Sunday 12 March 2017

Announcement (115)

Fish is dying and the world is seeing!! Scientists of the world are still raising questions; how come that tons and tons of fish is dying in many areas around the world? The last two posts have shown good explanation to the real causes of dead 

fish, and don't be surprised when you will see mass death of fish almost everyday, and I think that scientists have to come to their reason to announce the real causes of dead fish; these causes could never accumulate without Higgs boson experiment.
Picture from CNN showing tons of dead fish 

The boom of grasses and flowers in the desert shouldn't be ignored as proofs to Higgs boson experiment because of the change in the global weather system which is a good sign of our universe travel back, here also don't be surprised when you will see deserts around the world greener than ever and the shocking scene is coming by the growth of old era plants and trees in the most lucrative places in the world. The picture below is showing the booming of flowers in the Californian desert.
Instagram Photo/Jamie Bannon flower

Snails are making serious invasion to gardens and this is because of the abundance of natural proteins which are produced by Higgs boson magnetism manipulation to amino acids in nature. The world has to accept the appearance of giant snails in the nearest future because of the easy integration of time particles of the past which are bigger than the actual ones inside natural proteins, fats and amino acids. The picture below is showing a huge new generation of snails.
Picture from Applesnail-net

My vision is telling me that many living organisms are under construction because of Higgs boson magnetism reversing to DNA and manipulating natural fats, and a good example of these creatures is jelly fish. Jelly fish invasion to seas is already a huge challenge to fisher men, and the picture below is showing one of the new constructed jelly fish.

 Picture by Forster's Vicki Stewart

I am seeing a very morose picture to planet earth because of the extinction of most known animals; and this extinction of animals is due to Higgs boson experiment and its not due to carbon emission theory. Also the world has to prepare to deal with new kind of animals to replace the provision of white and red meat.

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