Higgs boson experiment is a
unique experiment in particle physics because its not based on any
sophisticated technology, its simple and it's main and important component is
Higgs boson hidden inside Rugosa corals. Higgs boson experiment is represented
in the building of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); it could be open or
closed. This announcement is holding inside it a description to Higgs boson
experiment, it's components and it's aim.
Sunday, 19 March 2017
Saturday, 18 March 2017
Announcement (121)
Ideas are
accumulating due to Higgs boson experiment effects in reality; nobody can
ignore that new natural phenomena are at occurrence and talking about them is good
revelation to remind people's interests in Higgs boson discovery. In this
announcement I am willing to bring to light five new phenomena on earth to add
more proofs to Higgs boson experiment effects on earth.
Friday, 17 March 2017
Announcement (120)
Things are getting
worse and budgets are increasing day after day to fix the made damages by the
water molecule; humanity is becoming poorer and poorer by the sudden calamities
provoked by heavy rain, heavy snow, floods, earthquakes,
damage to agricultural products, viruses infections and wild fires. In this announcement my words are forwarded to the governments of the world to find good advisers to their decisions of how to deal with Higgs boson experiment effects on planet earth.
damage to agricultural products, viruses infections and wild fires. In this announcement my words are forwarded to the governments of the world to find good advisers to their decisions of how to deal with Higgs boson experiment effects on planet earth.
My imagination to
the worse is becoming reality as the water molecule is at increase on planet
earth and many lands are submerging under it; and this process is fastening and
winning time to leave humanity vision of how to face it behind. My previsions
to a world under water were announced long time ago and unfortunately these
previsions are still marginalized to the extreme because humans' thinking is
still narrowed by ignorance and by arrogance, and the shocking thing is that my
proofs to Higgs boson discovery are very convincing but not taken seriously.
The governments of
the world will be incapable to fix what it has been decayed by Higgs boson
magnetism and running away from what will be decayed will be the only solution
to leave behind poverty, damage, misery, inundated lands, food shortness,
broken legs and an image of shock; all this because of a suspended discovery
in particle physics; a discovery which is imposing it's rules in our universe.
I am not blaming
anyone on earth except my blame is on CERN's scientists because they are the
first responsible of all the made damage by Higgs boson experiment. CERN's
scientists are still ignoring my talk and any complain about Higgs boson
experiment in the future have to be put on them, and any guilt of the damage on
earth should be put on CERN's scientists. I am stating these words to say to
the world that I am an innocent man who is fighting for his rights of
To end this post I must say that my talk should be estimated by all scientific communities in the world and this is for their interest to save their reputation as scientists otherwise all the blame will be on them by future generations, and history will witness against them for their failure of not cooperating with Higgs boson discoverer, so please be responsible and face reality as it is because there is no escape from it.
Thursday, 16 March 2017
Announcement (119)
Inspirational ideas never come without a strong belief,
but ideas are here and there and the question is; are they consistent or not?
Never mind!! Here I am to feed your brain with five superb ideas concerning the
new era of life.
I am sure that quarks behavior is an unprecedented idea
in particle physics; quarks behavior idea is born from Higgs boson experiment
inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); quarks leaving to this system
have the power to unleash a revolution inside the global weather system by
creating winds and depressions to change the weather in it's four seasons. I
think that the idea of quarks behavior should be studied deeply and taken by
particle physics communities seriously.
Another idea which is also unique is quarks submission;
quarks submission is a well managed process which is guided by Higgs boson
experiment, I think that the idea here is to manipulate clouds direction. The
time and Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) setting are chosen in
order to control clouds through the use of quarks power of pulling to particles
in the atmosphere.
I would like to add a third idea which is Higgs boson
magnetism creation; how come that someone is talking about Higgs boson
discovery and can't put it at work to create it's magnetism? The idea here is
about Higgs boson as an engine to switch on; and to do so the solution is to
have the knowledge of all components which are participating in the building of
Higgs boson, Higgs boson magnetism and all other energies which can make Higgs
boson switched on; I think that most of the posts in this blog are about the
idea of the creation of Higgs boson magnetism.
I should remind you about the idea of a true Bose
Einstein Condensate system (BECs); this last is 100% helium catcher and it's
achievement could never happen without Higgs boson inside it; and that's why
this idea is the first in history and the people whom are still investing their
time and their money to build a true Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) should wake up and take
this idea seriously.
To finish this post I love to add a last idea which is
clouds accumulation; clouds could be accumulated to their maximum by the
control of the energies' levels inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs),
the higher energies are the more accumulation to clouds; and this process could
be managed through the management of the speed of clouds, and the secret of
this idea is the level of the submitted quarks in the atmosphere.
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Announcement (118)
The sponsors of Higgs boson are not premature yet, and
their contract is not signed yet; so Higgs boson discoverer is the only person
who is supporting Higgs boson as the master of all particles on earth. In this
announcement I am finding my self pushing some interested people to Higgs boson
subject to open their wallets and to be generous by buying a small window for
their advertisement within this blog, and the matter here is not about money
but its about conviction of a discovery.
The sponsors whom I am looking for are people with logos,
companies with signs and professionals wanting further recognition by the
readers of this blog. I think that by advertising in this blog a recognition to
Higgs boson discoverer will be succeeded, and valuable achievements will be set
to shut the mouth of those criticizing my style of life because their thinking
of making money is still primitive.
The sponsors whom I am looking for are well known people
adding their picture to this blog to show support to Higgs boson discovery and
to influence the rest of the world that they are convinced by at least one
sentence of truth which has been said in this blog and I am sure that there are
more than thousands of sentences of truth in this blog. These sponsors are the
source of triumph to Higgs boson discovery.
I think that Higgs boson discoverer deserves to shake
good hands; hands of conviction to his achievements in particle physics, in
chemistry, in biology, in writing and in ideas revelation. And here I have to
assure these sponsors that they are shaking a hand of a man who believes in
success and in renovation, a man who is leading the world in the new era of
life where Higgs boson has the last word.
My writing to this post is also built on a deep vision
which is showing billions of people will come to this blog and looking at it's
words one by one; so the opportunity to show what you want in a small window is
an opportunity not to be missed.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Announcement (117)
This announcement
has to raise awareness about soustraction formula and it's occurrence on planet
earth; the change of life on earth is happening very fast and this is because
of Higgs boson experiment use to soustraction formula and it's negative side; this
negative side is representing the destructive side to all particles. I think
that by bringing five examples of soustraction negativity our subject will be
The first example
explaining soustraction formula in it's negativity is electricity loss to it's
charges; Higgs boson magnetism is pulling more electrical charges into the
atmosphere and this is what makes lightning increase around the world obvious.
Lightning has increased about 89% due to (-1) charge from all sources of
electricity to add it into the atmosphere. I think that humanity will face a
serious challenge of electricity shortness.
The second example
explaining soustraction formula in it's negativity is trees extinction; trees
extinction is one of Higgs boson experiment proofs, and this extinction of
trees is due to many created conditions by Higgs boson experiment; these
conditions are good tools of soustraction formula negativity and some of these tools are: wild fires,
drought, trees fast growth, water abundance, excessive snow, excessive heat,
soil decomposition, bigger time particles integration and the change in
chemicals' formation.
The third example
explaining soustraction formula in it's negativity is rivers disappearance;
many rivers around the world will disappear because of the excessive water
molecule on planet earth; rivers submersion is represented in the soustraction
negativity of water from seas, oceans, water extraction from solids and
chemicals interaction to produce the water molecule; all these states of water
are the cause of rivers disappearance under water.
The fourth example
explaining soustraction formula in it's negativity is fish disappearance from
seas and oceans; we already know that fish mass death is made by many causes
and these causes are representing soustraction formula positivity for example a
(+1) temperature is equal to (-1) fish; and this last is
soustraction negativity.
The last example explaining soustraction formula in it's
negativity is ice melting; the ice is substituted from the surface of
planet earth because of many created conditions by Higgs boson experiment and
such conditions are: Higgs boson magnetism decay to ice molecule, the increase
of temperature, heavy rain, the increase of heat waves, sand storms, milder air
dominance and hotter bottom of earth. Simply the soustraction formula
negativity is obvious in (-1) of ice.
Monday, 13 March 2017
Announcement (116)
Life of the 21st century will become the slowest in all last 2000 years
and this is because of Higgs boson experiment; I mean by slow life; all natural
mechanisms acceleration achieves it's highest level of speed to approach zero
and becomes almost constant, and the cause of this state is Higgs boson
magnetism acceleration slowdown. I know I am talking about something not
visible but it's results will be more obvious day after day.
My understanding to the speed up of all natural mechanisms is linked to
my understanding to Higgs boson magnetism acceleration; Higgs boson
acceleration has a maximum point which is the highest point of a sinusoidal
wave, and at this point all natural mechanisms also achieve the maximum point
of acceleration and this is where the decay of all particles also achieves it's
highest level of the fastest
decay. I think that the statement above could be
explained through the graph below
I think that Higgs boson magnetism acceleration had achieved it's
highest point due to the extensive experiments on Higgs boson during the last 6
years and this is what
has implemented an integration of all particles in the
process of decay.
To add another comprehension of time integration I have to remind you
about space wining by our universe and space leaving; our universe is wining
space of the past to integrate longer and wider time particles and this is what
has a huge influence on all natural mechanisms acceleration by making them
slower. And also our universe is leaving the actual space to become a space of
the past.
I should recon that the highest point of Higgs boson magnetism
acceleration has been achieved and this is what will make our universe decaying
at it's highest records of time; and this is what will make the travel back of
all particles fastening at records breaking of time.
Sunday, 12 March 2017
Announcement (115)
Fish is dying and the world is seeing!! Scientists of the world are
still raising questions; how come that tons and tons of fish is dying in many
areas around the world? The last two posts have shown good explanation to the
real causes of dead
fish, and don't be surprised when you will see mass death of fish almost everyday, and I think that scientists have to come to their reason to announce the real causes of dead fish; these causes could never accumulate without Higgs boson experiment.
fish, and don't be surprised when you will see mass death of fish almost everyday, and I think that scientists have to come to their reason to announce the real causes of dead fish; these causes could never accumulate without Higgs boson experiment.
Picture from CNN showing tons of dead fish
The boom of grasses and flowers in the desert shouldn't be ignored as proofs to Higgs boson experiment because of the change in the global weather
system which is a good sign of our universe travel back, here also don't be
surprised when you will see deserts around the world greener than ever and the
shocking scene is coming by the growth of old era plants and trees in the most
lucrative places in the world. The picture below is showing the booming of
flowers in the Californian desert.
Instagram Photo/Jamie
Bannon flower
Snails are making serious invasion to gardens and this is because of the
abundance of natural proteins which are produced by Higgs boson magnetism
manipulation to amino acids in nature. The world has to accept the appearance
of giant snails in the nearest future because of the easy integration of time
particles of the past which are bigger than the actual ones inside natural
proteins, fats and amino acids. The picture below is showing a huge new
generation of snails.
from Applesnail-net
My vision is telling me that many living organisms are under
construction because of Higgs boson magnetism reversing to DNA and manipulating
natural fats, and a good example of these creatures is jelly fish. Jelly fish
invasion to seas is already a huge challenge to fisher men, and the picture
below is showing one of the new constructed jelly fish.
Picture by Forster's Vicki Stewart
I am seeing a very morose picture to planet earth because of the
extinction of most known animals; and this extinction of animals is due to Higgs
boson experiment and its not due to carbon emission theory. Also the world has
to prepare to deal with new kind of animals to replace the provision of white
and red meat.
Saturday, 11 March 2017
Announcement (114)
I think that the subject of the causes of the death of fish has to be
continued in this announcement because its bringing with it good proofs to
Higgs boson experiment. The talk about five causes of the death of fish in
seas, rivers and lakes is the subject of this post.
Small size volcanoes eruption in the bottom of the sea is causing huge
change in the temperature of seawater and it's chemicals composition, and this
is whats leading fish to die. Higgs boson magnetism is the main cause to
volcanoes to generate because of the increase in temperature in the bottom of
earth, and it has three effects on soil particles by speeding their rotations,
decaying them and creating cracks and breaks.
The growth of parasites in rivers, lakes and seawater is at it's
beginning, and this growth is due to the rise of temperature, higher rain acids,
molecules decomposition, Higgs boson magnetism reversing to DNA and the
increase of alpha particles on earth. I think that the cited conditions are
leading to parasites, bacteria and viruses to grow very fast and competing
fish in food consummation, and the more less food in water the more dead fish.
Fish advance to seashores is becoming a difficult task because of
continents coasts erosion; intense storms are ravaging coasts to pollute them
with many debris such as soil particles, sewage waists and many other kind of
debris. Fish is deprived from food because of it's escape from dirty coasts.
Higher tides are also playing a serious role in fish death because high
tides are becoming higher and this means a destabilization to seas' ecosystem by
the change of temperature, bleaching to sea coasts and the change in the growth
of living organisms; this situation is the creator to total confusion in fish
life and this is what provokes death.
The death of fish is also provoked by Higgs boson magnetic sonors waves;
these last are more effective in water and their vibrations are very annoying
to fish and this is what creates a situation of unsupported life. Simply Higgs
boson magnetic sonors waves are a good tool to extinct all fish.
I hope I will be back with more causes of fish death on planet earth;
because the world has no escape from this phenomenon which is at very fast
Friday, 10 March 2017
Announcement (113)
The correlation of
weather space and the death of fish in the sea must be understood to conclude
that Higgs boson experiment effects on everything is at process. In this announcement
I am willing to talk about five causes of the death of fish in seas, rivers and
The first cause of
fish death is higher level of sulphur on earth; we already know that sulphur
is the first chemical to be freed in the atmosphere because of Higgs boson magnetism
decaying to soil; sulphur has many ways to be spread and to mix with water and
contaminating it; and this is what provokes death to fish.
The second cause of fish death is methane
spilling from the bottom of earth; methane escapes from soil is at dramatic
increase and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism destabilization to soil;
fissures inside earth are getting larger and larger to allow methane spreading
inside seawater to kill fish. Also permafrost is at it's highest levels ever to
make methane occupying more space in the atmosphere and mixing with rain water
to poison fish inside rivers and lakes. I think that the escape of methane from
the bottom of earth is making many living organisms having difficulties to
breath to finish by dying.
The third cause of
fish death is waters warming on planet earth; waters are warming to deprive
fish from oxygen because the more water is warm the less oxygen inside it. The temperature
is rising on planet earth because of Higgs boson experiment speeding up all
mechanisms in our universe; and such mechanisms are: chemicals interactions
increase, Higgs boson magnetism decay to particles, the sun's heat increase
because of it's higher number of intense storms, alpha particles acrobats in
the atmosphere and water less density because of Higgs boson magnetism decay
to molecules and particles inside it.
The fourth cause of
fish death is higher level of stress; fish is getting stressed because of the
change of the ecosystem because of higher temperature, dead sea weed, the
change in seawater chemicals such as less sodium and other minerals, the
increase of calcite particles in seawater, stronger sea current and higher rain acids. I think that many living organisms are under higher stress and this is
what makes their death imminent.
The last cause of
fish death is ice melting; both poles are adding to seawater huge amounts of
mild water to change it's composition, also higher running rivers and heavy
rain are participating in this process to confuse many kind of fish in which
area to settle; simply fish finish by dying.
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Announcement (112)
Particles' condensation
was made by Higgs boson magnetism at the beginning of the construction of our
universe; because Higgs boson magnetism wasn't a puller but contrarily it was a
pusher; and this means that particles were ejected to take a
forwards direction to accumulate and form planets and stars, and what its noticeable is that Higgs boson breaking process is the creator to many needed particles such as glue balls, majorana fermions and quarks otherwise the condensation of our universe could never happen.
forwards direction to accumulate and form planets and stars, and what its noticeable is that Higgs boson breaking process is the creator to many needed particles such as glue balls, majorana fermions and quarks otherwise the condensation of our universe could never happen.
The condensation of
planets was made by Higgs boson synchronization to particles' movement and
planet earth had the great chance of this synchronization to set all chemicals
in the right position to create life; and this set of chemicals was a perfect
preparation to human beings where to settle. A good example to the perfect
synchronization of planet earth particles is in it's distance between it and the
sun because the absorbed energy by planet earth from the sun is measured at one
of a billion of perfection.
The law of
preference is chosen by Higgs boson magnetism to carry particles and placing
them depending on their level of energy for example the water molecule has
existed from the beginning of the construction of our universe and most of it was
placed in few planets and because of the power of pushing of Higgs boson
magnetism the water molecule had special places where to condensate and such
places are planet earth, Uranus and Neptune.
The condensation of
particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) has showed us that
sulphur is the first chemical to condensate and this means that sulphur was
the last chemical to condensate at the beginning of our universe construction. I
think that the hypothesis above is built on real experiment, also sulphur atom
number of electrons can reveal to us the perfection of the closing of any particles'
ring; so the closing of all particles' rings in our universe was made by
sulphur atom addition and that's why the opening of these rings must be done by
soustraction of the sulphur atom.
I have to recon that the total of electrons of one water molecule plus one sulphur
atom is equal to (26), and (26) is a closed number; and this means that by the water molecule extraction the interaction of sulphur sulphur is an obligation because the equality of energies is made by preference to interact, and a good example of this accumulation is planet Mars.
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
Announcement (111)
My intention to write this announcement is to bring out
few ideas from the shadow to light in order to make a better understanding to
the change of natural phenomena on planet earth; these ideas are born due to
Higgs boson experiment results.
The widening of planet earth orbit is a real fact made by
Higgs boson magnetism pulling to planet earth to take wider direction and this
is what will affect time on planet earth by making it longer; so I imagine that
a year on earth will gain gradually hours, days and so on. The widening of
planet earth orbit has huge impact on seasons, on plant growth, on humans, on
animals and on all living organisms because earth is entering to a space which
is not it's space; so the change in chemicals formation is a must and this is
what will lead to a total change of life.
One of the most provocators to the increase of
temperature on planet earth is the sun's heat spreading inside the solar
system; this sun's heat spreading is made by Higgs boson magnetism pulling to
the sun's energy to create huge storms capable of achieving up to 6000000 Km in
space and this means that planets such as Uranus is under threat of melting due
to the very high absorbed heat from these storms. Also planet earth will not be
spared from intense heat and the damage will be inevitable.
Light rain is also one of Higgs boson experiment effects
which should be looked at with attention; light rain is becoming more frequent
because of less condensation in clouds and it's participation in metal corrosion
is so huge; metals are suffering from being wet and dry so many times withing
few hours and by this metals are assisting the highest levels of corrosion
ever. I have to say that light rain is also affecting living organisms such as
trees' leaves, fruits, vegetables, wood and buildings' paint.
My hypothesis to monitochs is true and real and it has
all supporting evidences; what could be seen in the atmosphere is auroras made
of pillars; and these pillars could never have shape without monitochs intensity.
As we already know that monitochs are the products of the decay of subatomic
particles; the increase of the decayed particles means the increase of
monitochs, and the increase of monitochs means the increase of the decay of
particles until when there will be no bigger particles than monitochs and here
where inflation of our universe will achieve it's maximum to start emptying all
monitochs inside universe five.
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Announcement (110)
Higgs boson experiment effects on planet earth are numerous and by this
occasion I decided to explain five of them. Just to remind the new readers to
this blog that the effects which I am talking about are real and they are
resulted from Higgs boson work inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs).
The first made effect by Higgs boson experiment on planet earth is very
high clouds in the sky; the water molecule is travelling very high in the sky
because its pulled by Higgs boson magnetism, and also because its finding less
dense atmosphere; so it has more space to occupy. High clouds are good
producers to heavy rain and hail with bigger size.
The second made effect by Higgs boson experiment on planet earth is the
decrease of fruits production; trees are under stress than ever and this is
because of the change in the global weather system, trees are receiving higher level of
heat, stronger frost, higher temperature in winter and colder air in summer,
also strong winds in spring to make trees' flowers falling. Fruit production is
at constant decrease to finish by extinction of all kind of fruits.
The third made effect by Higgs boson experiment on planet earth is
rivers burst; rivers are bursting because of successive storms bringing
enormous amount of rain; the creation of storms is winning time and instead of
monthly storms; weekly storms are dominating the weather system because all
weather mechanisms are becoming faster; the creation of depressions are in time
breaking to form dense clouds and heavy rain to make rivers burst a usual
The fourth made effect by Higgs
boson experiment on planet earth is sand storms; sand storms had achieved
unprecedented level of intensity and this is because of strong winds, Higgs
boson magnetism pulling to sand particles and depressions occurrence in the
desert. Sand storms have serious effects on the environment by provoking trees
death, animals death, air pollution, damage to industrial machines, cars and
The last made effect by Higgs boson experiment on planet earth is
molecules decomposition; the decomposition of molecules is one of the most
serious effect made by Higgs boson magnetism. Higgs boson magnetism is capable
of detaching atoms from each other and this is through it's vibrational
rotations; atoms simply can't resist to Higgs boson magnetism and finish by
becoming free to unshape the molecules formation. The molecules decomposition
could be seen in many scenes such as ice melting, the increase of lava due to
soil decomposition and trees foliage which is becoming unseasonably occurred.
Again I will be back with more of Higgs boson experiment effects in
future posts; and these effects are simply good proofs to the occurred change on
planet earth.
Monday, 6 March 2017
Announcement (109)
Higgs boson insurrections are made to give lessons to humanity for it's
ignorance to a discovery in particle physics; this discovery was made by a
little man accidentally, and with luck this man showed to the world his
capabilities of proving it. In this
announcement a talk about few of Higgs boson insurrections is a wise idea to remind those ignorant to Higgs boson experiment that they are under attack by the change of everything surrounding them.
announcement a talk about few of Higgs boson insurrections is a wise idea to remind those ignorant to Higgs boson experiment that they are under attack by the change of everything surrounding them.
The rise in temperature on planet earth will be in records breaking
month after month and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism decay to
particles, the speed of particles' rotations, the increase in chemicals
interactions, the increase in the sun's heat and both poles ice melting. Humanity
is already suffering from the rise of temperature, and such suffering could be
seen in the increase of avalanches, the increase of moisture, higher levels of
humidity, air pollution and huge waist of agricultural products.
Another insurrection which is made by Higgs boson is heavy rain; the
amount of rain in many areas in the world is at it's highest levels ever, and
this records breaking of rain are not coming from nothing but they are the
result of well managed clouds movements made by Higgs boson magnetism. Higgs boson
magnetism is able to manipulate clouds and to make them condensate at very
high level to produce intense precipitation.
I shouldn't forget strong winds which are becoming daily phenomenon;
these winds are created by quarks submission to lead to huge depressions. Strong
winds damage is inevitable and is making breaking news almost everyday.
Volcanoes' eruption is making headlines in news media and this is
because of Higgs boson magnetism effects on the bottom of earth are at constant
increase and such effects are: the increase of gases combustion, chemicals
interactions which are increasing temperature on earth, soil decay
participation in the increase of magma, soil decaying opening roots to magma to
flow, the increase of earthquakes helping magma to find it's way to the
surface of earth, Higgs boson magnetism destabilization to soil and monitochs
increase in the bottom of earth creating holes with their rotations' speed.
Finally; Higgs boson insurrections shouldn't be underestimated because
their effects on planet earth are unlimited and humanity should wake up now better
than later.
Sunday, 5 March 2017
Announcement (108)
In this announcement I am willing to talk about glue
balls as subatomic particles as key players in the formation of matter; glue
balls existence is in everything even in subatomic particles themselves because
any little dot is formed of (3) particles to build a (Ï€) shape; and this means that any free subatomic
particle doesn't exist without it's link to (2) other particles; and this link
is made of glue balls; and this means that any matter contains at least (6)
subatomic particles. The figure below is showing the smallest dot in any matter
with the presence of (3) glue balls.
Glue balls qualities are innumerable and one of them is
glue balls availability each time needed to link any subatomic particle and by
this I recon that the total of glue balls is equal to the total of all existing
particles in our universe; because each particle is in need to one glue ball to
be linked to another one. What is interesting to know is that glue balls could
be linked to each other to condensate inside a closed Bose Einstein Condensate
system (BECs) and the picture below is a proof of this statement.
Picture showing glue
balls condensation inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs)
I would like to add another quality of glue balls which
is glue balls interaction with all kind of matter; glue balls are able to
attach to any surface of any matter and this is through their quality of gluing
two particles without changing their composition. The fact of gluing by glue
balls could be seen in the figure below.
Glue balls are also
capable of attaching big masses and this is through their quality of
condensation to bigger size; I think that all big masses are attached through
this quality of glue balls; and this means that glue balls are able to attach
to each other in order to link huge masses such as planet earth, and the figure
below is showing this quality of glue balls.
Saturday, 4 March 2017
Announcement (107)
47% of the decayed
particles are easy and simple to decay by Higgs boson magnetism because they
represent gases in our universe and the rest of particles could be decayed by
the increase of their rotations speed and such particles are:
hadrons, neutrons, protons, and electrons, and the last kind of particles which could be decayed by the use of Higgs boson sonors or vibrational waves are sub subatomic particles such as majorana fermions, glue balls and quarks. The process of the decay to particles is to turn everything to it's first source which is monitochs or equal particles in masses. In this announcement I love to talk about particles decay as a result of Higgs boson experiment.
hadrons, neutrons, protons, and electrons, and the last kind of particles which could be decayed by the use of Higgs boson sonors or vibrational waves are sub subatomic particles such as majorana fermions, glue balls and quarks. The process of the decay to particles is to turn everything to it's first source which is monitochs or equal particles in masses. In this announcement I love to talk about particles decay as a result of Higgs boson experiment.
Here I am bringing
few proofs of the decay of masses on earth; the occurrence of unprecedented number
of avalanches is simply an image of the decay of ice due to Higgs boson
magnetism penetration inside it to provoke holes then avalanches. Sinkholes also
are good proof of the decay of soil particles; soil is becoming soft and more
flat to finish by creating sinkholes; and this soil decay is made by Higgs
boson magnetism vibration to it's particles, and the increase of earthquakes
shouldn't be underestimated because Higgs boson magnetism effects are so many
inside the bottom of earth and these effects are: the allowance of gases to
escape from the bottom of earth such as methane, the increase of chemicals
interaction inside the bottom of earth to make it flat due to the creation of
softer areas to facilitate earthquakes to occur and the displacement of huge
areas the size of India makes earthquakes imminent to occur. I think that due
to the decay of masses on earth catastrophes will be a daily events around the
There are also many
kinds of decay to masses such as the decay of molecules which could be seen in
many scenes; I think that wood is the most vulnerable to decay fast and it's
causes of decaying are so many such as higher temperature, strong frost and
Higgs boson magnetism knocking out the electrons of it's cells' atoms,
corrosion is at it's highest levels due to the abundance of water and the
increase of the sun's heat. I should add the decay of trees' trunks due to the
loss of many chemicals of their cells.
My ending to this
post is by adding another cause of masses decaying; the sent sonors waves by
Higgs boson of the first universe have a huge impact on everything decay and
this is because of these waves size which is ten times bigger than the sonors of
Higgs boson of planet earth.
Friday, 3 March 2017
Announcement (106)
Bio-nuclear energy is a huge dream to realize; this dream is not only mine but its also humanity's
dream because I think that there is only one opportunity which is the one I am
offering. Natural science failed to discover a living organism capable of
destroying atoms such as Rugosa Corals and just because Higgs boson decided to hide inside them. In this occasion I have to say that I am the luckiest person on earth by my discovery to Rugosa Corals and by carrying experiments on them to come up with bio-nuclear energy subject.
destroying atoms such as Rugosa Corals and just because Higgs boson decided to hide inside them. In this occasion I have to say that I am the luckiest person on earth by my discovery to Rugosa Corals and by carrying experiments on them to come up with bio-nuclear energy subject.
Bio-nuclear energy is a simple project of production to energy with
great benefits to humanity; these benefits are represented in it's cost, in
safety, in security and in it's reliability. This project does need good people
with good will to realize it, also my hard work to convince these people to go
ahead with this project has no end.
Bio-nuclear energy project is a unique project because its for the first
time when someone is calling for it's realization in human history and if there
is somebody else who has the same project in hands please let me know. I had
already called for this project long time ago in "Bio-Nuclear Energy Production"
post but unfortunately I didn't meet listeners, so my try this time is more
positive and more convincing.
I know that many people in the world want to see bio-nuclear energy as
the main and the only source of energy because of it's efficiency and many
other people think that its just a dream which could be never realized, and my
answer to these last is that nothing could be realized without a try.
Which one is better? A almost free energy to everyone in the world or a
total destruction to planet earth, because as long as Bose Einstein Condensate
system (BECs) is open all the energy which I am talking about is accelerating
the process of pulling by Higgs boson magnetism. I think that wise people have
to take action to lead humanity to what it better with their right decisions,
and if I am wrong in what I am saying; please let me know.
Announcement (105)
Higgs boson sultanation has to be taken in consideration in the
realization of bio-nuclear energy production; because without Higgs boson
inside Bose Einstein
Condensate system (BECs) this last could never be true, and here I have to raise a
challenge to particle physics researchers if they have achieved yet a system with 100% helium catcher; I think that this system is not available yet anywhere around the world. In this announcement I am able to bring your imagination to the occurrence of five physical phenomena inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); and these phenomena are made by Higgs boson presence inside this last.
Condensate system (BECs) this last could never be true, and here I have to raise a
challenge to particle physics researchers if they have achieved yet a system with 100% helium catcher; I think that this system is not available yet anywhere around the world. In this announcement I am able to bring your imagination to the occurrence of five physical phenomena inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); and these phenomena are made by Higgs boson presence inside this last.
Constant increase of spirality inside Bose Einstein Condensate system
(BECs) is made by the oscillation to particles; all particles are subject to
enter a mechanism which makes them having a macaroni shape movement to achieve
ten times the speed of light and this is what make them decaying into pieces. I
should notice that the presence of helium is allowing them to achieve this speed
by providing them cooling in order to keep their temperature constant; in
another word helium catching is made by the constant swallowing of Higgs boson.
All chemicals are not able to leave Bose Einstein Condensate system
(BECs) because they are trapped inside a mini magnetism created by Higgs boson
inhalation to particles; hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, sulphure, nitrogen, all
calcite and all metals are subject to decay after seven days of the starting
of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) process. And here I have to say that
a true Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is delighted with 0% loss of
The amazing atoms' classification and storing processes inside Bose
Einstein Condensate system (BECs) could never be achieved without Higgs boson
quality of energy preference; atoms are selected by their energy level to be
classified and stored separately without mixing in order to be subject to break
successively by Higgs boson, and this phenomenon is understood through the
spared carbon atoms on the top of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and
the sulphure accumulation which is very apparent inside it.
Another phenomenon of interest which is the decay of all atoms into
subatomic particles; a regrouping of neutrons, protons, and electrons
separately is also made by Higgs boson preference of swallowing to particles
and storing them depending on their level of energy; it is also noticeable that
other subatomic particles such as hadrons are spared each in it's side to wait
for their breaking one after another from higher masses to lower ones.
To end this post I have to remind you with the last phenomenon occurrence
inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) which is the ejection of all
rays; all rays are subject to leave Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs)
except the needed helium particles in the process of cooling.
Thursday, 2 March 2017
Announcement (104)
Satisfaction has to
be made in order to classify bio-nuclear energy production as well understood and
rest to act to realize the century's project. In this announcement I have some
ideas about Bio-nuclear energy in mind to place in the paragraphs below.
The first idea of
bio-nuclear energy production is concerning the realization of this project; I
think that everybody in the world will be more than happy to get very cheap
electricity, and to realize this dream, bio-nuclear energy production project
must be realized with two available means; Bose Einstein Condensate system
(BECs) and the needed technology to collect, to store, to reuse, to distribute
and to share bio-nuclear energy as a product available to all countries in the
The second idea of
bio-nuclear energy production is bio-nuclear energy as a stable product; the
capabilities of producing bio-nuclear energy are infinite because its based on
the constitution of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and the need to one or two sets of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is easily achieved; these
last elements of constitution are in hand. I think that Rugosa corals source is
available to feed hundreds or thousands of Bose Einstein Condensate system
(BECs) to be used in the next few millions of years.
The third idea of
bio-nuclear energy production is bio-nuclear energy production cost
effectiveness; I am not able to say how much cost the used technology to collect
bio-nuclear energy from inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) but I am
sure that the cost of Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is few pennies;
and by this cost I am assuring at least 50% of the total cost which is just the
time of my writing to this post. I think that the cost of electricity around
the world will be cheaper at least by 85% if not less than this percentage.
The fourth idea of
bio-nuclear energy production is that bio-nuclear energy is more effective than
any other energy; bio-nuclear energy is better reliable and it can cover the
highest needed levels of electricity without breaking, its also environmental
friendly; it can be produced without any risk or damage to it's surroundings.
The last idea of bio-nuclear energy production
is the production facilities; the fantastic thing
about bio-nuclear energy production is space occupancy; this space is only few
centimeters; the size of few bottles and this is what makes this production
very cheap, also there is no need to hundreds or thousands of personnel. I think
that two or three people are more than enough to manage the whole process of
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Announcement (103)
When I said bio-nuclear energy in a meeting with high placed people in
ministry of energy my talk was underestimated and I went back home empty
handed; the
understanding of bio-nuclear energy must be linked to the understanding of many
mechanisms in particle physics and Higgs boson mechanism is the main mechanism to understand, so the disappointment wasn't hurting because humans haven't got enough knowledge about Higgs boson, Higgs boson mechanism nor bio-nuclear energy.
understanding of bio-nuclear energy must be linked to the understanding of many
mechanisms in particle physics and Higgs boson mechanism is the main mechanism to understand, so the disappointment wasn't hurting because humans haven't got enough knowledge about Higgs boson, Higgs boson mechanism nor bio-nuclear energy.
The hunting process which I am about will finish by convincing good
reasonable people to be satisfied by the possibility of investing in turning an
open Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECS) into a closed one in order to come
up with a unique energy for the benefit of humanity instead of adding it to
Higgs boson magnetic field strength of inclusion of connection of more
particles and even time particles to
it's existing connections. Within this matter Higgs boson is swallowing
billions of particles in an hour to activate more masses in it's process of
The information in this paragraph is added in order to bring
satisfaction; the deluged particles inside Bose Einstein Condensate system
(BECS) are well managed by Higgs boson through it's quality of preference of
swallowing; molecules are the first to be decayed into chemicals and these last
are next to decay into subatomic particles, and in both cases energy addition
to the webs of the integrated particles into Higgs boson magnetic particles
waves is a (+1, +1) formula; and this formula is simple to understand and its a
formula of satisfaction; this formula could be seen in all physical phenomena
without doubt. A good example of this formula is understood in the sun's heat;
this last is built on (+1, +1) unit of energy.
Also I have to add another element of satisfaction to bio-nuclear energy
which is the surrender of all particles to Higgs boson inhalation; because all
particles are trapped inside a vicious circle of accelerated rotations they have
no strength to resist to it's power of pulling to finish inside Higgs boson
mouth to be blended into subatomic particles; the explanation of this process
has to be applied to an open system where all particles travel to the bottom of
the first universe is an obligation.
Again my inspiration here is able to go into the deepest points of
bio-nuclear energy production to detect the tinniest mechanisms inside Bose
Einstein Condensate system (BECS) and one of them is the saturation of all
particles which leads to the creation of a soft strip made of carbon atoms
built on a perfect diamond molecule; so this saturation of particles represents
the total of the integrated bio-nuclear
energy to shape Higgs boson magnetism.
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