms are growing fast and in huge quantities; and this is due to Higgs boson magnetism pulling to subatomic particles on earth. The growth of mushrooms is a result of quarks assumption supported by Higgs boson magnetism.

The second influence of Higgs boson magnetism could be showed on the sun’s heat; Higgs boson magnetism pulling to the sun’s energy and makes it spread all over our universe and this is whats making the heat increased on earth; this process is increasing slowly and surely and whats proving it is the increase of temperature on planet earth.

The third influence of Higgs boson magnetism could be showed on the moon’s light; the moon’s light reflected because of so many different particles in the atmosphere, and because of Higgs boson magnetism pulling to these particles the moon’s light will disappear slowly and surely. I think that the disappearance of the moon’s light is one of the undiscussable proofs of my discovery to Higgs boson.

The fourth influence of Higgs boson magnetism could be showed on permafrost; ice melting is becoming fast because of Higgs boson magnetism; particles of ice  are displaced to create empty spaces inside the ice sheets and this is what allows air to penetrate into earth and making ways to methane to evaporate. Higgs boson magnetism influence on ice melting is already seen in Siberia, in Ice Land and in Alaska.

The last influence of Higgs boson magnetism could be showed on forest green colour than ever; Higgs boson magnetism simply is making water evaporation accelerating day after day and this is whats making trees enjoying water most of the time; this image couldn’t be missed an image of green trees than ever.

Concluding this post is like concluding something which has no end. Higgs boson magnetism will stay with us for long time.

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