Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Higgs Boson Fun

Fun, fun and fun because without fun everything become boring. In this post I really want to show you how we can have fun by making experiments on Higgs boson.
Having fun with Higgs boson is something exceptional and magic; I would like to tell you five examples of how fun is by making experiments on Higgs boson.

The first example of making Higgs boson experiment fun is by plying “cache-cache” with Higgs boson; don’t be surprised its a real “cache-cache” because Higgs boson has an unlimited unknown phenomena to us; this means is hiding them from us but we can discover them by making experiments on it.

The second example of making Higgs boson experiment fun is when you discover a new phenomenon; this is the most exciting moment of the whole experiment, as you can see what was achieved by watching flowers, trees, clouds movements, sea waves and animals behaviour all these are a real exceptional fun.

The third example of making Higgs boson experiment fun is the northern light effects which can be produced easily through quarks submission; by making experiments on Higgs boson quarks are submitted to the northern atmosphere to make it less dense that makes the sun’s light reflected into the atmosphere to be seen by humans, it is a magnificent phenomenon which is wished to be seen by many people.

The fourth example of making Higgs boson experiment fun is the rivers’ burst; to make rivers burst is an easy fun to achieve by combining Higgs boson energy forms to pull clouds to condensate and produce heavy rain and through this rivers will burst. What a funny fun! But this fun can be dangerous as well as the rivers’ burst streams become strong and can take peoples' belongings with it.

The last example which I am interested to talk about is the most exciting and the most difficult to achieve which is by making trees’ leaves growing in different seasons than they do in normal ones; these trees’ leaves could be grown in any time of the year by using Higgs boson experiment; its a whole combination of Higgs boson energy forms to make the weather system adapting to a new one instead of a normal one. I imagine manipulating the world’s weather system is a great fun.

To have fun with Higgs boson action and reaction should be followed and understood and the biggest fun is to discover Higgs boson work every day; this work is in everything everywhere.

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